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Everything posted by st3ph3n

  1. What about some no-step stickers on the spoiler? Some elise kill stickers on the side?
  2. John - the Gumball's not the cool event that it tried to be which was why I'd said to drop it. Get some proper Cannonball Baker Sea-to-shing-sea memorial trophy dash stickers on that bad boy!
  3. There was a WRX300, which was a 2005 car. WR Blue with a few extra bits and some SWRT branding. The UK300 to the best of my knowledge was just a bugeye WRX with some prodrive bits. There was never any other UK300 cars.
  4. Kill the gumball stickers and it's a winner!
  5. And the award for the man who really should have known better given how long he's been around here and the kind of people he now knows goes to .................. Andy! James - if you come along to one of the local meets I'm sure some of the .... I don't know if mad scientists or witch doctors fits best, but one of them will guide you down the dark side of modifying anyway. The Ecutek website is quite informative though - http://www.ecutek.com/tuning/
  6. Went for a walk in the afternoon and almost got caught out by the snow which was starting to come on pretty strong as we got back to the car. Then a wee family dinner. There's one thing bad thing about 4 day weekends. They don't last long enough.
  7. I only say that from past experience
  8. Pete, you've not got something silly like a bottle of de-icer sitting behind you that's slooshing about?
  9. http://kultivate.wordpress.com/2008/03/13/...th-team-orange/ A hill, some Nissans, some crazy japanese drivers. Bliss.
  10. Very nice Frank. Looks in good shape. It'll be like Christmas when it arrives. Although I hope it's not LITERALLY christmas!
  11. Always a pleasure watching your videos Rog.
  12. Did Dunc buy the new STI then? He was telling me he'd testdrove one when I was over on Tuesday last week. Certainly rated it very highly.
  13. I must admit to not really minding paying tax - as long as it's not taking the piss. What gets on my goat is the handling fee. I've had stuff shipped in that cost me like £20, had to pay tax on it of next to feck all but then been stung by Parcel Farce for £10 handling. That's theft in my book. I didn't ask for them to handle it, I'd quite happily have declared the tax myself.
  14. I find the same Col. American companies follow one of two attitudes - bend over backwards to help you out, or stick completely to the letter of their law. The Hong Kong companies are always good for marking things down. I once got 20 mini remote control cars through the post as a sample
  15. The old Nadics site used to make the baby Jesus cry. Web design from 1993! All it needed was a wee animated under construction logo and it would have been complete.
  16. Good looking car Fraser. Seems to have all the right bits and just needs some tender love and money. You're a right ****el now!
  17. Much improvement on that site in the last year or so. The PDA and WAP versions are pretty damn good it has to be said. Well worth sticking in the phone browser. Always useful on the go (when stopped that is of course).
  18. You win then JC. I'll expect a cheque in the post?
  19. Excellent news mate. These things are worth persisting with. Enjoy 95+ on any private roads of course. Nothing over 70 on the regular stuff
  20. It depends on what the rear demister is on. The switch occurs when the demister is turned from off to on. So in theory 1 click does it. You'll need 2 to get it back to whatever setting you were on.
  21. What he really means Andy is can you do a map that his wife wouldn't find out about.
  22. Mine's currently lying at the side of the house in two very distinct pieces, one of which is more twisted than the col de turini. I did manage to get nearly 3 years out of mine though.
  23. I think my current 2.0 megapixel (that's 2.0, not 20) camera just isn't cutting it now to be honest. Plus it seems the size, and number of your lens collection is a measurement of your manhood. I'd use my N95 but ..... the battery lasts all of 14 minutes.
  24. Cal - did you not have a splitter on the bug that went its different ways from the car at an unkonwn location?
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