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Everything posted by jcscoob

  1. WAYHAY, great stuff buddy [y][y][y][][][] Ps, welcome home []
  2. Que, Grant ......... hope he has been peddling his wee bum to rasie the funds []
  3. Col, i would say dont accept any less than 9000+ []
  4. Ok everyone with a std car its you ! case closed . [:|]
  5. Col the new site looks spot on, weldone mate [y][]
  6. [:#][] Na mate, only got 440's spare - sorry []
  7. I'll lend you my Dyno sheet, it's way better than all of the ones on here [] [][]
  8. I wunder who CF could be [^o)] I think i know, well its pritty plane to see !!! [:|] O i forgot to say ............... BOAR OFF !!!! This discution has turned to $hite !!! [|-)][|-)][|-)]
  9. FFS chris, nice signature [][][:'(] "You just have NOT lived unless you have driven 400dry fingers up your chorus in the wet with worn Kuhmos and a barefoot kunta kintae working it intae ye as the mashcowboy grins as he slips on the crotchless rubber face mask.........again" hahahahahaha
  10. PMSL ]] you've got some sense and dont put it on the dyno []
  11. Yeah Dougie get back to your bed [] Get well soon []
  12. Peter fantastic result buddy you deserve it [y][]
  13. Well girls the best thing to do is pee in private, if you dont spout your pee then you dont get disapionted when you find out you cant pee the furthest, remember someone can always pee further than you ! pee free [] Ps, i couldnt give a flying pudle of pee how much BHPee i have []
  14. Well Peter only you can do it, ecutek £550 ??????? get it done kid [] http://www.andyforrestperformance.co.uk/16280/index.html
  15. Thats no fair im about Andy n[] But seen as you mention it your no bad at it too [] Ps, you paid me the last time remember[]
  16. And there is team duke, but dont think its road legal tho ...... http://www.motoraddicts.com/experts/blog/t...dsatthepod11934 8.8 []
  17. Andy dosent brake things [] []
  18. Davie got any pics yet ? Do they still look like STD headlights ? []
  19. Are you trying to start an agrument, them newagers dont need much encuragment, lol [][] BTW - i think i seen the car in AWD with some nice parts straped to it, inc a very FAT fmic, Fastest newage - its a serious contender anyway !! [y][]
  20. Coulty nice one mate[y] Good luck, and it looks like you will get a chance to stick a motor in the car of yours []
  21. Try here mate, the meet point is sainsburys carpark. http://forums.sidc.co.uk/forums/811601/ShowPost.aspx#811601 Ps, wot car do you drive, and i will keep an eye out for ya, even better any piks ??
  22. Maths time ..... BHP -------- 1/4MILE 360 --------- 12.8 370 --------- 12.6 403 --------- 12.8 [:|]
  23. And might look like this ........ and have hands like so ...... [] []
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