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Everything posted by jcscoob

  1. Hi buddy welcome, Peter will keep you right [y][] Btw - Peter great idea about Tinternet in the shop, why not get a WIFI conection then anyone with a laptop can use it while they enjoy some good food[]
  2. PMSL, you rascal !! [] PM - sent . I was wanting it to show the wife but she didnt find as amusing as i did, lol ! [:$]
  3. Cant remaber the site it was on, anyone ??? Phil, did you not save it in your favourites ?? [] -------------------------------- Dont know wot happend there .... lol []
  4. Cant remaber the site it was on, anyone ???
  5. Why do you need one of them ? [^o)] Sorry know nothing about them.
  6. Thats the kinda stuff we all miss, PMSL !!! []
  7. [H] How do you get a card, anyone got a clicky ?? []
  8. Dougie just got my copy, and its in one piece[y]
  9. Check all your vac hoses round the turbo area for splits, mine was donig the same when i first got it and it turned out to be a 2" long piece of vac hose with a small split only visable when i flexed the hose, changed it for a bit silicon and as good as new. worth a look ! []
  10. Jinges[] Thats quality, wait till the mods get an eye full of that, lol [Y][]
  11. Cheers dougie i will have a good look befor opneing[y], my wee shop seems to be a bit late with my copy this month, maybe they are having some creamy page trouble !! [:|]
  12. It was about then, but i was megga tired, and had to listen to that droooon all the way down the road with no stereo, fightin sleep, the window's down and having to slap myself once in a while to stay awake[] But i made, lol [] there should maybe a "mod society" hand shake like the masons []
  13. Grant that is a stunning example, very nice [H][Y][]
  14. Sorry lads the CAI is a one off [] Iv got stuff on the weekend of october7/8th or i would of had signed up last week [] And as for Crail, its aganst timing gear and proves just how fast your car realy is with in a thousand'ths of second, all the rest of the blah is just here say !!! []
  15. Not one to blow my own trummpet, so all i can say is im happy ! [] Looking forward to crail on the 10th now, as the proof is in the pudding. []
  16. Thank you Andyf for another fantasic MAP, your a star [y][] Thank you WUZ for carring out some top notch work on my car, you also are a star [y][] And thank you Nicky for putting up with my never ending $h!t [][] O yeah and thanks to me for the work and money thats went in to it all[:|] ----------------------------------------------------- All work carried out on the car, was to very high standard, i would recomend them to all []
  17. Yeah i would go fo it ......... the day before remap !!! []
  18. Buggger, does anyone know where i can get some tomorow between dundee and edinburgh ??
  19. "Ill say no more lol " Top secret []
  20. Acid was that the garge at the south side of the forth road bridge that never had it yet? as i would'nt mind a tank of V-power for getting the new map (tomorow) ! []
  21. Mine split in the very same place[:|], and im sure i got the new from the same place.
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