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Everything posted by jcscoob

  1. Well my money is on the blue one without the gold wheels ! []
  2. Hi mate welcome to the SIDC [] As Craig says "whiteline group buy" []
  3. Hi mate wellcome,very very nice car [y][h][]
  4. Good news Peter[y], fingers crossed you get a good chance at crail []
  5. Maybe he only uses the name Captain bumbastic as his stage name, and if the guys a wallace dont work off shore then they wouldnt have heard of the fork tougue'd pole dancer/smoker [] Dancing man removed, due to making someone's pants bulge [] []
  6. I wanted to be a binman, called Albert . [] Here is what i might have looked like[] Did'nt stick in at school and never got the qulifaction. [:S]
  7. http://forums.sidc.co.uk/forums/761504/ShowPost.aspx []
  8. Ah thats how i never seen you, you have blue wagon with the boat on the roof. []
  9. Im not selling mine eather not even for another one (just sell the wifes(to pay for more mods) but dont tell her) [] Wot cars were you'z driving ?
  10. To late now kid your hooked... hahahaha []
  11. Welldone buddy im sure you will do just fine []
  12. Hi mate good to see you have made the effort[y] If your round Dundee way gives a shout and i will take you for a blast. Going to Peters for meal would be a good idea . [H]
  13. Blimey -you learn something new every day. Never knew the Froggies had a word for "challenge". I thought their vocabulary was restricted to "surrender", "collaborate" and "run away". FFS andy thats funny [y] [] [:'(]
  14. []lol [] Ps, wot have i done to deserve all the short guy jokes! []
  15. Russell i will speek to you when you get back home mate [] Z1000's thread reminded me about this.
  16. Have a look at this thread here, im after some defi's too and posted something similar up a "puckle'o'wicks" ago .... http://forums.sidc.co.uk/forums/778358/ShowPost.aspx
  17. Waaaa, now your askin [:S] Give them a fone to see, if not one off the custom zorst shops []
  18. Its the same gasket [] And you will be able to get the rest from subaru .
  19. Poor hamster, hope he gets well soon ! Here is a wee pik of the car bafore ...... And a wee after shot ..... []
  20. "paying £600 a month " [] "400 a month " [] Bloodie hell lads thats a lot of comitment, mine costs me nothing a month, saved up for it. And the wifes costs us £20 a week each, but not to long on that now. Cal, keep yer penneys for the now mate, mod yer motor to a mad/safe level and enjoy it, and have that wee bit extra cash in yer pocket for a while, and once the new hatch scoob is launched they will be giving the hawkeyes away, plus its great being the underdog []
  21. St3ph3n I think it was a good idea m8 and good on you for trying. Phil Sell your Impreza then. GO PLANT A TREE. Why should I sell my 4 door family so called ROAD MONSTER lol hahahaha just for wanting to plant a tree???? just remember some people on here like trees, goats & sheep. Oh! I'm sorry, you appear to have missed the point; allow me to redefine it for you. The idea of actually planting a tree was to offset our habit of polluting the atmosphere, nothing to do with actually liking trees. If you feel so strongly about planting trees and therefore helping the environment it will be wholly more productive to sell your Imreza (assuming that is what you drive) and cut down on emmisions that way. Asking Impreza drivers to plant trees to save the world is the same as Micky Mouse handing out leaflets for peado-day at Disney World - As with the example you will see that factors contained therein, are diametrically opposed to each other. Got it yet? For the record, I do actually like trees. [ip] Bla bla bla bla bla bla Welsho what you do on peado-day at Disney World is up to you []. Typical of the uneducated and the ill-informed jsut surrendered ... [:|]
  22. A wee boy examines his testcles and askes his mum "are these my brains mummy ? " And mummy reply's " not yet son"
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