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Everything posted by scooby222

  1. have a look at japanparts.com would love to see this beastie get made!
  2. and welcome over here now! any particular style of wheel your after,i know a man with a few sets
  3. didnt realise that [:$] ive just got them fitted and it made a big difference for the better whenre you getting the new shocks fitted, before xmas?
  4. guess it is the season of goodwill after all Al! while theyve got them off anyway get a set of springs on it- youl save on the rear labour anyway!
  5. i would say theyre not far away with their trade in price, yes its a rip off but thats how trade ins go for most cars these days especially scoobs sad to say. you could try getting a price from a few non subaru dealers against random cars to give you an idea of how far out they are- that should really spoil your day! my dad had the same trouble with a bmw 330d, he put every option on it then found after a couple of months and 1500 miles that he just didnt get on with it trade in price from supplying dealer was 12 grand less than retail!personally id stick with what youve got and get a nice leather retrim with the change [] but if you can square it with your bank manager and you really want it...
  6. not long til our monthly meet now,this sunday the 17th, so a reminder for anyone who doesnt look in the events section and needs a break from crimbo shopping, pop along and say hi- i promise itl be dry,honest! []
  7. i think your right Gee, ive definitely seen it before. nice car though,i like it- even the graphics!
  8. yep its definitely loud and proud, as voted for by 9 out of 10 german camper vans [] if you want steve i could give you a shot of my prodrive bbox to try, see if that makes enough of a difference. otherwise i reckon Gees on the right line with a bung. or you could always move out to the sticks!
  9. at least theyre consistent, i always take it easy round dark vauxhalls and volvos- after all who would buy an omega from choice! hopefully youl keep them occupied over there anyway,leave the inverness roads clear for us respectable drivers [] howre you getting on Dale, was just thinking youve been suspisciously quiet
  10. thats a shame,it was one of the nicest wagons ive seen. but thats a nice golf,lovely interiors in them- happy motoring!
  11. yea,the dampers are slightly different on the 05 stis, at least according to some bloke called mike wood.... just had the prodrive springs fitted to mine, dint think there was any difference til i looked at photos from before stephen, you been looking at my wish list [^o)] zero sports insert and apr diffuser- excellent taste!
  12. yep, theres a lot of scoobs round here but hardly any of them wave and even less on here or snet [] were you just up for the weekend or do you stay locally? sounds like a nice motor youve got
  13. thatd probably be gee wr1,what were you in sandy? i was about too but i guess it was closer to 1 by the time i got up. and i was lurking in a Q7!
  14. hope hes ok,its always a chance going out at this time of year. we had a drop of snow on friday and the a9 was accident city! wed be an hour west of you at peterhead with our nearest meet point im afraid but im sure some of the aberdeen guys would be happy to say hi
  15. might be worth having a chat with the guys at awd, i seem to remember dave used to have an sti4? intercooler on his my00 i think in part because he could mount the dump valve straight onto it. although i have the technical ability of an egg and may be totally wrong!
  16. did someone say homebrew? [] howabouts wed 6th dec for a meet,probably have a chat, bite to eat and throw some balls at some skittles then do a run on one of the following sundays?
  17. col666 did your first one have the optional full recaro inerior? it looks a lot like my mates old one, which is to blame for my whole scoob fixation!
  18. shame about the santa cruise but guess its time to start organising one for next year then! watch this space for meet times theyl be up later, just dashing out for lunch! [pi][]
  19. at a pace im happy with and according to the conditions and always in accordance with the speed limits of some country some where. usually fairly spirited, thats why i bought an impreza, but with consideration for all other road users and the things i cant see with my xray vision turned off. wasnt always that way but walking away from one big smash was a BIG wake up call
  20. thanks Al and Mark, any more? cmon this our last chance,you dont even have to put your own hand in your pocket just a bit of your time to drive up to the hospital
  21. cmon guys, there must be some more willing to help the kids?
  22. hi Al, you would notice a difference but i dont think it would be a huge one as youl have the hi flow sports cat as part of the prodrive kit. and bear in mind that youl need to swap the cat back in come mot time. you trying to sneak an advantage over us []
  23. steve nairn sti has suggested that itd be great if we could do something up here for the santa cruise,i know we havent got a lot of time to organise something but even a little bits better than nothing. i spoke to the guys who were out today and their willing to help if they can but this is something we really need a bit more support and manpower for, so whatya reckon? if were going to do something we need to move fast!
  24. we always try to be safe,so far we just seem to be a jinx on other road users! be nice to meet you if your at a loose end,cheers
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