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Everything posted by jcscoob

  1. Great piks Grant like the black wheels[y], good pik of Paul too, looks like hes been on the disco biscuits[] The Deathstar - thats a car iv not seen for a while looking good though (even with the apple removed[] )[]
  2. MAKO = The most thanked man on SIDC[*] ! He has done it again [y][]
  3. Go for it Grant i have a few Truegrip's in the house your wellcome to (for a loan). []
  4. New brakes, as mine have turned to mush ! Then something big []
  5. Craig that looks the bussines mate[y][h]
  6. Col thats funny stuff [] Spotted the man himself ............... Mr Fantastic
  7. Whaaaaaaaaa, Thats very nice, love it [y][h][]
  8. Russell, no thank you for the blast it was realy good [y] need to get myself some of them brakes, didnt expect them to work as well as they do - fantastic [] BTW - didnt mind driving the suport car one little bit, i was thinking of you driving up the road in a striped out track car, you know with the climate control set to 25 the heated seats on an the crusie controle set on take me home mode - quality hearse mate !! [] Good to meet a new face (brian) and also good to meet the others. [] Ps, that "FAT PORKER" was of its nut. lol []
  9. DO YOU HAVE THE PROOF OF A 12.1 RUN ???? [:|]
  10. Leave the my william is bigger than your william talk for one of the relevant iv got a bigger william threads !
  11. Russ if you will have me co-pilot, im in ?! []
  12. Captain homsexual, leave Peter alone !! He didnt spend money on his car to have you abuse him withot reason. Your car ran 12.12. great, im pleased for you If you think kicking people when they are down is amusing then do it to someone who deserves it. Have u been here long enough to bump your gums? looks like you just turned up today as a new member and thought you would plss people off !! well its worked Well said, that man !!! Captain hom, do you have the proof about your 12.1 ???
  13. Oh stop being a baby, I/we are only having a laugh. [] You won't find my name on any results at Crail, when we went to TOTB Andy had to explain the Christams Tree thing to me [:$] 10.99 was my first ever drag run. [] appologies if I offended---john--- well I did a 13.8 something bla bla bla in a standard car and it was my first ever run lol []
  14. Right i dont realy want to do it for reasons of my own but i will if forced in to it with a bit of help, but i do think Stephen or Craig would make a very good job off it, just as long as its some bugger that was there []
  15. Col, good effort mate [y] Wot about me[]lol, i thought about Stephen or anyone else that was there and are good at that sort of stuff !
  16. Back on topic, Its better just as one class, if it was split in to classes the whole thing would just go to pot ! Good banter between Craig and Peter in the who has the best blue newage without gold wheels and garrett turbo class [y][] No. ET Terminal Person Date Location Run 00. 09.1? ???? Andyf ??? ?? ? 01. 10.99 116.0 John Stevenson 30/7/06 TOTB5 1 02. 11.77 117.8 Jcscoob 10/10/06 Crail 1139 03. 11.92 116.9 Andy N 10/10/06 Crail 984 04. 11.94 116.9 Simmie 16/10/05 Crail 87 05. 12.05 115.7 Playsatan 10/10/06 Crail 1122 06. 12.35 106.4 Swanie 21/08/05 Crail 457 07. 12.53 115.4 coulty 04/06/06 Crail 344 08. 12.61 107.4 Craig Mac 10/09/06 Crail 225 09. 12.79 110.0 JASONB 29/05/05 Crail 721 10. 12.82 107.7 Gumball 04/06/06 Crail 520 11. 12.85 106.1 Fai17 04/06/06 Crail 581 12. 12.88 108.7 Andy.F 13/11/05 Crail 559 13. 12.88 106.1 G.Mac 10/09/06 Crail 970 14. 13.00 107.7 Weeb 09/04/06 Crail 1141 15. 13.04 103.9 Higgy 10/09/06 Crail 540 16. 13.24 105.9 Gogsie 10/09/06 Crail 142 17. 13.28 103.0 RhindPiece 10/09/06 Crail 965 18. 13.34 106.1 Fee 09/04/06 Crail 972 19. 13.35 105.1 Iqy 27/11/05 Crail 427 20. 13.39 100.0 Paddy247 13/11/05 Crail 889 21. 13.67 99.8 FastScooby 10/09/06 Crail 1084 22. 13.80 103.0 scottish555 10/09/06 Crail ??? 23. 13.83 98.5 philip_w 10/09/06 Crail 169 24. 13.99 100.7 ali37 10/09/06 Crail 829 25. 14,16 94.3 mrs.Jcscoob 19/08/06 Crail 436 26. 14.28 93.4 st3ph3n 10/09/06 Crail 758 27. 14.30 95.7 Cal 13/11/05 Crail 155 28. 14.34 94.9 Irish Al 13/11/05 Crail 759 29. 14.43 97.6 lescazscoob 10/09/06 Crail 535
  17. Higgy, the dvd is just braw, thats the first time iv realy got to see my car going up the strip, cheers mate [y] Nice one Russ i was eyeing the one on your car up the last time, im well chuffed with it[] Jacky&Russ thank you for the toys for wee jake( and maybe me[:$]), he'll think he's it, ta[][]
  18. Well my wife went out to work tonight, done her work, then went to meet another man [^o)] She was acting very suspisciously, i turns out she has been on the phone to this man today, and i tell you its not the first time her and said man have been interlocked in fone conversation. So when she came home i gave her the third degree about the man she had been away meeting behind my back, and after a bit of water tourture she gave in to the questions without much persuasion or pain on her part ! And the man in question was .................. MAKO .. And he sold her this carbon STI strutbrace as a prezzie for me [] So Thank you Nicky and Mako, you wee pair'o'sneeks [y][]
  19. Might I suggest something less than 10.99 [] Yeh, i wish, but it is something to aim for. []
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