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Everything posted by jcscoob

  1. By far the best tyre, nice one Phil []
  2. Yup Andyf is the man wouldnt let anyone else near it [] BTW - wot car do you have and wot end of the town are you from ?? ( one of the 15 )
  3. [h] good to see kev wanting more from it[y] Is it a uk car ?
  4. Good mag this month, and a great wright up for Alan[h] welldone mate []
  5. OK. You canny beat it when the underdog(WRX) win's[y], but .......... He has bought the car like that, where is the fun in that, ie- watching your car get quicker and quicker with each mod you do, for me thats where the satisfaction is[h] ! Just my view on things. [] BTW - great time [y][]
  6. Nice time Kev[] A good bench mark for the STI's aim for []
  7. Cracking stuff [y][y][y]
  8. I would say its not the car that is "ned" its the driver, wither it be a nova or an enzo ! []
  9. Craig my computer has been down for a few days, so im just on now! Dont think i will be coming tomorow, but have a good time and watch out for some off them cossie powered things they tend to be quick [] Enjoy [y][]
  10. A bit p0rno but " Russ Rider " []
  11. Russell just noticed this ..... WTF []. Im sure you have it all in hand[] Good luck mate, stay in touch [y][]
  12. Another scooby m8[] maybe not ruled it out yet , i have my eyes on somthing else at the mo only 210 bhp in its works version though Is it a JC? and not ooor JC fae the Forum[] Totaly lost [*-)] []
  13. Jimmy if your worry'n about it, give Andy a shout just to put your mind at ease. []
  14. Yeah mate i would say the cold weather has a lot to do with it, enjoy []
  15. The orange looks great for track use but fuc# living with them for everyday use, you would end up seek looking at them and others looking at them and pointing [] For me this by far the best color .......... [][][]
  16. Steve stop ticklin me feet !
  17. Look at the smoke pishin of sicentific steves back wheel ! []
  18. Great piks Col [y] Who belongs the smokin black scoob ? []
  19. Im not the author, Andywrx is the talented man[] See the orginal thread here, there is a clicky for saving []..... http://forums.sidc.co.uk/forums/677901/ShowPost.aspx
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