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Everything posted by jcscoob

  1. 2 Irishmen find a mirror lying in the middle of the road. 1st irshman piks it and says "i know this face but cant put a name to it " the 2nd irshman picks it up and says "it's me you daft ba$tard" ! []
  2. So i take it you can use the standard bushes in the 5 speed to, wot about a link for them ? [] Craig let us know how it goes, and it feels.
  3. Peter if you still have your old ecu you could stick it in get Andy to stick a map on it then you could have both Gems and Ecutek, it would be intresting to see the diffrance. [] I touch goats .
  4. Yes [] For the money a great mod plus you can do it at the house in about ten mins [y] BTW totaly want your AP's they look fantastic, i was in mako's track car on friday night and he was able to brake much later than anything else round KH, well impressed []
  5. FFS mate, you'll get £250 for that [] Good clip though [y]
  6. No. ET Terminal Person Date Location Forrest'd 00. 09.19 158.5 Andyf 27/08/06 York Y 01. 10.99 116.0 John Stevenson 30/7/06 TOTB5 Y 02. 11.77 117.8 Jcscoob 10/10/06 Crail Y 03. 11.92 116.9 Andy N 10/10/06 Crail 04. 11.94 116.9 Simmie 16/10/05 Crail 05. 12.05 115.7 Playsatan 10/10/06 Crail 06. 12.35 106.4 Swanie 21/08/05 Crail N 07. 12.53 115.4 coulty 04/06/06 Crail 08. 12.61 107.4 Craig Mac 10/09/06 Crail 09. 12.79 110.0 JASONB 29/05/05 Crail N 10. 12.82 107.7 Gumball 04/06/06 Crail 11. 12.85 106.1 Fai17 04/06/06 Crail 12. 12.88 108.7 Andy.F 13/11/05 Crail Y 13. 12.88 106.1 G.Mac 10/09/06 Crail 14. 13.00 107.7 Weeb 09/04/06 Crail 15. 13.04 103.9 Higgy 10/09/06 Crail Y
  7. Hi jen welcome to the madness [y][]
  8. Ok here is a "WEE" video clip of me racing Andy N at crail on the 10th, filmed on my mates wifes phone. http://dl3.ohshare.com/v/4039597/Jon_100906.3gp.html
  9. Stephen the masses are right your idea is a bit gay, but still a no bad idea. [:|] The jumping out off a plane bit sounds good, or wot about goat tossing in the name of peace [{][}] []
  10. Peter thats the spirit mate [y] Nice bits [h] No uprated rear drop links !!??
  11. Captain uphill gardener was going for a new job as an offshore entertainer ..........
  12. Grant top video buddy, looks just braw [y][][~]
  13. Wayhay good news mate, congratulations [y][y] []
  14. Captain turd burgler seen a couple of piks you might be intrested in ! [:|] Ps................. []
  15. Captain spaztastic, i have found a good place for you to go and spout your tripe, enjoy !! http://www.indegayforum.org/
  16. I have been flashed from the front ........ And the old boy got 2 year [] Na mate welcome [] Why dont you want a turbo ?
  17. Shame it was missed the day but hey $h!t happins, Looks like a right good all the same[y][h] Welldone to Imy and Grant for sortin out a good day ! [][]
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