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Everything posted by micra_wrc

  1. well done Brian on the tidy up and adding more names in the process ROLL UP BOYS........... sign up if you havent already...... looks like turnout may top the Loch Lomond run last year, and see how many scoobs turned up for that......... scoobs loadsa scoobs.... even more scoobs! we even had formation parking Imy
  2. << .... ps big shout to Imy my photographer >> wahey swiggi, ur site looks good. am happy the pics are getting used, else they will just sit in my laptop forever. soon you'll have pics coming out of your ears, with the number of events thats going on. i think we should keep this relationship going Imy x x x
  3. << Now it was funny watching the wee gadger running around putting our cars back on track. his wee buddy noticed us ganging up on him and came to his rescue.................or so he thought!!!! Get running boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >> Andy... you mean these wee guys? Seevers... since the scalextric was your fav moment of the day, i managed to edit the contrast of the pics i took indoors. just for you ! these wee guys were kept busy... ever driven a buggy before? who's the daddy? Imy
  4. after spending yesterday in a scoob going to, round and back from Knockhill, Squirrel and I got up early (for a Sun anyway) and went to Motor Mania, Tiilli. The museum was nice and had some smart tasty cars. the boys (Squirrel, Andy, Swiggi and Seevers) were quite amused by the indoror scalextric track. see clickys.......... outside outside 2 3 scoob convoy who wants a shot on the scalextrik? and my personal favourite......... looking for captions for this numpty ......... caption for numpty Imy
  5. Andy, yup, i had the camera out when you were in front of us on the drive home. we were commenting on how lovely your ar$e was and grant wanted to get a photo of your rear! see..... andy's behind Imy
  6. photos below. had to do them as clickys. upon arrival Rosie's new babe sorry spooks pit lane pit stop pit stop 2 go matt go red noble awesome porsche vroom vroom vroom look closer..... it's Wilky the weather was actually nice and sunny, except for the brief hail/snow storm we had. top day. Imy
  7. i think Andy managed to capture the mood of the day with his post. JohnnyR6 .. thanks for the pax lap. some nice cornering there. Cal .... thanks as well for the pax lap. shame about the red flag , we didnt really get warmed up. nice to meet new faces. it was a good day. the noise was awesome. some photos to follow. Imy
  8. Andy, wit ya doin'? You are already on the list ! edited to remove Andy off no. 6 as he is already down as no. 2 1. TheSquirrel555 2. AndyJDMSTI 3. billyboy 4. WRC no 1 5.Swiggi imy
  9. No worries Cal, Its Knockhill. Not really the place for short skirts! the wind will have whipped it up higher than is decent. i'll be well wrapped up with layers of fleeces and thermals. Sorry to hear about your car and you must be mad to still take it on the track. glad you are ok and am maybe wondering, since you were a gent and took me out in your civic, whether you would think about letting me blag a passenger ride in your scoob?? Imy
  10. edited to: add - roy fae fife (#16) ; 2559B (#18) remove - Keap_Scooby (#16) ; Subarstar (#18) 1.The Squirrel 555 .............Either 2. robinh20mrv....................The oil gods permiting! 3. Playsatan2......................Sunday 4. kart_man........................Probably either, but Saturday better. 5. JohnnyR6........................Sunday bloody sunday (queue music) 6. SCOOBAY......Either,neither,possibly,probably,don't know,maybe,not sure,undecided,yes,no,eh,????????? 7. Grovit..............................Either 8. Kenny.............................Either 9. Sti-04!! ...........................Either 10.Karps............................Sunday 11 RS Grant............................Either 12 WRCNo1...........................Either. cant 4get the mad burd and scooby in the back 13.Spooks..................... Sunday 14.rallye 6 ...........................either 15 DonZ ..............................either 16. * Roy fae fife * 17.DEVLIN ........................... pref Sunday 18. *2559B ........................Sunday* 19.Wilky................................ The Secretary of State for Defence Permitting!!!!!!!!! 20. McGoo.......................Pref. Sunday 21.Corsa.........................Sunday. 22. Swiggi........................either 23. Cal .............................prefer Saturday ( with camcorder and mount on tow 24. Keevster......................either. 25. Gav_C..........................Sunday 26. PaulC555.....................either (with wife and baby reading notes) 27.Billyboy........................whenever 28.HI SOOB.......................Sunday 29.Seevers.........................either 30. Corbie..........................either (another screaming VTEC) 31. WEEB .......................... either (pref sunday tho!) 32.gr555............................either 33 Lord harding .... sunday preferred and i might fetch a few 34.Higgy..................(Sunday's best if poss) 35.McCrash 36. coulty 37. Highlustre2004...............Sunday 38. Scott P..........................either 39. Edinburgh-Chris..............either 40. DOPEY......................Sunday 41. Matt....Sti-zlv...............Sundays always good dont see Scooby Santa on here........ Big Andy........ you free on Sun 27 March?? Imy
