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Everything posted by micra_wrc

  1. nice one brian. hope u get to enjoy the car. PMSL.... thats what I was thinking too Vicki [] Imy
  2. [H] pics there peter surprised to see another car with the same bodykit as the Squirrel's tho []
  3. nice one Vicki [] i've always wanted one but you can't get the letter "i" on a plate [:|]
  4. 1.FAI17 2.Marc29 3.G6RAY 4.Matt 5.ScotyCupraR 6.Grant 7.Irish Al 8.Baby No 2 9.G.T 10. st3ph3n 11. imy I'm able to see past the looming mountain that is my deadline for uni assignments and will be up for a wee shot of the scalextric on the night, as coursework will have been handed in by then needing to let my hair down and have some fun....... guys, expect to see my car fly off the tracks at the first corner lol [] [] if it does, am I allowed to put the car back on the track and carry on?
  5. all the best to Iain and Ken [Y] Good to hear that Fife is being represented
  6. LOL [] [Y] [}] edited to add that perhaps I should get weeb one..........
  7. PMSL "8. Open car door to allow easier access to cash machine due to its excessive distance from the car" my excuse is that no matter how much i try and park next to the machine so I can reach it without opening the car door, my wee arms can never comfortably reach the machine thro the window cos i'm scared of parking too close and scratching the car, wheels, wing mirrors etc. We're just ickle people []
  8. hmm........would love a scooby but its a bit too pink for me. nice car tho. hope she gets a good price for it. perhaps more Jodi's cup of tea??
  9. was PMSL at the ice hockey game using the new Suzuki Swifts []
  10. i actually quite like the figure skating.... but then again...... i'm female [] also, Top Gear will be on at 2115 tonight, BBC2 so it'll prob be quiet here later as well
  11. welcome to the forums richard, do we have another chinese scooby owner in our midst? []
  12. congratulations Kev, hope the wife and Baby Boyd is doing well. LOL at 4hero, prob best i dont ask what the baby's weight is [] Imy
  13. pleased to hear that you received good service from them Ricey but I sympathise with Grant's current situation as there is a dispute about the price. re his comment on Abu-Dhabiland you may have mis-interpreted his meaning, as he was wanting to illustrate he knows a bit about scoobies and am sure he did not intend to criticise the locals there. He is in communication with Flat4Online to resolve this but thanks for your sharing your experiences with this supplier. Imy
  14. anyone work out what the dots under your user name mean? mibbe its a post count? Imy
  15. morning all. liking the new look but guess it will take a while to get used to Imy []
  16. << We've got a china town in Glasgow? Is that the supermarket underneath the M8? >> stephen, there is actually a mini shopping mall under the M8...... bakery, hairdressers, book & gift shop, video shop that rents chinese videos, menu-printing shop and a supermarket. you should go in for a wander some time
  17. thanks babe. a 2nd new year for me...... woohoo but i need to work on Monday and Tuesday, no partying for me Gung Hai Fat Choi ps - thanks Peter for the 'lycee'
  18. << Hi Imy, good to hear from you. Im just trying to find something to do at nights when Jamie goes offshore. What have you been up to? >> ally, if u have msn, add me to ur contacts and we can have a wee blether one night when we're both online my email addy can be found if you click the blue "glasses" icon on the top right hand corner of my post. xx
  19. hey ally, hope ur well. glad to see u have ur own user name. i wonder if jamie will curb any laddish behaviour now that he knows u'll be on........ on 2nd thought...... i doubt it
  20. it may be helpful to share any ideas the Ayrshire region has for the wider scottish community, to inform those of us that are unable to attend your meets Del.
  21. good post davie. brought back memories of my childhood...... << When we rode our bikes, we wore no helmets, just flip-flops, or wooden Scholls, or black plimsoles and fluorescent 'spokey dokey's' on our wheels. >> i remember doing that, and also collecting and swapping the 'spokey dokeys' from Sugar Puffs << As children, we would ride in cars with no seat belts or airbags - riding in the passenger seat was a treat. >> I still have a scar on my forehead from when I was lying lengthwise in the back seat and rolled forward during an emergency stop and cracked my head off some video tapes my dad had put in the wee space between the front seats << We would leave home in the morning and could play all day, as long as we were back before it got dark. No one was able to reach us and no one minded. >> the only time my mum would see me during the summer holidays was at mealtimes. Although we didnt have watches, we knew when we had to go home for dinner and usually said to our friends we'll be back out after our tea! other things that i did.. - played for ages in a cheapy "Wendy House" in my back garden...... we had imagination back in those days - cried when it rained cos it meant i wasnt allowed out to play and I was stuck indoors - quite happy sitting on the kerb digging at the dirt with an ice lolly stick! - collected ring pulls from aluminium cans and strung them into a necklace - learnt to ride a bike on my cousins chopper and was over the moon when I got my own bike, complete with streamers on the handle bars and a basket on the front - 50p was enough to do you for a day, bag 10p mix, slushy ice pole things and jubilees those were happy days
  22. happy birthday billy, hope you have a good day and that you got lots of birthday goodies x x
  23. << I'm sure you can just glimpse The Squirrel behind her munching on a huge burger flashing his lights to get passed! >> PMSL my fav clip from Top Gear. ace driving and xx for Richard Hammond!
  24. yeah well...... cashmere yellow is more to my liking than the bright yellow one that Peter found, but hey, I'm not fussy which shade it is..... as long as its a yellow classic (preferably with black wheels) but hey, i'm a girl......... colour comes first when choosing a car
  25. << nooooo dont buy it burn it i want to have the only yellow type r in the uk, now where r all the rest of them and wheres my matches. >> even if I do get one, it wont be as nice as yours Darryll your car looks awesome
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