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Everything posted by scooby222

  1. thats odd, i just had two new tyres on the front,f1 eagles, and my cars doing the same despite a full geo setup and new pads/calipers cleaned. was suggested to me to try swapping the wheels front and rear to see if it still does it
  2. aah,when photographers start comparing lens sizes you know its a downward slope.... john got the roll on video too,and he was filming in car when we 'enthusiastically' met the northern constabularlys finest too did the rest of you follow the struie back down to Alness? we hung about til they restarted and got the last few cars,though every time we packed up the cameras another appeared! and howd the night on the brew go? some quality photos there Al and Scott, off to browse the sites for a serious camera now o and looks like another convert, john spent last night trawling the autotrader website for imprezas...
  3. Al hiding in the bushes answers on a postcard as to what scotts up to here... competion was so fierce corolla wrc was 4th! nicest services ive ever seen! nothing like old skool fun theres REALLY nothing like old skool! car heading straight for john no word needed
  4. nope they dont, different struts from 05 my onwards i believe so unless its a very late 04 car the springs are different
  5. oletam i can send you the fast road settings ive got for my 05 sti in a couple of days or if Als reading this feel free to forward them. id also highly recomend hypertech to do the alignment, dont know anything bout hypertech but havent had any luck with geo setup from subaru dealers
  6. i went to cayo coco last september,the blau colonial,had a great time! like ian said the havana overnight is a must but expensive,and i almost died on the way back-dont get on small planes in thunderstorms! usually they try to get you to book any excursiopns as soon as you arrive but its worth seeing whats available on the beach and through other operators. we did a catamaran and snorkelling trip out to the reef from the beach which was half the tour price. the jeep safari to the mainland is also good fun,especially if you opt to drive yourself. and i also highly recomend the paragliding/sailing? from the beach,best view you can get of the place. theres also a horse and carriage tour which goes round all the hotels on cayo coco(there all together) stopping for a drink at each one and a sunset ride to the beach for a lobster dinner. and dont forget your driving licence as you need it to hire mopeds or cars which they do at the hotel-haggle on price,the longer you have it the cheaper you can get it. and Ac!ds right the cigars are great, yet another expensive habit ive picked up
  7. how the hell are you getting quotes so cheap! but im with higgy, try a-plan great price and great service. they were over 500 pounds cheaper than keith michaels for me!
  8. next meets 16th of feb for the snowman rally which im guessing you wont be about for, keep an eye out for the next one though be good to catch up. but get some pics up in the meantime- and any mods planned yet?
  9. welcome back Al, knew that german shopping trolley wouldnt hold you for long! nice choice too, any chance of seeing you at a meet again?
  10. being wary of people watching the internet with lawyers at the ready il just say i wont be shopping in cupar again,if anyone wants more info pm me, ive a lot to say. ive got an 05 sti with prodrive springs, duncan put on his own fast road settings, more aggressive than standard but less wear inducing than prodrive - handles better now than when it left the factory,feels closer to a classic now with loads of mid corner adjustability. had lots of problems getting the set up done properly and hypertech was one of the few places i had only heard good about and was definitely worth it.
  11. happy days, my car actually handles again! big thanks to duncan at hypertech for setting it up a treat,what a difference. after three goes the supplying dealer finally put it out with settings that made the car feel lethal and so unstable that the abs cut in even under light braking, i cant emphasise my disgust with the dealer and wouldnt trust them with a pushbike. but at least its sorted now, so time for more power i think...