  11. grasshopper, you forgot: 9/ woolly hat (subaru if you have one) 10/ 2 layers of t-shirts (subaru if you have them) 11/ subaru wallet and key ring oops, sorry, that's Squirrel's wardrobe! Imy
  12. << Good to meet you the other night Imy - I think I am the only person who has never met you. [i am the guy who handed you the door mirror in the window ] Brian >> Hi Brian, didnt really get a chance to talk that night. we should have a blether tomorrow if you are going to Knockhill. hopefully Malky will have made me up a badge for the lanyard, i think i will feel a bit more comfortable when talking to new people. should be easier pointing to the badge that says "wee imy" rather than "hi, my name is Imy. that's Amy with an 'I' ", which is my normal greeting Imy
  13. Gla convoy for KH : Sat 5 March : 1100 : Ikea, Braehead 1. TheSquirrel555 2. AndyJDMSTI 3. billyboy 4. WRC no 1 looks like the snow will clear by tomorrow. bring warm clothes cos KH is always windy and cold. hope they open the Kinniards restaurant for a cuppa Imy
  14. 1 kart_man - CONFIRMED - 3/3/05 2 Spooks 3 TheSquirrel555 - CONFIRMED - 3/3/05 4 Stevo-STi 5 Micra_wrc - CONFIRMED - 3/3/05 6 Scooby Kart 7 Dougster 8 JohnS 9 GordyQ 10 Kenny McGee 11 ~ ~ Cal ~~ CONFIRMED - 3/3/05 12 Brendan Watt Dave, I have confirmed for Grant (TheSquirrel555) as well. He should get our deposit to you soon. Imy
  15. woo hoo, not long to go. The clocks go forward 1 hour that weekend. Thinking about taking bets to see who's gonna forget and roll up at 10.30 to an empty car park ............... Imy
  16. this sounds like fun! Rosie, you fancy a wee bout in the carts? maybe we can give the boys a race ! Imy
  17. Since Grant hasnt checked what else is on that weekend, I should say that the Mad March One will be taking place on Easter Sunday. - Sunday 27 March, - 0930 start time, - Showcase Cinema on the M8 at Coatbridge. will that cause any problems? Grant and I will work out a route soon and post up the format for the day, rough driving times etc to let everyone know what the script is. For those planning to bring wives, girlfriends, female friends, wee ones, I will make sure we have plenty of toilet stops, stretch-of-leg-stops and feeding facilities en-route. Quite liked the way the Type-R boys organised their run so may snatch a few ideas, if they don't mind. Imy
  18. Andy, yup, the P1s are on Grant's car but dunno when he will be able to post some pics of it. They make the car look meaner. see...... i have the digi camera so he will have to borrow my camera to take some pics. I reckon I can get something out of this, with Valentines Day coming up! what do you think? Imy
  19. Alan, wont be free to attend any meets during the week until at least end of April. will see your missus and the wee 'un then. Imy
  20. hey Scott, dont worry about the distraction, i can't hear Grant's exhaust from where i am! Imy
  21. swiggi, would prefer to keep our domestics off line thanks. and in case you're wondering, TheSquirrel and i are in different houses in different parts of Glasgow and not in the next room! Mrs Keap, thanks for the welcome. if we're both at the next meet, we should leave the lads alone and have a blether ourselves. Imy
  22. grant, tis only a minor distraction dear. don't think my 'chat' consumption will be anything as high or frequent as you mad lot. and you think that women can talk! but gold stars to everyone that has been organising meets and the sudden burst of pub-based activity. good to see not only a friendy virtual community with the friendly banter but a genuinely nice bunch of scooby mad fans. Imy
  23. hey Jamie, Grant got tired of me nipping in his ear about what to post up so i decided to set up my own ID. did it take you long to clean your car after the Stirling run? Imy
  24. after staying in the background chortling at the banter and reading from the sidelines, i have HAD to join the forums after seeing the photo of Spooks at the recent meet just to say...... Spooks, you look better than Rosie and I do with a handbag. it suits you! looking forward to the next run......... roll on the march one Imy
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