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Everything posted by micra_wrc

  1. << Jamie, not what i was asking m8! lol So just sod off, for having a good week >> if it makes you feel any better Ruby, i've had a crap week too up early on mon to go to client meeting in alloa, home late, mega busy at work all week and didnt get home till late tues, wed & thurs. thru to uni this morning for all day lectures, got handed loadsa lecture notes and got more warnings about exams, went back to find my wee justy wont start..... realised i forgot to turn the sidelights off this morning and its drained the battery! stoopid car doesnt beep to let u know you have left the lights on panic call to spooks due to proximity (thanks again babe ) to give me a jump start and got home about an hour ago, praying i wont stall the car before the battery is charged lol w'end isnt looking much better i have to say, waitressing sat and sun night, as well as doing work work and uni work during the days
  2. map for peter (provided by The Admiral on the KH thread)
  3. another bump. does anyone know nic aka tyresqueal and whether there is another way I can get in touch with him?? have tried email and PMs. met him at Jamie's central meet/run in August and have clothes for him. pictured on the right with the silver classic, speaking to Irish Al and Lyndsey
  4. << I suspect the Squirrel may have a few of these ! >> cal, the amount of rally videos, dvds and motoring magazines the squirrel has could easily fill up a garage! the fact that the bulk of the material is in japanese doesnt stop him buying it imy
  5. nice one andy I have a whole library of scooby pics taken at events we've attended since last August. if you PM me your email addy i will send you some nice group/scenic shots. imy
  6. saw a similar thread in general and thought I would resurrect this for any newbies imy
  7. peter, in your photobucket window, you'll see 3 boxes under the pics you have uploaded. you want to copy the 2nd one and paste it direct into your thread. hint - make sure the pics are reduced in size before you upload to photobucket, it can mess up the forum if they are too large Imy
  8. i've deleted my post too best leave it to you to do, seeing as 'you're fast' lol funny things happen to the file name when loaded onto bbs using the attachment tool ...... the 'dot' between the pic name and jpg changes to something like %2E imy
  9. oobster, i must be doing something wrong, how come u were so fast? i saved peter's pics, then attached file to my reply, then messed with the code. is there a quicker way? imy
  10. thats prob why he's lost weight.... no more beer belly! imy
  11. will be popping along for a wee bit, have some more clothes to dish out and money to collect 1. Billyboy and Ally 2. G6RAY 3. CORSA 4. SMA01 5. Ally-b 6. Kenny.S 7. WRC No 1 8. Ed-209 9. SCOOBAY 10. Gayle (the stranger ) 11. G.Mac 12. FAI17 13. G6RAY 14. Marc29 15. imy
  12. << << (oh, & on a girly note, guy i dealt with had luverly geordie accent - i'd have bought anything lol) >> I don't want anything but might just phone to hear the accent, it's such a sexy accent. mmmmmmmmm.............................. >> i am in Newcastle quite a lot for work and our office is on the Quayside. walked across the Millenium bridge towards Gateshead and then to Revolution during one lunch time. fabby showroom and lots of scooby-related and shiny STi merchandise. gotta agree on the nice geordie accents and no, i am not offering to carry any brake pads, wheels, bits of cars up the road imy
  13. Nic, the tops you ordered at the Central meet/run are ready. can you PM me or email me to arrange pickup and payment. ta, Imy
  14. << nice, i like >> what??? embroidery? PMSL Imy
  15. << Will look forward to meeting up with you and all the other girls. >> likewise, i met you briefly today I was in Jacqui's car, still buzzing from her driving lol have to say out of all the times i've been out, no other driver would be able to keep up a conversation about their recent holiday while screaming round the track imy
  16. welcome to the forum, glad to see another girl joining the community guess you'll suss out who the mad ones are soon enough.... Imy PS - it may be worth turning your Private Message function on, bug in software defaults it to Off when you join. check your profile settings
  17. Don Mega, most of the guys are local, but I touch goats Imy
  18. << Although there were not huge numbers attending i felt the meet was better for it - more group conversations rather than individual groups chatting on their own. >> yup, the past couple of meets at Bellsquarry have been cosy and small. Spooks, thanks for looking at my exhaust last night At least I knew what the metallic scraping noise was when the backbox broke off just as i was approaching Gla and also knew what to tell the AA man what the problem was and why i've broken down LOL going to get it sorted today. cheers, Imy
  19. Just a reminder to folk I have spoken to/PM'd re: the recent order of clothes. I will be at the brewers fayre car park, stepps, glasgow around 20:00 to hand out the recent batch of tops that have been made up. Thursday 15 Sept at 20:00 imy
  20. 1. Spooks - either day 2. Oobster - 14th only, can't make the 21st. 3. Gus the Bus-14th only 4. Gumball 5. Irish Al & Co. 6. Imy list edited to remove wrxmania Al, jackets will be ready and i will bring them with me Spooks, any chance you can bring the clothes u have left over from the F&M day? Imy
  21. will the folk who have recently ordered clothes please remember to bring money with you ........ there are too many of you for me to PM individually. Will give you an update tomorrow. ta, Imy
  22. cal, did you mean to tell us that you taped it but forgot to finish your post? seriously, did u tape it? didnt know it was on Imy
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