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Everything posted by jcscoob

  1. Wot about a charger []??? ..............
  2. Colin there realy good piks mate, thats wot i like to see right in the thick of it [y][]
  3. Good post, the trumpet blower dosent always have the biggest trumpet. []
  4. Nothing like blowing your own trumpet, eh ! [:|]
  5. Was in perth my self today and never seen or heard a thing, poor colin my heart bleeds [] Brian it was good to see you today mate and have a right wee chat [y][]
  6. Simon it will be good just to see your UK car slaying modded JDM STI's and such like just for a laff, hahaha, trust me its good fun, mind you, you probably already know that []
  7. Good stuff Nik had your car out today giong to pik up more top secret mods for it and it felt very good, best its been[y] [] Also i would like to say thanks to Russ too for selling me another top secret car, im sure it will do the business [] Ps, Nicky its good to see your post getting ignored from the masses, lol [][]
  8. Vicky, no luck kid[] At least everyone/thing is now on the mend [y][]
  9. [H] I suposse it dosnt matter what cyprus is like thats not what your there for, sounds great [y][]
  10. White is real nice but it would have to be a spec-c, and black for the STI []
  11. While your here Russell you have real mail, signed []
  12. That would be good a knockers HH-Day []
  13. Think i have spoted AC!D in the pik [] Durring the party ............. Then once all the party goers were gone .......
  14. Love it[y] wunder how heavy they will be[]
  15. Looks good even in the rian, the drag strip wouldnt be much fun in that weather but spot on for trampdriftin ! [] http://www.trampdrift.com/ Ps good piks [y]
  16. Here is mine [] http://dl3.ohshare.com/v/4039597/Jon_100906.3gp.html
  17. Stephen i dont think crail is long enough ! Wot about getting truegrip envolved and see if we could get Leuchars !?! Ps, doesnt the Fastone work for the RAF ?
  18. I would be in for this also [] But where ? One of stephens better ideas [][]
  19. You see thats it very neet, i think if you leave the sti on it will look of balance []
  20. Everything off, inc S U B A R U & STI badge [] Is peters or Craigs not all off have look im sure there piks on here somewhere ! []
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