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Everything posted by jcscoob

  1. Well here is my view on it all ....... Rolling roads are CRRAP !!! Im not intrested in poxy figures all you do set your self up for a disapointment. And a load of bullshit printed in not black and wight but color.
  2. You might not be feel too well on Sunday and you will need to get some fresh air in you[] See yous there Peter thats a great idea i was thinking that today, im sure it will not take much to convince him he is unwell [+o(][] Collin you know wot they say, " fresh sea air is the best thing for ya when your no well " []
  3. done it once maybe twice, wot about if the thread is already started ! []
  4. Stephen if you are there i will stick it in mine for a wee laff [y][]
  5. Yup Lightning McGreen would be a handy wepon right now, but remember there is always a blue "mega" classic RA running a big old garret and 2bar of boooooooost !!!!! [][6][:'(]
  6. There should be 2 convoys 1 from the south and 1 from the north []
  7. Yup Craig this is lol [] Russ its turning in to race wars , lol [y] []
  8. This is from that site. [:|] " Crail should be interesting next week right enough. It's gonna take some of your best scoob's to even see off the front wheel drive cars from SSC "
  9. Well folks there are loads of dastek threads and i have read them all, far to much to reply to them all. So well done everyone lots of big scores, and realy well tuned motors, some good santa cruise stuff, fantastc piks and vids, shame i missed it but hey[] Nice one [y][]
  10. [] Russ how long did it take Jacky to iron that ???? ....... hehehe O yeah its not the size of the dog .... hahaha [][]
  11. Fantastc piks col AGAIN[y] Russ you have been askin for that for a while now... hehehehe[] fair enough Col was cought smellin the (1 hour old) shoe, but remember "JC Bounty hunter" !! [] Ps, back soon []
  12. YUP !!! The Forester is very nice drives great and pull's like a train all with the help of that 2.5 lump stashed under the bonet, BTW looks bloodie great in my drive too !!! [] [] As JC shadies of into the back ground leaving a small trail of crumbs .... []
  13. Russell it may well be a bad habit .......... But it does works ! []
  14. A strange looking guy with a white wagon and funny complexion? What tanman !!! []
  15. Looks realy good mate dont let Grant talk you in to painting the kit[] it looks just fine, clean and original as is[y][]
  16. This is a good game[y][] The higgest power? Collin The highest torque? DRB5 The biggest flames? Peter The loudest car? Im not going[] so it might be Brian For every one i get right i will donate £5 to santa cruz []
  17. Craig im not going buddy, got some other famliy stuff on []
  18. Dont think you were the only one peter[] sorry could'nt resist .......... Brian BTW you have got your self a proper "classsic" there mate very nice car[y][] That must be the worst start in the history of crail, I should have been shot for that one lol I know Paddy your head was full of magic, your to busy gassing to the passenger, lol [] Brian no porbs mate, iv always realy liked that car and very glad its went to a good home to be preserved forever, nice one []
  19. A couple ..... [] A pik but not of your new car [] ......
  20. Dont think you were the only one peter[] sorry could'nt resist .......... Brian BTW you have got your self a proper "classsic" there mate very nice car[y][]
  21. Vrey very sad[] Was Paul from Dundee and is it the disc depot that you guys owned? If so i never had a chance to meet Paul or your self, kinda silly realy as i just live 2mins up the road from your work. Our thoughts are with all friends and famliy, stay strong . Jon and Nicky
  22. Fanfockintastc !!!! [y][y] Mon the scoobs [] [<)]
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