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Everything posted by micra_wrc

  1. << For 2006 i want at least 4 runs please. 1 in April 1 in May 1 in July(all weekend) 1 in September 1 in October >> err peter.... that's five
  2. a - challenging roads (sweepers, hairpins, flat out straights)......... 4 b - toilet facilities......................4 (female) c - hot food facilities.................1 (usually have a good breakfast in the morning and buy/bring a lunch) Please provide a number for the following: d - preferred mileage in total - 300-400 miles e - preferred duration of day - 5 hours f - number of rest stops during a typical 4-5 hr run - 3 breaks g- preferred expenditure on fuel - £ 0 (as i dont actually drive an impreza )
  3. using the momentum from the successful day organised by Gumball yesterday and slightly separate from Squirrel's post re potential venue for the next run, i would like to have some form of structured feedback from the November photoshoot/run, whilst it is still fresh in our minds. I have devised a simple poll to find out what the majority of you view as a priority on these types of runs and also some questions to gauge how long you all would like to drive/spend. Things like safety and police presence are a given. Please keep this on topic. This is your chance to have your say and influence the format of the next run Please copy and paste the following: On a scale of 1 to 4 (1 being dont really care to 4 being mega high priority), rank the following criteria: a - challenging roads (sweepers, hairpins, flat out straights) b - toilet facilities c - hot food facilities Please provide a number for the following: d - preferred mileage in total - X miles e - preferred duration of day - X hours f - number of rest stops during a typical 4-5 hr run - X breaks g- preferred expenditure on fuel - £ X
  4. << .... And the toilet stops were ok for the men but pi$h for the women, as they were all closed ! >> yeah, sorry about that. i realised they were shut when i ran out as soon as the car had stopped to use the toilet (had been dying to go for a while and squirrel's suspension doesnt help) and i was well miffed that they were closed. the route we did yesterday was carried over from when we did in back in May and the toilets were open then! i too am concerned about the availability of toilets for the ladies and try to make sure we include them during our rest breaks in the runs that we do. the bigger villages have public toilets in them, but I understand people's relunctance to stop the car to use the facilities when we are only passing through, in case they cant re-join the groups if they stop. feedback noted, keep the comments coming.
  5. i am also interested in feedback regarding the length of the run, eg are people happy driving for 300-400 miles round trip, spending £100+ on petrol and driving for 7-8 hours? yesterday may have been a wee bitty long and the early night/darkness made it feel a lot later than it was.
  6. good pics andy. from the pics that have already been posted, i think you were the only one who managed to get a pic of me, i was handing out maps lol
  7. most of the pics we have are variations on ones that have already been posted. some of the ones worth posting...... a familiar sight..... pre-start top up at Perth at glenshee - car park level crathie stop 1 didnt get take many photos after that, everytime we stopped to re-group, it was time to go again
  8. thanks to everyone who turned up and making it a fab day. must say I am chuffed at the quality of driving today (except for the mad P1 that overtook us before Blairgowrie, in the dark during a blind left hander not sure if it someone from here or whether it was a local) apologies for the slight clerical error in the maps where the section between Elgin and Speybridge was missed out....... hope it didnt throw anyone off too much. thanks to those that stayed for the full day, i had forgotten how quickly it gets dark in November lol I also forgot how long it takes to get the cars parked in formation..... but the results look fab nice meeting the folk who i havent met before! edited to say it was getting like a game of 'spot zeolite' during the earlier stages of the run, we seemed to pass him twice..... and we were the lead car
  9. just to add some practical (female ) details to Chris's post re driving: - bring your own lunch / flasks. there will be rest stops during the day and we will be stopping at Glenshee for the photoshoot. As most will have had an early start, we will be having lunch here. We will not be passing any shops/burgers vans so bring your own lunch/snacks/coffee. - wrap up well. it will be very cold in some places and it will be a shame if we didnt get a chance to speak to each other during the stops because we are all freezing. Bring plenty of warm clothing, fleeces, scarves, gloves etc - bring spare batteries for camcorders/digital cameras. there is an awesome turnout of scoobs and the route is quite scenic in some places. HOWEVER, please do not do anything silly in order to get that perfect shot (hang out the window when travelling, run across busy roads etc) - check your cars are ready for the journey (oil, tyres etc). - set the alarm in the morning to give yourself enough time to defrost your car and get to your local RV point on time. see you all tomorrow
  10. ed, the presents we dropped off last year were wrapped, but i would wait until we've had the meet at the end of the month to finalise things before wrapping. I am still waiting for Yorkhill to get back to me, but I know Edn Sick Kids dont want their presents wrapped. Yorkhill may say the same.
