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Everything posted by micra_wrc

  1. Looking forward to this. Should be more fun than the last Gla meet 1. TheSquirrel555 2. WRXMANIA 3. CHRIS-GUMBALL3000 4. Matt 5. Fai17 6. Marc29 7. Playsatan2 8. Swiggi 9. Wilky 10. micra_wrc
  2. I saw the pics from Crail and you looked right at home Matt, in charge of the BBQ with your chef's hat! I'll be after some of that. Let me know if you need any help sourcing/purchasing food. Imy 1. Swiggi 2. Ms S6CUB 3. WRC No 1 4. Scoobymadburd 5. TheSquirrel555 6. micra_wrc
  3. << Chris - you going for multiple user-name changes Brian >> Its not just his user name thats changed, Chris and Wilky also change their names during the lists for meets within the threads! It cracks me up Imy
  4. the glasgow meets usually take place at the end of each month (around the 28th). All details will be posted here and not via phone, just keep your eyes peeled on the forum. Great if you can make it to the other meets, you are not restricted to attending the ones in your own area. Hope to see you at a meet soon, Imy
  5. Fai17 Sunday 12 June clicky for thread Grant and I wont be able to make it, as it is the same day as the Northern Big One 3. Imy
  6. I'll be able to make it to this....... my 1st Central meet Have added my name to Squirrel's. 1. HI SOOB 2. Chris Gumball 3. Swiggi & Mrs 4. Matt 5. SMA01 6. TheSquirrel555 + micra_wrc 7. Keap scooby 8. Paul C 555 9. WRC No 1 & Scoobymadburd 10. Wilky 11. WRXMANIA
  7. Grant and I had a good time today, we left early to avoid the traffic. There were enough display stands to keep us amused for a while. My fav was the baby quad bike track - one of the wee boys could be the next Colin McRae...... accelerating like mad round the oval and braking when he crashed into the walls/other riders! Good to see everyone, the SIDC stand looked ace. Imy and Grant PS - echo WRXMANIA's comments re: how shiny Swiggi's car was
  8. ach welll, it was fun while it lasted. hopefully it will be quieter inside the cabin guess i need to change the first line of my signature now............ the long suffering g'friend, Imy
  9. thanks miss scooby. fai17, you were bumped up to #8 as Grovit couldnt make it. dont worry, i'm keeping an eye on you!
  10. meko, kids........ not a problem.......... see p3 of of the MMHG thread for details not sure about convoys, these will probably be arranged nearer the time. There are a few from the Glasgow area heading up to Perth for the start of the run. Imy edited as his and hers answers re kids can actually be found on p3 of the thread. typical man (simple answer) and woman (detailed answer) reaction illustrated here! LOL
  11. PMSL. Just had to find some photographic evidence of TheSquirrel and Dopey toasting marshmallows, courtesy of sti-zlv clicky me for pic Imy
  12. welcome to the forum. the glasgow meets usually happen at the end of every month (round about 28th) but if you are willing to travel a bit further afield, there are regular meets in Ayrshire (Killie), Central (Bannockburn) and Edn/Lothian (Livingston) that take place earlier in the month. The Ayrshire and Central meets are next week, with the Edn/Lothian one the week after next. Venue is usually a Brewers Fayre as there is ample parking and restaurant facilities. hope u are enjoying scooby ownership and beware........ the modding bug will bite! Imy
  13. welcome to the forum scot. Hope you like it here. where are you and what do you drive? Imy
  14. Will be there but probably in works van. Well it is free diesel...... 1.HI SCOOB 2.Chris Gumball 3. Swiggi & Mrs 4. Matt 5. SMA01 6.TheSquirrel555 Remember the DVD's Jamie Grant
  15. had a good time doing the recce for the May Gathering. a nice wee weekend up north for us. only managed to take this pic roll on the May run Imy and Grant
  16. yup, we had a good turnout for this meet. I think I managed to speak to most of you and even managed to blag myself some digits! (could those that said they would PM me please do so ) It was nice meeting you all, looking forward to the next meet. A bonus with the brighter nights now is we can loiter around the cars without shivering in the cold! Imy PS - my exam went ok yesterday. Thanks to those who wished me good luck. Spent the rest of the day having a much deserved drink or two!
  17. think Grant and I may take a wander up on Sunday. 1. SCOOBAY + Family(Sat/Sun) 2. grasshopper + mrs grasshopper (Sun) 3. WRX and MANIA (Sun) 4.SWIGGI & S6CUB 5. fai17 & wife & 2 sprogs(Sun) 6. TheSquirrel555 + micra_wrc (Sun)
  18. fab pics davie, I'm so jealous you got that close to the pit crew! green-with-envy-imy
  19. LOL just had a look at other 'welcome' posts on this thread and note that mine is the longest.... Does anyone think i'd be any good at a Public Announcer / cabin crew intercom type thing........ posh voice... " good evening ladies and gentlemen. Scottish Scoobies are pleased to offer the following events in May... please check your diaries and join in the fun......... May I take this opportunity to remind you that we are in the process of producing high quality merchandise with Scottish Scoobies branding.... un-imitable garments of clothing that are only available here. Please view our display in the foyer.... " posh phone voice off PMSL Imy PS - i think i have "studied-too-much-itis"
  20. welcome to the forum marc, there are quite a few events happening in May. Not sure what you are into but: Thursday 29 April - Glasgow meet, Hillington, which I see your name is already down. Sunday 1 May - Max Power at Crail - show stands, 1/4 mile drag strip. Sat 7 May & Sunday 8 May - Motor Fair at Knockhill - track day, stunt show, car displays, kids show. Sunday 22 May - Marvellous May Highland Gathering, glad to see your name is already down Also, there is the Northern Big One on June 12 - big gathering of scoobies in Yorkshire - some of the boys here are going. in case you dont know how to get to these places, there are local convoys from Gla/Braehead you can turn up and follow the scoob in front. just realised most of these are taking place in the weekends......... hope you dont have to work weekends LOL! hope you like it here, Imy
  21. i shouldnt really be going to this as I have my last exam the next day but .......... imy 1. Grant (Squirrel) 2. Swiggi 3. wilky 4. SMA01 5. oobster 6. Finnie 7. Fai17 (Peter) 8. billyboy 9. grasshopper 10. ally-b 11. keap scooby 12. sma01 13. classic555 14. Karps (after 8 probably) 15. Marc29 16. bing (Steve) 17. micra_wrc (after 8 probably)
  22. Thanks for all the feedback troops. I think logo 2 (white lettering) wins hands down! Things are moving along and we should have some sample clothing to show you in a few weeks. It is a slow process to get the sample clothing made up but should be quicker for subsequent orders, as the manufacturer will have our details in his system. We are ironing out (no pun intended ) the details on the order form and payment process at the mo. thanks for your patience, Imy and Gayle
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