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Everything posted by st3ph3n

  1. http://www.flickr.com/photos/st3ph3n/sets/72157604779729554/ My efforts for the day. I'll have a word with Giles tomorrow about that!
  2. Arch, i'm just exporting my "picks" for the day which will get shoved up on Flickr as soon as they're done and there's a few of you.
  3. Smashing day yesterday. Weather could not have been any better. I was looking around every 10 minutes wondering when the rain was due to arrive. I've not sorted through my pictures yet but will do so tonight. Definitely a few good ones in the batch, including the obligatory arty one and the obligatory ducks one.
  4. You could pick up sky on those brake discs. Can't wait to hear and see it Colin as it's been TOO long since it's been out of the cage.
  5. Hoho Jim. You're not going half arsed on this bad boy. Outstanding mate.
  6. Get Pedals' car that's in the for sale section. Much better.
  7. Always good to see praise when it's due. Wonder what mine would look like with purple wheels .....
  8. You can do damage with a sponge if you hit someone hard enough. Some of the jap time attack cars run big canards. Help with keeping the front end stuck down at speed.
  9. I remember our wee chat now Alan. Fit a standard one with a simple modification done to it then?
  10. Fit one of the good replacements if you can - zerosports cool thermo etc.
  11. It's like all your Christmases come at once Jim. Can't wait to see the end result.
  12. Whilst travelling north bound on the M74 this evening I was passing an 807 (big people carrier thing). I was doing the speed limit in no rush to get anywhere and it was doing under the limit and had been seen doing so for at least 2 miles. As I pulled along side it the guy driving must have felt that I had questioned the size of his manhood so simply had to show me that he really was the big man and roared the french diesel cast iron turd into life and slowly but surely crept away from me. I was truly humbled by the massive performance as it roared like a tractor on acid into the roadworks with the posted 50 limit doing at least 80mph. Congratulations, you win todays ***t of the day award.
  13. 4 Types dunk - the chocolate block too
  14. Knowing Peter it could be anyone's guess!
  15. Well done to all those involved in the effort.
  16. I couldn't do them justice mate. They belong on something special. Something like yours. Couldn't afford them either!
  17. Cheers chaps. Sunday available here - http://www.flickr.com/photos/st3ph3n/sets/72157604660867028/ This is the start of the sequence of John Stevenson's interesting moment - http://www.flickr.com/photos/st3ph3n/24323...57604660867028/
  18. If those wheels ever went up for sale there would be a waiting list to buy as long as the wait for this car to be finished!
  19. http://www.flickr.com/photos/st3ph3n/sets/72157604657247530/ Saturday's pictures from me. Will get a look over Sunday's later on.
  20. Anyone care to own up to driving like a complete and utter c**t this afternoon? Went to Callander to get some dinner after the hillclimb then headed home. Not too far past Blair Drummond safari park I spied a silver wagon approaching at warp 9. I was in the queue of traffic doing 50 and the closing speed was probably that again. The driver proceeded to pull out and overtake me and EIGHT cars in the queue (which was possibly another 6-10 cars longer, and tightly packed) before having to force their way into the pack where there wasn't space when met with traffic coming the other way, causing the traffic behind to slow down pretty badly, rippling its way back to me who almost came to a stop. You saved yourself all of 30 seconds in your hugely important, yet I imagine what will ultimately be a very short life. Congratulations. You win at traffics today. Registration ended in BHP I think but I didn't get the full thing due to the speed differential. If I did have it you'd have been reported to the police, Scooby driver or not.
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