  12. cheers guys, think il try falkland in the morning and see if they can do anything this week. its a sti vltd style splitter from revolution ive got colzo, which the garage split when they picked it up but thats another story
  13. first off a big thanks to andy and the guys at awd for a top notch service, cars running like a dream. however when it was in they pointed out a couple of problems, namely that 3 out of 4 shocks were suffering from the dreaded knock and that my alignment/geometry was massively out. as my cars an 05 sti with 16,000 miles i managed to get the shocks replaced under warranty albeit with some determined negotation on my part which i dont feel i should have needed to do. the alignment issue however came from the fact that it hadnt been done properly or at all after i had the prodrive spring kit fitted at the supplying dealer last year in which time the two front tyres had worn the inside edge down to the canvas in around 3,000 miles! i took the car back to the dealer and they agreed to pay 75% of the tyres and do the geometry properly. when i picked the car up they told me theyd done the setup twice with two different sets of equipment to make sure but they couldnt get full readings because the front splitter was getting in the way of the lasers? they also said that the car felt a bit skittish and suggested that this was down to the tyres on it, goodyear eagle f1s. now to me the car seems to be handling like a bag of s***e, its continously pulling to the left whch they say is the tyres following the camber of the road and feels very vague and twitchy at the front. i dont trust the car at the moment and am getting no enjoyment from driving it and am tempted just to sell up. wheres recomended for getting a proper setup? theres no way im going back to the dealer again EVER and subaru doesnt want to know as its a dealer issue. Please help!
  14. welcome to the club and kiss goodbye to your credit limit! someone with more knowledge will be along im sure but i wold suggest always letting the fuel puump prime when you turn the key before you start it,tas they should start no probs. brakes arent up to sprited driving,even the four pots,id recommend braided hoses, new fluid, stripping and cleaning the calipers and decent discs and pads-i cracked eveery set of subaru discs i had buut no problems once i switched to mintex ctech discs and pads,though really you want to aim for new age sti brembo calipers and discs or a proper aftermarket setup. not suure about the oil im afraid, and i wouldnt have thouught yould find it that slow but then it depends what your used to? if your other motors are fireblades,tweaked skylines etc. then youl always be dissapointed unless you spend big money. for a start id recomend a good service, panel filter, full decat/sports cat and an ecutek remap from andy forrest. couple that with the sti brembos and sti6/p1 suspension and you should have a good reliable,quick entertaining car. scoobs arent the best car for big power straight liners but perfect for a road car that youu can use all of the power all of the time, hope that helps a bit
  15. sorry i couldnt make it along on thursday steve but i trust the lads gave you a good send off. dont forget to apply for your scottish visa now your moving back south id like to thank you for all the support youve given to me in getting the club up and running up here,you definitely win the attendance record prize! remember to keep throwing up posts and wel see you back soon, hopefully with the 2.5 conversion in place cheers and happy hunting Dave
  16. nice one rich. and no shots of the speedo either! see what you mean about the camera man being bumped about, no wonder he dived for the trees every time you stopped blasted the salt off the suspension and booked it in for brake pads today,it can keep the rally colour scheme for a while though! im sure scoobyworld do a package for 100-150 quid which is a waterproof bullet style video camera with outside suction mounts that sends the footage wirelessly to an in car reciever- not sure abiut the quality but i did think about it myself
  17. hows it going Al, knew that german shopping hatch couldnt keep you for long! think your looking at the right car though, p1s definitely the finest of the breed for me. send us back a few drums of cheap fuel while your out there would you- normal unleadeds just hit 1.03 a litre up here
  18. brewsters car park in elgin at 12 midday, followed by a run for those up for it and returning to brewsters between 3 and 4 for food and chat. all wecome at any stage
  19. im up for it, what a great idea! though the far north may need a supersub unless i get modding quick
  20. well as a standard non pppd car its book price is about 12,000 im afraid. ive got one and was thinking of selling it and a very nice man on here showed me the book price for it yesterday. id ask for about 16,500 with the mods and be prepared to come down. or like me bite the bullet and keep it!
  21. ive got one too dale if your still needing it. as long as its not an elaborate hoax for you to set up a stand at a car boot sale with all these units on offer, i know what you aberdonians are like
  22. i still cant believe this, like so many others i feel like ive lost a mate despite never meeting him. i remember skiving off school to watch him win the rac and title and knowing then that one day id have an impreza of my own. talents such as his are rare and that he used them to bring so much pleasure to so many of us is a fitting tribute. thoughts and sympathies with all the families involved, rest in happiness colin
  23. id be in for this, as long as the piggy bank has something in it
  24. if theres a days mapping for andy up in caithness and a days mapping in inverness on his way back down im sure thatd help with his costs- and maybe even manage to get a group discount? i could certainly be persuaded, anyone else?
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