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Everything posted by jcscoob

  1. Craig good point well put [y][] Lets all have a big kiss and a cudle, and look forward to Xmas. Maybe next year Dundee will do it own thing for santa cruise and the children of ninewells. [] Now i hope that next year there will be full suport from the whole board for the club challange because there is some deffending to be done, as we might have ruffeld a few feathers at the last one with the SIDC clean up [] the rest of the clubs will come out fighting and yes we will deffend the best car club in the ****ry. [] Peace out ya homos !!!
  2. Good stuff Cal the wife got the very same setup done to her blobeye a month or so ago, all i can say is wot a diffrance not sure if you notice it so much because the wrx's are a bit baggy to start with, but once prodrive has had its wicked way it was like a diffrant car ........ ALL GOOD [y][] I was gonna ask for a pik, you know like the one of your car away up in the hills but then i thought its a bit far for you to go for one pik ............. So i saved you the trouble [] BTW - im new to this photoshop thing so its a bit ropey !!
  3. Im sure this car has been on already maybe just a diffrent clip Click here to see Video And the New one [] Click here to see Video
  4. Mad driftin ... http://www.metacafe.com/watch/305093/craziest_drift_ever/
  5. Yeah Brian looking realy good and clean mate [y][]
  6. 1 - If your sidelights won't switch off look for the parking light switch on top of the steering column . 2 - Use the search function on the forum before asking the same old question . Oh yeah, Classics are for boys and newage for girls !!!
  7. Hahaha i thought for a moment, then rememberd ..................................... ...............[] ..........
  8. Brian, i cant see past yokohama's, very good wet and dry and didnt seem to wear to quickly. [] Ooops []
  9. Brian, i cant see past yokohama . very good wet and dry and didnt seem to wear to quickly. []
  10. Andy thats another qulity production there mate [y][h][]
  11. Yeah peter i think its the last one [] CRAIL - If you read this, wot are you thinking about, the weather is spot on !!! [:@] poor show guys !!
  12. PMSL you could have put it on the drift track with Mcdonlds tray's under the back wheels !! [] http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=...;q=fwd+drifting BTW - I think the crail weather man is on the mushys, coz it looks like it would been perfect racing/PB improving weather !![:@] Pisspoor effort crail !!!
  13. The black wheels i could'nt do, but here is some pink fellas ......
  14. Or there is always ........black [] (4Hero that ones for you[])
  15. [Y] Great news Iain you will have to stop in and take me out for a blast, cant wait [][]
  16. Steve & Iain - its good to see a very civil ending to some story, nice one lads [h] Iain, glad you are on the mend and as i said before good luck with the car repairs mate []
  17. Didnt pink pepper want that about a year ago, not for my like but some burd would love it ! [:|]
  18. lol @ colin [] Squirrltastic vids there guys you and Cal have done very well [y][][h] Best vid goes to Squirrel ................ ..... Best hairpin filiming goes to Cal ......... And best drift goes to Jools .................... Great stuff guys [][][]
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