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Everything posted by StewartyBoy

  1. Exhaust rubber?
  2. Make sure insurance, bank account etc doesnt already cover. You find a lot give it as standard.
  3. The STi is faster off the mark but is the GB270 not better in the bends or am I just talking nonsense. Im looking at those models as well so I'm still learning.
  4. RB5's are in my opinion are the best of the UK bunch as far as looks go, apart from the P1. I'm pointing fingers at the numpties who look like they've crashed their car right through Halfords front window and reversed out with the styling department attached. Every person who has defended that car has done it for a reason, but not one has been because it looks good. Braveheart has a highly modified exterior on his Scoob which isnt my cup of tea, but thats not to say I dont appreciate the work and effort that has gone into it. I also know its a very well looked after car from his posts on here so it says to me he aint the chavvy type to drive up and down the road like a fanny outside my house at 4 in the morning. The car posted definately 110% is that type of car I see in the "How many bams can we fit in 1 car" competition in Glasgow City Centre at the weekend. I was crashed into and nearly killed by idiots like that so excuse my stereotypical view on it.
  5. I did think mate, but when you said about the decals being left on I knew you were at it! haha
  6. Holy crap, the further up Scotland you go the more expensive it becomes. I feel sorry for those in Orkney who will be scrambling to buy it at a mere 15k!
  7. There are Turbo's in this colour, although i've only ever seen it in Type R form.
  8. I never slagged anyone, what I said in my opinion, is that he's wasted a good car. Where's the slagging in that. Forum's have views and opinions. I gave mine which is, the car looks ****e and you gave yours which is the car looks good.
  9. ...? It's the ECU TINTED WINDOWS that entertains me the most. If only it were that easy to upgrade your power by sticking on black film...
  10. Have a look on Glasgow Gumtree and search for Impreza. The cars are a disgrace.
  11. OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHH Dear http://glasgow.gumtree.com/glasgow/41/52428341.html
  12. Cheeky Barsteward, Yeah I'm fairly capable when it comes to choosing upgrades etc. Just cant believe some peoples reactions when I say to them "Yeah mate, your at it with the price". Its as if i've tripped over and slung it in their wife. They honestly believe that when the car is on 70,000 its worth every penny as it was the day it was born, therefore 10 grand for a UK300 Bugeye is a friggin bargain! I reckon we now live in an age where we've become so attached to our beloved cars, that when it comes to sell it, it's as if we're selling a kidney or our first born and become incredibly overprotective. Anyways, rant over! Anyone recommend me a dealership car around and under 10k!? Scoobyseller, are you out there...?
  13. I've never seen such a variation in price for Impreza's as I have with the newages. When I bought my classic it was easy. It just seems as if people are reckoning "Ive got an SS zorst on mine so it must be worth a couple grand more". I understand that highly modified cars, perfromance wise will go for more than the norm but cars that are still pretty standard have such a variation that it seems as if people are just making up prices and saying "Aye that'll do, stick that down". Buying an Impreza should be fun, not ruddy frustrating...might buy an Evo
  14. So ok, Started having a more in depth look at prices and specs of the newages to get a grasp of what their worth. First off I've looked at a 56 Hawkeye WRX Wagon with 29,000 on the clock. Car is absolutely immaculate and at a reasonable price of 9,995. Came home and had a look at Autotrader and theres a very similar 56 Hawkeye WRX Wagon with 65,000 on the clock for 9,995. Now the latter has PPP, but SURELY that does'nt make any sense. I appreciate it has springs, ecu etc etc but in your own honest opinion, if you had both standing together would the lower mileage car need seem more appealing or am I being a complete trumpet...?
  15. Good looking car though, could see why you might want it back.
  16. Oh is that right Jon?! I'll be keeping you in mind then, wanna upgrade a couple of things in my Saab!! Is it mobile stuff you do or work for somewhere...?
  17. Certainly dont recognise it from the club mate, is it a car you used to own and are looking for back!?
  18. I've never owned a Newage, but when working in the car trade ive driven a hell of a lot and it does'nt feel anywhere near as "raw" as a classic. I'm not far off making a jump into a Newage but it's taken me a long time to make the decision to, as I really dont want to feel disappointed in the sense that they do feel a lot heavier and less fun. As for crash perfromanc. All crash scenarios are completely different, but I can vouch for the classic. If you "plan" on crashing doing a tad over the limit than you should be, then take it from me, they look after you pretty well.
  19. Ring these guys for parts and spares. Used to be in Paisley, now in Old Kilpatrick. http://www.scottishsubarus.co.uk/id6.html
  20. Glad to hear you never paid the asking price! Colour is cracking, once machine polished it'll look incredible. Wheels are a bit different for the type of car, more bling than rallying but they seem to fit in. MON THE WAGONS!
  21. For an engine that was re-built I can't help but think that it was patched up and sold on mate. I suggest digging the throttlebody out and having a proper look. Removing the I/C and a couple sensors, I'm sure there are four bolts that hold it into place. Might want to replace the gasket while your at it. As for chemical metal, its really just for patch jobs and I wouldnt be using it on application that has water pressure underlying. Can you get a picture of it!? If not to upload you can send it to me or I'm sure Big "D"' won't mind you sending it to his mobile, who may be more valuable in this circumstance as he seems to know his stuff Jon. I'll PM you my number and we can maybe go from there.
  22. Nothing to wirry about mate, just the weather. If it persists when the weather warms up THEN you have a problem haha.
  23. I fitted similar ones to Richies Newage Wagon, but I'm sure he had to lift them a bit when the coilovers went on so the didnt snag on the wheels when reversing. The rear ones were a bit of a pain as his brackets seem longer than yours. I ended up folding it where you have, but then having to fold it back on itself around the plastic.
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