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Everything posted by micra_wrc

  1. Coulty, LOL well........... are you and your missus free that day and will your scoob running A-OK? Add your name to the list if you can make it to this one then. I dont want to add your name and then remove it, you may decide to turn up but not go on the run! dunno if you can be my MAIN man again tho' Stuart, i seem to have a following of 45+ scoobs that day Imy
  2. a wee reminder of the list for the May Gathering please remove your name if you are unable to attend. It helps us plan parking requirements, need to make sure we dont park on the side of the road a la Mad March Run Imy 1. ANDYJDMSTI 2. Swiggi + S6CUB 3. TheSquirrel + micra_wrc 4. sti-zlv 5. wrx mania 6. madmonk 7. Corsa 8. Grovit 9. Playsatan 10. 2559B 11. rallye 6 12. Weeb 13. Wilky 14. ScoobyAndy 15. gr555 16. CHRISP@53WRBLUE/STI 17. Pedro 18. sheep 19. Grant 20. Jambo ( without the kids) 21. ImprezaPete 22. Cal 23. Higgy 24. Karps 25. WRC No 1 + SCOOBYMADBURD 26. Krakann 27. Johnny 28. DC turbo 29. kartman 30. Dad 31. jimmymc (22nd) 32. Paddy247 33. sKunk 34. Seevers 35. Gee WR1 36. Miss Scooby 37. Spooks 38. SCOTTIESCOOB 39. Lordharding 40. Don Mega 41. Si,s Scoob 42. scoobykev 43. Dorikin aka Nyle; in his nice shiny GT4 WRC 44. Keevster(Paul.) 45. Rice Rocket + Rice Rockette 46. Billyboy + The Wife 47. P1ggm(gordo 48. fai 17 + wife + 2 kids
  3. sorry, grant and i cant make it. he's just told me we're doing the recce for the May Gathering that weekend. BTW.....its only 4 sundays away........ imy list edited to remove Squirrel+micra_wrc, #13 omitted 1. 2559B+pink pepper 2. oobster (pending approval from the Mrs.) 3. Matt 4. WRC no 1 + scoobymadburd 5. P1_Paul (maybe) 6. Wilky 7. Playsatan 8. swiggi + Ms S6CUB 9. fai 17 10. spince (maybe) 11. Karps + Chrissy 12. Higgy 14. WEEB
  4. << Just to let everyone know. We've tracked down Spooks who is the current custodian of the banner and flags.... John >> Poor Spooks! Imagine getting 'tracked down' when you are on a short holiday in New York, hoping to leave RO duties at home for a few days! He'll be itching to get on a PC over there now, to see what the emergency is. PMSL imy
  5. Happy birthday Brian, the best time of your life is in your 30's....... hope you have a good 'un (i know cos Grant's having the best time of his life ) imy x x x for the birthday boy
  6. gayle, was just going to pm you. i have volunteered your services in sourcing the SIDC banner/flag for the sunday I knew you wouldnt mind and it would give ya a chance to chat up Muddy! Imy
  7. Ian, LOL I have activated my email visibility in my profile. click the spectacle icon to view gravestone. Imy
  8. it took a bit of work (and flirtation ) but we managed to convince CarArtz to come up with these 2 Scottish Scoobies logos. We are hoping that which ever one is the most popular, that will be the one going on our merchandise and will be the emblem for SIDC's Scottish Scoobies. Gayle and I are meeting the clothing manufacturing person on Monday, so votes are needed by sunday night (24 April 05). Hope you troops like it, give us your comments/feedback. Imy and Gayle
  9. swiggi ya muppet, i have already put you and your good woman on the list. did you not see who was down as no 9 when you copied and pasted? Imy
  10. a wee tidy up.... 1. 2559B 2. oobster (pending approval from the Mrs.) 3. Matt 4. WRC no 1 + scoobymadburd 5. P1_Paul (maybe) 6. Wilky 7. Playsatan 8. Squirrel + micra_wrc 9. swiggi + Ms S6CUB 10. fai 17 11. spince (maybe) any volunteers to liaise with Muddy (SIDC show organiser) to get SIDC flags? the Scottish Scoobies ones Gayle and I are organising wont be ready until the end of May. Also, do we need to contact MaxPower and/or Crail to get space for our own wee stand? Do we still need to pay entry fee for admission? What cars are we showing in our stand? Not sure what the deal is....... anyone know? Imy
  11. Scott, turn off the PC and get to the airport! (BTW, there is an internet cafe in Times Square, inside the Tourist Information centre ) RoseMarie, enjoy the shopping and the american sized portions of meals. stay safe, c u when u get back, Imy x x x
  12. great pics rosie. if u have any of kart 22, that was me! i think i managed to give u a wave as i doddled past u! thanks for hosting them spooks. much appreciated. i had to leave my camera in the car, couldnt really drive and snap away at the same time. Imy x x ps - have fun in NYC
