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Everything posted by jcscoob

  1. Craig your a gent and thats very kind of ya, but im gonna take advantge of the free time and spend the day with the kids.[] Ps, good luck for tomorow [][]
  2. lol ...... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-Q02zWQVls...ated&search=
  3. OK M8 [] Na im not doing anything tomorow as my car's not ready yet every thing had to be put back a week or so, never mind it will all be worth it in the end []
  4. Good craig [y] i have one to sounds like a gun going off[6] but the wife is looking for 1 at the mo, i take it you got it private ?? If not where did you get it ?
  5. Thats a braw big bus, a load of car for your money [y][h][]
  6. Good mate [y] Im just waiting patiently [:|]
  7. Bloodie hell .......... [][6][6][6]
  8. Hi mate welcome [] " do you work in a kebab shop by any chance?? " PMSL [:'(][]
  9. How did the sesion go, i take it your a happy scientest ?! []
  10. Yup im the beever hunter o the north [:$][]
  11. Check this guys work out, remember and look closely [] http://users.skynet.be/J.Beever/pave.htm
  12. Good, a shame, good and good [] []
  13. GOLF DAY 1, Craig Mac Handicap.......Clubs 2, JC Handicap ...............Me
  14. Wot about a wee list !?! [^o)] BTW- Iv not played in ages [:$]
  15. Cool stephen [y][] The wifes WRX was in today for much of the same, shes not got it back yet[] but she gets it tomorow, im sure she will be laffin like a maniac all the way home too! []
  16. Harvey thank you for the advice/concern[y][H] I will only be gingerly driving it to get some more work done on it then driving it again to get it mapped, all of boost [] .
  17. NP-Frank [] Yup Steve the camping trip is off, shame to coz i think Frank was going to take me to the pub !!! [] []
  18. Cool vid, its good to someone actualy doing something with all the fotage that must get filmed at all these events [y][] BTW - Who own's the "fasted car of the day" Blue bug eye ?? []
  19. Na Frank there has been a change of plan[], im in on the 25th pm ! []
  20. Cheers guys[y] Its all ready mapped for a CAI (crap air intake), all i have done is change it for the better, its due in for a new map on the 25th and will be hardly driven till then. But when i was out last night it was showing 8 knock on the apexi hand set, witch is pritty good considering ! []
  21. Good vids[y] ...Wots the camara car ?? Z06??? [*-)]
  22. As dry as a witch's t!t !! []
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