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Everything posted by scooby222

  1. had a silver 54 plate audi a4 go screaming past me over the kessock bridge the other day with blue lights going,thats a new toy for them
  2. just to say to everyone to keep an eye on the thread for this in events as im to lazy to double post everything []
  3. 27 with an sp30, one claim and exhaust mods,car garaged, in central belt 2005 sti ppp 749 of your english pounds with protected no claims,quite happy with that! but also just insured me bike(god i hate july) 2001 honda cbr600 sport and got it down to 150,yes 150 quid for fully comp!
  4. that wasnt misplaced steve, it was nicked by the fuel gremlins, they swiped the same from me!ive a feeling theyl probably be about at the next one too []
  5. yup clare at a plan for me too, saved me 550 quid on my renewal!
  6. jeez that was quick! i thought i was the only person with nothing better to do at night! did you get back into your own block yet?
  7. rossi eh,now theres a name to live up to! [] if wedensdays suit everyone ok how about the 16 of august for the next one? steve should be back and running at full boost by then hopefully so he wont be able to blame the car for not keeping up! [] and maybe we can persuade the fast one to bring his beast too? cheers dave
  8. heres a few of the pics,hopefully they work im new to this! cant wait to do the next one, whenre you back onshore steve? hhttp://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i300/scooby222_2006/invernessscoobs023.jpg http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i300/scooby222_2006/invernessscoobs024.jpg http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i300/sco...ssscoobs026.jpg http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i300/sco...ssscoobs018.jpg http://i75.photobucket.com/albums/i300/sco...ssscoobs025.jpg
  9. big thanks to everyone who came along, especially the sun! hope everyone enjoyed it as much as me, it was great to meet you guys and thanks to gee wr1 for showing us his run,the location of which we wont publicise. nice range of cars from steves very aggressive looking bugeye to the legacy and the seriously quick type r. im sure i couldve passsed it if i had some viper stripes [] ps i hope the two steves and al appreciated my detour through the housing estate as much as the local kids did!
  10. roll up roll up! all takers welcome, we are non turbo discrimnatory mark, you and anyone else are more than welcome. none of us really know each other so dont worry about being left out, were all fairly new to it
  11. any intrest from the weekend warriors? cmon dont be shy, all comers welcome even those with lexus lights and furry dice!
  12. wednesday it is,see you all then better go find the polish now []
  13. id suggest the tescos/cinema retail park on the aberdeen side of inverness if thats okay with people? theres loads of space and no houses nearby to complain otherwise feel free to make suggestions
  14. hi 360ste, think i saw you at the awd open day stocking up on everything whiteline made? be good to go along to the rolling road but il be at donington park watching valentino and the rest of the moto gp circus
  15. if you fancy it stick your name down along with a time thatd suit and if theres enough of us lets give it a go whereabouts are you butcher boy? im in beauly 1 scooby222
  16. i notice theres a lot of imprezas drifting about up here but not many posting on any forums. was wondering if theyre just shy or dont know about the joy of sidc and if thered be any interest in trying to organise a regularish meet for the northerly scoobs?
  17. im pretty sure that anti lag and launch control are built into the ecus of 04/05 sti s but not activated,but they can be with ecutek remap
  18. having driven from edinburgh to perth through a blizzard at 1 am i can say i didnt notice much problem with the dcccd, the bridgestones on the other hand....
  19. afraid not, max tint allowed on visors is 30% which is p/ss all use. however i can paint over a pair of glasses with black paint and wear those under the visor quite legally,go figure!
  20. yep the price is just ridiculous,i needed one after getting a new door skin but i just made do with the old one. apparently its almost impossible to get that bit off without marking it
  21. give Automatic Garage doors in perth a try, theyve done two garages for us with excellent service
  22. ive been thinking about this too, the six speed box could do with being a lil quicker and smoother
  23. if you have a look at the pics from awd on sat mine is the fourth pic, all four windows tinted by the dealer and i was repeatedly assured that the fronts are legal. think it was about 300 all in,perfect job and aint had my collar felt yet. well not for the windows []
  24. so it was bandit who started our mini group buy on the green filters! nice to put some faces to the names,shame i didnt have time to try the whiteline car,but the volvo at the roundabout stopped play. cheers to dipsy for the words of wisdom on fitting the filter
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