  11. i'll be the one with 'imy' on all my layers of clothes oh, best to wrap up, we will be a good bit into the mountains for the photo shoot.
  12. << Not let cliques sit together LOL I do apologise for laughing but that is the only way to stop it and then for that to happen it would need to b pointed out who the cliques may be Claire >> i dont see what the fuss re cliques is about TBH what some folk call 'cliques' is what i think of as folk with mutual interests speaking to other folk with mutual interests. do you think that not letting friends within the community sit together at meets is the solution? also, I also want to point out that what seen by one as gossiping/having a laugh can be misinterpreted by others if repeated out of context and these problems will keep recurring every couple of months if attitudes dont change.
  13. to avoid hijacking your thread, see 1st post on p5 PM or MSN for further chat!
  14. nice one ian. shame i'm stuck indoors doing essays for uni, looks like it may be a good day
  15. << also some track day, cruz and meet pictures >> you have emails
  16. good meet billy + spooks, it was nice to hear whats been going on collectively from glasgow and edn/lothian some good ideas re fundraising but lets give santa cruise one big push and make it happen imy ps - hopefully the service will be better in stepps pps - suggest that we dont meet in dec, i guess most folk would be busy << i meet my boss every monday at 9am >> err gumball, meets have been set to the 1st thursday of every month
  17. << ROs and Moderators have little power other than giving their support to these ideas >> perhaps I am misunderstanding but I thought ROs do more than "giving support" to ideas? the support is there from the members, but we look towards the ROs to get ideas off the ground. << I personally think that all the commitee and RO's, even the ones that dont like me, do a bloody good job, but sometimes just sometimes we feel as though were being abandoned. >> you are certainly not "abandoned" from my point of view babe I know that you have done a lot for the club that perhaps folk dont know about, but is not publicised because it is difficult to get it off the ground. It feels like the committee do not support the Scottish region as much as they support the regions down south and perhaps leave the scottish ROs to deal with the aftermath of things that are planned but never happen. chat about flyers, flags, extra coverage at events is all good, but it shouldnt be that difficult to make it happen, if we had the support from the top. not wanting to go on but I do feel a bit frustrated/aggrieved when, out of making 90 odd SS garments, not a single member of the committee (bar Spooks and Billyboy) bought one
  18. << Gumball will adopt a floating/roaving role to ensure no lost people etc. >> thats also why we give out maps lol we've tried the 'waiting at junctions till the group reassembles' thing before but it doesnt really work. it just seems to create traffic jams at key junctions, normal joe public gets caught up in it and time is wasted. the junctions will be marked on the route map in case anyone gets lost/overshoots a junction. suggest folk that are going on the run spend some time to familiarise themselves with the route on the day (both driver and passengers) before we set off.
  19. can i suggest we have more pictures in the flyer? I feel the rb5 and the TRS ones have too many words.... too much writing. old saying of 'a picture tells a thousand words' and all that.....
  20. something I have kicking about and pasted below to focus peeps minds. I had mocked up a flyer, drafted some words, added some pics back in May this year when Squirrel suggested making up A5 promo cards to put under windscreens of scoobs we pass/see day to day. wasnt sure about the focus of the club, I wanted to emphasise that we do a range of activities/events so picked some pictures from a range of events. It hasnt really seen the light of day (I had sent it to committee but didnt get a response). not too fussed if it doesnt hit the mark / not what you were wanting to promote, just want to start the ball rolling.. At least it can start a discussion and hopefully we can get a design agreed. i wouldnt be able to take this any further (too much going on with me at the mo) so comments/further development welcome.
  21. << It is what we want to do as a whole community and not just a regional section but to progress we must get past the "taliking about it" and move on to the actual "Getting off our bums and doing it" and the clothing range is an excellent example of someone taking the bull by the horns and running with it. if we just sit and talk about it then nothing will happen as we all have "more important things to do". >> aww shucks TBH it takes a lot of time, effort, thought and energy into organising events/clothes/runs/club-related PR. There are a lot of members here that have the imagination and motivation for new events but ideas seem to fall down when it actually comes to doing it. i think a stronger steer from the top would be beneficial (re flags and all the ideas suggested here) and perhaps we should be supportive towards new events, as i know there is a vast spectrum of scooby-related activities that could take place. we should bear in mind that we have achieved a lot in the short time scottish scoobies has come into being and it makes me happy to see folk wearing the SS clothes and proud to have been able to provide that (though I could have done without the stress ) edited to say that i think the ROs have done a fab job, cos it aint easy !
  22. << I will take it easy on you Imy.Didn't know you're so STRESSED this weekend. >> thanks boss
  23. but the good point in my week was getting money thats owed to me off someone after 5 months of chasing them wahey!
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