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Everything posted by jcscoob

  1. Na mate its the shell at the double circle.
  2. Everyone is welcome for grub . Do you'z think 4 wee BBQ's will do ?
  3. OK pops iv been out to the shops[] Iv got 24rolls, red and brown sauce, and 4 disposable BBQ's not sure if its gonna be enough, pls feel free to bring whatever, cyas the morow you bunch of hungry hippos, [][]
  4. Right i have just foned in an order at the butchers its 1 block of onion lorne sliced and a half block of norm lorne sliced and 20 burggers, if you's want anything else ........... Bring it yer sel !!! []
  5. Ok guys wot are we all gonna EAT tomorow ?? Do we want a BBQ ? Please let us know. If so you can eather bring along some stuff for it, or we can chip in and i can nip out to the shops and get some gear and a couple of disposble BBQ's ? Please let me know so we can get some thing sorted TODAY !!!
  6. Spy shots eh !! [^o)] Bandito have a ball young man, Remember buy everything []
  7. well if we meet at the garage about 9ish that should be plenty time, there is lots off room for the stand set up.
  8. Craig looking sh!t hot buddy [y][h] Think we will all be on a polish off the morow ! [au]
  9. PMSL [] well as long as we are sharp we will make it ! [] Getting exited now - only two sleeps , lol [<)][6][]
  10. ABZ 1. Kloon 2. Philip_w 3. Craig Mac 4. Charlie 5. Ali37 6. Des 7. Gogsie 8. Herbie 9. DuncATR 10. Euan_r (work dependant) 11. Rhindpiece 12. Rocky1722 Ddee 1 . JC 2 . pugpaul 3. Col666 4. RS Grant
  11. [] Russell im with Andy, but i dont know wots been going on. Thank you for all your valued help and advise, have a good think about it mate, eather way stay in touch []
  12. Stephen if you take controle of the south to north convoy that would be a great help mate [y] From north to south plans are abz folk meet up at said meeting point, then pick the dundee folk at the shell then head of to crail hooking up with RS Grant and anyone else thats up for it on route . Grant i will give a call, re - meeting point. []
  13. Yeah paul coz you have the 18's thay will fit []
  14. Russ take care mate and make the most of it, enjoy [][]
  15. Frank it went well thanks for asking[y], put it this way i made it home with out breaking anything this time[], never the last time [:'(][]
  16. Cal great piks buddy[y] some times you need to fly solo[]
  17. No probs mate[y] I dont think he will he is looking for consistency as much as you are []
  18. Russs that wasnt a dig at you or anyone just my own opion, Its just that all the figures are so diffrent from place to place not very consistent at atoll.
  19. LOL !!!! [] missed it but funny anyway [6][]
  20. Good thread lads [y] And it looks much better now []
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