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Everything posted by jcscoob

  1. Its like a wet t-shirt comp [] Paul its looking fantstic as usual [y] BTW- Thankyou for a loan of Tomtom []
  2. Col great piks mate, thank f*** your mad and can bring us these mad piks( fresh everyweek) [y][] My fave pik is .........
  3. Fantastic Ian [<)] If you just hand it in on your way past at some point after friday i will have it run in the next day for ya [] []
  4. WARNING !! This vid has sweary's in it, not for kids !! But still good [] http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6167916662594488
  5. Great fun little game Imy [Y] STi RA is lighter 1. Imy 2. Drb5 3. C3SSE 4. Fai17 5. JohhnSt (£10 donation regardless of winner) STi Limited is lighter 1. Squirrel 2. st3ph3n 3. WRXMANIA (just lighter) 4. Oz *STI* 5. JC (20kg lighter)
  6. Russ they are better piks than we have []
  7. If anyone missed it like me, its on men and motors at 19:00 tonite after the junior WRC at 18:25 ! []
  8. Sounds great, me and Nik are gonna pop in one nite when we are down your way(ish). Imy surley your service canny be that bad [][]
  9. BAAA,BAAA, I dont eat sheep coz they smell of abz man milk !!! [+o(]
  10. Grant thats bloodie fantastic[y] And its the very first one off your vid iv managed to get to work, nice one []
  11. Fantastic piks col (yet again) Like the Flyin porker[y] but this is my fave.......
  12. "I would not take the 05 jdm sti there no way" WTF - And you tell Scoobykev to go and get it set so his car is all over the shop (maybe). Dipsy its a bit different when there are more than just your self to look after, after all kev and his family are a bit more important than an "MY05 JDM STI" !
  13. Cool piks Craig [y] get the rest up. []
  14. I thought i could here the thunder from my house !! [] Glad all went well, canny wait get hurl in it [<)][][y]
  15. Dipsy i know that was who done my car the last time, but not the next time []
  16. YES - BUT IS IT. Nicky got her geo done there and the car was never the same again (like the back toe was out) then it randomly through the car out at the back end and smashed it to smitheriens and almost wiped out the WHOLE FAMILY . So for the want of a couple of quid, plus fuel !!
  17. Kev the neerest to you will be Fiskins, they done mine the first time and i was well happy[y] and it cost £47. Plus you get a chance to try it out comming down the B-road[] Its no much fun on a test drive along dock street[] And pass on the brake Q []
  18. OK Peter iv had a good look round ebay and found this V-limited AVCR, it might just be the very thing you are after !!!! ........... []
  19. Very very nice m8 [y] Where did you get the center caps ??
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