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Everything posted by jcscoob

  1. Cheers Paddy, it was a good day shame you wasnt there. []
  2. Wow, wacky thread man [:S] Hi m8 welcome [][]
  3. [] No. ET Terminal Person Date Location Run 01. 10.99 116.0 John Stevenson 30/7/06 TOTB5 1 02. 11.77 117.8 Jcscoob 10/10/06 Crail 1139 03. 11.92 116.9 Andy N 10/10/06 Crail 984 04. 11.94 116.9 Simmie 16/10/05 Crail 87 05. 12.05 115.7 Playsatan 10/10/06 Crail 1122 06. 12.35 106.4 Swanie 21/08/05 Crail 457 07. 12.53 115.4 coulty 04/06/06 Crail 344 08. 12.61 107.4 Craig Mac 10/09/06 Crail 225 09. 12.79 110.0 JASONB 29/05/05 Crail 721 10. 12.82 107.7 Gumball 04/06/06 Crail 520 11. 12.85 106.1 Fai17 04/06/06 Crail 581 12. 12.88 108.7 Andy.F 13/11/05 Crail 559 13. 12.88 106.1 G.Mac 10/09/06 Crail 970 14. 13.00 107.7 Weeb 09/04/06 Crail 1141 15. 13.04 103.9 Higgy 10/09/06 Crail 540 16. 13.24 105.9 Gogsie 10/09/06 Crail 142 17. 13.28 103.0 RhindPiece 10/09/06 Crail 965 18. 13.35 105.1 Iqy 27/11/05 Crail 427 19. 13.39 100.0 Paddy247 13/11/05 Crail 889 20. 13.67 99.8 FastScooby 10/09/06 Crail 1084 21. 13.80 103.0 scottish555 10/09/06 Crail ??? 22. 13.83 98.5 philip_w 10/09/06 Crail 169 23. 14,16 94.3 mrs.jcscoob 19/08/06 Crail 436 24. 14.28 93.4 st3ph3n 10/09/06 Crail 758 25. 14.30 95.7 Cal 13/11/05 Crail 155 26. 14.34 94.9 Irish Al 13/11/05 Crail 759 27. 14.43 97.6 lescazscoob 10/09/06 Crail 535 Wunder wot i can do to better that now, [^o)][]
  4. As colin says the site has not been updated yet, so i will just wait too [] But here is the wifes times from a few weeks ago. Ps, I have been trough some of the crail site and updated some ! Will do more later [] No. ET Terminal Person Date Location Run 01. 10.99 John Stevenson 30/7/06 TOTB5 02. 11.94 116.9 Simmie 16/10/05 Crail 87 03. 12.02 WUZ 04. 12.28 111.7 Andy N 30/07/06 Crail 1133 05. 12.35 106.4 Swanie 21/08/05 Crail 457 06. 12.48 111.1 JC scoob 13/11/05 Crail 678 07. 12.53 115.4 coulty 04/06/06 Crail 344 08. 12.61 107.4 Craig Mac 10/09/06 Crail 225 09. 12.79 110.0 JASONB 29/05/05 Crail 721 10. 12.80 107.4 Playsatan 13/11/05 Crail 733 11. 12.82 107.7 Gumball 04/06/06 Crail 520 12. 12.85 106.1 Fai17 04/06/06 Crail 581 13. 12.88 108.7 Andy.F 13/11/05 Crail 559 14. 12.88 106.1 G.Mac 10/09/06 Crail 970 15. 12.9 Col 666 16. 13.00 107.7 Weeb 09/04/06 Crail 1141 17. 13.041 103.9 Higgy 10/09/06 Crail 540 18. 13.07 Tino 19. 13.14 Kenny McGee 20. 13.2 99.1 P1 GGM 16/10/05 Crail 1014 21. 13.3 Hi Scoob 22. 13.3 JohnnyR6 23. 13.39 100.0 Paddy247 13/11/05 Crail 889 24. 13.40 101.8 Iqy 19/08/06 Crail 142 25. 13.80 WRC No 1 26. 13.80 103.0 scottish555 10/09/06 Crail 26. 13.83 100.7 FastScooby 10/09/06 Crail 577 27. 13.83 98.5 philip_w 10/09/06 Crail 169 28. 14,16 94.3 mrs.jcscoob 19/08/06 Crail 436 29. 14.28 93.4 st3ph3n 10/09/06 Crail 758 30. 14.30 95.7 Cal 13/11/05 Crail 155 31. 14.34 94.9 Irish Al 13/11/05 Crail 759 32. 14.43 97.6 lescazscoob 10/09/06 Crail 535
  5. Touchers car ! [:|] Wilky its a big grunter, but so is the scoob []
  6. Wot are you'z like [] Nice piks mate [y][]
  7. Good videos so far[y] Peter do you not have an in car one ??? [] Ok here goes first ever shot at putting up a video, took by my mates wife on her fone! >>>> removed coz video fones are shaty <<<< Looks got on fone tho ! [:|]
  8. Spince your a good man, taking control of the flags and banners thank you []
  9. Quality fotos lads ( just captures the day perfect) [y] [h] Here is some of mine even though i only took one, there all thanks to stephen, cheers mate [] Early morning, dirty mirror The in house prize - hand over [y] Going down the strip the wrong way[] Hats of to the guy in the orange car, nice one mate [y][] The last cars The happiest man even with a broken car [][] []
  10. Nice piks mate especialy the tongue one [] BTW - that is some motor you have got your self there, the most minted scoob i have ever seen.
  11. Were you the silver car with the decals ?
  12. Peter glad you made it home ok [] It was realy good to see you so happy all day even though your car was broken welldone lad []
  13. Russell I want what you did to JC motor please m8 [] Sorry m8 its top secret [:#][][:#] -------------------------------------------- Wuz and Andy well done guys in getting a car with standard uk internals go so well[y][], well and me [] Craig mega thanx for the help out to day your a star, just wot this club needs, a guy thats balls out for fun []
  14. Col great piks buddy cant wait to see the rest [] cheers for the freebee. []
  15. Crackin piks mate, it was good to meet you [y]
  16. What a day, pheeeww thank feck its over [] !! Thanks to all that turned out, and what a turn out it was - nice one guys [y][] Poor peter, no luck buddy[] but one good thing you never let it get you down[y] My car went well all day and drove home in one piece, apart from the brakes witch are now totaly goosed, lol well happy with the results. The trophys i have in the house are ..... ---------------------------------------- Ultimate champion Best 4 wheel drive Best club on & off strip Best club stand Best club in top 10 --------------------------------- Tropheys else where are ............ --------------------------------- Best jap car Best car in Show Well done everyone you have done your club proud [] Ps, Be back later with some piks.
  17. Where is the best/cheepest place to get Defis from ? Never thought i would want them before so never realy paid any attention where to get them. [] Thanks
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