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Everything posted by st3ph3n

  1. Looks like a F360 Challenge Stradale. Nice. Very nice.
  2. I did mine 2 years ago, so 1 out of 4 wasn't bad!
  3. That's John's wee incident earlier. Or at least the first part of it! I'll process the rest of my photos tomorrow properly and get them on flickr, but for now you can all chew that one over.
  4. And I'm back y'all. CF Card number 1 currently importing into lightroom. Got another full 4gb one to go, then a wee bit on a 2gb too. Got pictures of John's wee "close" moment which happened right in front of my face so hopefully they turned out decent. Oh and the weekend was fantastic. Weather couldn't have been better. My mate Paul did pretty well for his first time up the hill. It's a damn scary place. For the record, or possibly just for Terzo Neil - I was staying over in Doune, not at 4hero's house like he seemed to think. Neil's a nice guy and everything but ....
  5. I did mine myself. I'd already installed my stereo so had fresh iso harness wires which I just tapped into. There's 4 wires: Red - 12v constant - Red on my ISO harness for the stereo too. Orange - 12v switched ignition - Blue on the radio harness from memory White - Dimmer - Green and white wire on the radio Black - Ground - Black also handily. Just get blade connectors and tap them into the radio harness and you're quids in. If I can do it anyone can.
  6. You looking for crash magnet status now too Marky? Nice shots mate.
  7. Are they the same size as Peters? They certainly appeared to be damn useful when I was humbled by a short drive in the chocolate mobile.
  8. JC - The goodyear Eagle F1s. As that old marketing statement went - if you can find a better tyre for the money, then you buy it. Wet and dry performance is fantastic.
  9. That's a nice set of brakes Jim. Very nice indeed.
  10. I thought they were pegs for hanging my coat
  11. I used a bit of double sided foam fixing tape. Still holding 3 years later.
  12. You could always learn sisqo. That thong-th-th-thong. That's where the real money is
  13. Not sure if this is going to Doune or not. Paul was telling me about one of the single seaters which the guy has basically designed himself and I think it's that one. Produces immense amounts of down force apparently. Who's been nicking your pictures Neil?
  14. That's great news Fee. So we'll see you at Knockhill for the time attack then?
  15. I gave up looking a long time ago. It just makes me sad now.
  16. Will catch up with you on Sunday then. You got damn close to the action at Kames by the look of it.
  17. Scott, get your pictures from that processed yet? You bumped into my mate who was competeing and he's itching to see some photos from the day. You going up to Doune this weekend too?
  18. It stops the oil slooshing about as much in the sump. So that when you're giving it full attack the oil doesn't all disappear to one corner of the engine and then the pump can't sook it up and get it where it's needed most. Plus it looks good on the spec list down the line
  19. That white F430. Wet myself really.
  20. It was that rail crossing. Which I must say I'd taken plenty of times before. I wouldn't even have said I took it TOO exhubirantly, but it made a SCCCCRUNNCHHH noise and I thought nothing of it. But when I got to the first speed bump in Bothwell I realised there was a definite problem. The Tein's drop the car a bit more than the prodrives do also.
  21. I loved my Scott Lowe one for my blobeye. It had an argument with a speed bump which wounded it, then it had an argument with a railroad crossing which killed it. Lasted nearly 3 years on the car, most of which was with the Tein springs on it and it was lower than a snakes belly at the front. Had a good few car park scrapes with it too. But boy did it look good.
  22. That looks in outstanding condition for its age.
  23. As always Colin - utterly superb. You seem to be a magnet for crashes and ladies!
  24. Fantastic news Fee. Keep us up to date with the situation and fingers crossed you'll get some time attacking done.
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