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Everything posted by micra_wrc

  1. Grant and I are going. LordHarding made an effort to come to the Mad March Run and I promised him we would go and return the favour. Besides, the NBO is being hosted in an amusement park that has white knuckle rides. hmmm..... field of 500 scoobs vs. scary rollercoasters........... tough choice Imy 1. Sti-04 2. Swiggi 3. P3dro 4. Karps (hopefully) 5. Billyboy 6. SCOOBAY 7. Johnny50 8. TheSquirrel555 + micra_wrc
  2. jamie, thats the same day as the Northern Big One. mibbe one of the reasons there are no scoobs down for it? its also the same weekend as the Scottish Rally in Dumfries. it's a good idea tho, the roads down there are fab. some other time p'haps? imy
  3. PMSL although, you boys could be gents and let a laydee win....... Imy
  4. ChrisP, we will give you a shout once male models are required shall we?? pink pepper, you may be able to get it in pink! will have more details soon. sma01, Scottish Scoobies Sticker order form under the Saltire msg from Phil karps, I guess the Gumballers would be happy if we used the Gumball gear. ........ but we're not. besides, i'd prob not hear the last of it from Gayle cal, good idea about using SIDC clothing as a starting point but we need to think about the cost, logistics and timescale of sourcing the clothes from down south. also, squirrel doesnt have any red in his wardrobe - all his clothes are blue and yellow! gayle and i are working on this and will keep you all posted. thanks for the interest troops, watch this space. it's gonna happen............ Imy ps gayle - i like your new disco ball icon
  5. Grant and I will be there. we're going to the karting as well so i'll prob need a stiff drink after being lapped by the guys! Imy 1. Spooks 2. kart_man 3. TheSquirrel555 4. micra_wrc
  6. i'll give ya a 'driving miss daisy' kart race spooks. will race ya for last place! imy
  7. ally, enough with the chav innuendo. Gayle and I are trying to do this right and your comments dont help. Imy
  8. thanks for the comments. The Scottish Scooby clothing will have SIDC on it, so it is clear that we are part of the SIDC. wrt the banner and possible events in which it should be used, i agree it should be used on official SIDC outings. For events organised by other marques, the scooby representation is fantastic and our cars already have SIDC stickers on them so there may not be a need to roll out the banner. there is a unqiue mix of regulars and newbies here and we should be able to compromise and get along without lowering the tone of the club. Imy
  9. Cal, i see where you are coming from and agree that it does get quite muddled in here as threads move so fast. I too would like to see the main scottish scoobies forum split into some categories e.g. general, forthcoming events and technical. From what Derek and Willie are saying, things are in the pipeline. Lets just see what happens and hopefully we may get some subcategories when the chiefs implement the new software. The extra traffic and number of Newbies is encouraging and i think the growth of scottish scoobes is a reflection on how good we have it here. Imy
  10. sorry chris....... its the only pic i had! cue evil cackle hee hee ........ another topic that got a few laughs on sunday...... Imy
  11. for those of you scratching your heads wondering what the whole Gumball thing is, i'll fill in the blanks for ya. We were at Crail on Sunday and Swiggi was quite taken with the graphics on CHRISP's scoob - Gumball 3000 - so much so that it made him hyper/giggle/giddy ALL DAY. He hatched some hairbrain idea that we should all do it! his hilarity made most of us laugh, except for S6CUB who wanted to sit in someone else's car on the way home! seems like Swiggi is still amused by it and is holding on to that idea! Imy edited to add pic of source of hilarity
  12. fraser, had a few too many beers hve ye? Imy
  13. << << welcome to the forum and get your name down for the Marvellous May Highland Gathering. Its gonna be big >> I've trawled the site looking for the run details, can anyone post a link or show me the way Doh, found it >> welcome to the forum.... er..... couldnt see what your 'real' name was! LOL noticed you have found the details for the Marvellous May Highland Gathering (run title courtesy of ANDYJDMSTI ) but havent put your name down. if you are up for a good day out with some fun but responsible driving, being part of a convoy of scoobs as far as your eye can see winding along Bonnie Scotland's finest roads, add your name to the list. live list - MMHG Original Post - MMHG feedback from similar run (Mad March One) held 2 weeks ago footage from Mad March One hope you can make it and that you enjoy the mad house...... Imy
  14. << Run there and back was ermmm.... interesting but the run in lorry was better, eh Imy!!! >> LOL S6CUB. the run in the lorry was fun. it was a good day, weather was surprisingly mild for Crail. some pics from today we've arrived. let's all pop our bonnets and look important there was a lorry creating a lot of smoke in the drift ring so gayle and I asked for a pax lap. the driver took us out one at a time decided to blow his tyres when i was in the truck group buy Imy
  15. btt just checked through 5 pages of posts and i think everyone is on the list. well done boys, almost everyone that's replied has stuck their name down for this in the correct order! Imy
  16. happy birthday fraser, hope you have a nice birthday and that Gayle buys you something you can fit onto your scoob! Imy & Grant
  17. hiya Jodi, welcome to the forum. it was nice meeting u on sunday. you need to get a pink lanyard made up. Find a nice pic of your bloke's car and email it to Malky along with details of the name you want shown.. clicky Imy
  18. quote by mcgoo from the other thread...... << Apart from the good range of Scoobies on show, some bemused villagers, some waving villagers and a comic of a cyclist leading the second group... could be heard as he passed .... "...scooby, another scooby, another sccoby, another scooby, another sccoby, .. volkswagon ?" >> i knew we took a picture of it........... Imy
  19. 1. ANDYJDMSTI 2. Swiggi 3. TheSquirrel + micra_wrc 4. sti-zlv 5. 2559B 6. WRXMANIA 7. Grovit
  20. Andy, just added my name on Grant's, seeing as i dont have a scoob! by the way, you should be able to spell s-q-u-i-r-r-e-l by now Imy 1. ANDYJDMSTI 2. Swiggi 3. TheSquirrel + micra_wrc 4. sti-zlv
  21. andy, which one of you two came up with the name? both weekend suits me, as my social diary revolves around Grant's motoring schedule I am assuming that i will be doing the paperwork on this? Imy
  22. << Of course mate. Seeing as i am usually nominated as Pace car, then just pop in behind at the start. Grant and the Red Dragon >> just wanted to confirm that the 'red dragon' is his car Imy
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