  13. << I bet she falls into the catagory of dottery old woman, with many cats, who drives the wrong way up one way streets in her red nissan micra. Iain >> oi......... its not just dottery old women that drive red nissan micras Imy lol
  14. hey peter yeah sure u can bring the family on the may gathering. it will prob take most of the day though. the gathering is structured mainly for driving through our fabby countryside. As long as your kids like riding in the scoob, there should be no probs. it depends what you want out of the day as well, there are folk that will want to test the performance of their cars and then there are some quite happy to doddle along at a more sedate pace. we have worked food stops/rest stops into the day and there is time to blether/take photos/run about/stick your head under several bonnets of scoobs at the rest stops. if you have any Q's, pm me or TheSquirrel555. Imy
  15. hiya Peter, i see u've got the car and a user name. i can already see u are planning to mod the car so next will be the clothes and the subaru dvds/rally videos welcome to the forum and try and get sunday 22 may off work...... a mega run planned add ur name to the list if u can make it to the Marvellous May Gathering imy
  16. bttt u go. just over a month left. come on peeps, - get ur mods fitted and tested; - car washed, waxed, polished and hoovered ; - wheels sparkling; - cd collection sorted; - cameras ready; and - send the missus out to get flasks, portable chairs, picnic blankets and disposable BBQs. a good family day out for all on the 22nd May! Imy
  17. big shout to dave for organising a top day. i had fun, and am pleased to be the only ladies winner 2day (being the only laydee out of 16 ). grant's arms are a wee bitty sore but he had a top day. am glad i got out ur way, had some mulit kart pile-ups at the hairpin which i managed to weave my way thru and be in the top 3......ooh.... for at least 2 corners! well done Cal for coming 1st. its was right that Dave's performance didnt count in the final heat. thanks for scott and dave for picking up the tab for my vodkas in Stables Bar afterwards. x x top day again, whens the next one?? Imy ps - thanks for the waves guys cos i got out ur way when u overtook me!
  18. << If you are not seen to be dicking about then they should leave us alone as we are only out for a sunday jaunt. >> i agree with Andy. the lotus bunch were pulled cos an irate driver that had been (allegedly recklessly) overtaken called the police. if peeps on our run are sensible, follow the highway code and keep to the speed limit, we should not get any hassles. The behaviour of the entire convoy will dictate the mood of the day and any problems that may arise. Judging by previous runs, most of you peeps have a sensible head on you. For the mentally unhinged crew (u know who u r), if you have the urge to drive fast or dangerously or overtake on a blind bend on the wrong side of the road, think about your actions and what consequences it may have on future jaunts. The police will pull you if they think you are a danger to yourself or others on the road, otherwise they may give u a wave and point you in the right direction if you went the wrong way! Imy
  19. really?? mental note to self....... " must not give the route guide to peeps who turn up in white pimp mobiles with flourescent marzipan down the side and stupid blue neons on the roof "[i/]
  20. an impreza hatchback thread in general is this for real? if its real, i think i have spotted my next car! have to see it in the flesh 1st but as long as it has the flat four, i'll take it typical woman question........... what colour does it come in? Imy
  21. Gayle, there's a similar debate in the General forum. Seems like the environmentalists didnt like Jeremy driving a 4x4 vehicle up a mountain in Scotland, "reportedly churning up heather and sensitive peat on the way, and causing substantial ecological damage" thread in General leave Top Gear alone, its a cracking programme Imy
  22. dont really wanna be a party pooper but has anyone checked out the "Subaru Impreza FAQ" available on the home page of this very fine forum?? looks like its where 2559B found the info! Imy
  23. << Ignoring the ugly bloke next to the car. >> PMSL i like the "ugly bloke next to the car" the pic was taken after a 'run' thru the country in jan and looks more grubby than normal (the alloys, not the bloke!). Imy
  24. clicky here for NBO details not sure about meeting points, will be done nearer the time. Imy
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