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Everything posted by StewartyBoy

  1. Can you not rent a trailer!? If you were closer I couldve got hold of one for you.
  2. It's good to hear that everyone's efforts are going on to help others. The Gathering Team who organised the event(s) have done an amazing job, but I think everyone who attends the events and spends/donates also need a big pat on the back. The word "community" really comes into its own on this club, really like no other. Well done!
  3. I have that horrbile jealous feeling in my stomach. Someone has made a hug ****up and this guy is reaping the benfits.
  4. Theres a bit of an argument on this thread about JDM and why they are better than UK spec cars http://forums.sidc.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=144268
  5. Im not sure I'm brave enough to get on a bike like that tbh!! Maybe the reason why he's selling... "So how fast is it?" "Dunno, I'm scared of it..."
  6. I'd still rather this...
  7. Lets face it, SVA Testing is a joke anyways. The amount of ***** that ive seen passed through places is unbelieveable. HID is the last thing to worry about the cars that are rolling outta there.
  8. Sorry for the sharp reaction Baz, I was in a pretty bad mood when I replied! I do see the funny side of things, just not when I'm being a ****. Yes its correct, no washers or self levelling and your scunnered. Glasgow's finest ordered the removal of a friends lights due to them not meeting standards. Nice eh!
  9. Woah!! I posted because there had been a debate before about this, I reckon your response Baz was a bit OTT and unecessary. I'm pretty sure we all know murder is illegal, but not all know the technicality on the info Ive posted.
  10. Hi Guys, Was doing a bit of research on HID/Xenon Upgrade Kits. A friend had decided he wanted to upgrade, but wanted to know the legallity of them as a friend had been pulled over due to them glaring. For anyone else wondering... http://www.dft.gov.uk/pgr/roadsafety/drs/hidheadlamps
  11. Glad to hear its getting fixed mate, just hope your as happy with her when she's back.
  12. Serck Marston your looking for, not Intertruck.
  13. I bought a bonnet from a scrappies to practice on, havent got round to practicing yet...
  14. Possibly retrofit. It's not that difficult to get the prodrive parts, ECU, Backbox, CAT delete etc. I'd LOVE an older standard car to start all over again with. I'd be looking at £1100 tops paying for it Jon.
  15. I got these guys http://www.serckservices.com/ To fix the rad on my Impreza a few years ago. Was pretty cheap, may be a place near you...!?
  16. I definately would've been in the queue for that one.
  17. Found the below picture arsing around on Google Images. What happened!? Is this a photoshop or were we at one point destined to get this tasty looking Saloon??
  18. You could argue all day long that Japan were given the better models, but it's not just Subaru. Look at Honda and it's Type R. Arguably the best engine manufacturers in the world, and the first Type R to properly break cover was the bloody Accord!?! Yes we had the Integra, but we waited long enough for the R. Twin Turbo Supra? Pulsar GTR? Skyline GTR? The fact is we HAVE WRX's, P1's, UK300'S, STi's. Spare a thought for those who have no sense and still drive Evo's. Every Turbo and Non Turbo UK or JDM car is obtainable. Who cares if it was'nt sitting in our UK Dealership's, its not as if we can't get hold of them if we want one. Ive been working in a Lapdancers all night, and the thought of STi Cosworth being stuck on a bootlid has made me more sexually aroused than the 12 strippers I've been watching all night. The ones saying YAWN out there are the true petrolheads. The ones who know that there are greater thrills out there to be had. They are also the ones who have highly modified cars... Whose not to say that maybe, just maybe, the Cosworth will finally become OUR great base model to start with. The one that fly's our UK flag. I drive a Saab so I'm better than you all. Sorry did I say Saab, I meant Vectra. No sorry, Spyker. Now where's my driving gloves...
  19. ...for those who don't? I'm possibly going to be slated, but everytime I see an Escort Cosworth I still look on in admiration. I loved the way it looked back in the day and still do now. If not more so now for its old skool bonnet vents and ridiculious spoiler.
  20. I DID say test the MAF mate before looking any further Jon!! Got yer mail. I'm looking into it!
  21. I was quoted £900 fully comp from Keith Micheals for my Saab Aero. After members on here advising me on trying Elephant I got my insurance for £565!! I think Keith Micheals were good back in the day, but after having a look over the weekend it seems as if insurance companies are becoming more competitive. I suppose they have to just now.
  22. I reckon it IS that car... Beaten to it! The spoiler is cracking. Best way to slow things down eh. I can see a bit of a colour difference on the kit, am I just being a perfectionist...?! If your buying a project car and spending quite a bit, I wouldnt be put off buying that car. I bought facelift parts for my STi classic for absolutely heehaw and it made a world of difference.
  23. Where is the car now mate? Maybe we could recommend someone close-by to take it to.
  24. So what your saying is my mates a tight barsteward. Slagging coming his way!!
  25. Those skirts dont look like they are blended, just fixed on as per the norm as Jon said. As for my opinion on the spoiler. When changing a friends from low to high on the classic, the mounting points were wider apart. It may be that it was'nt an OE spoiler but it led me to believe that due to the overhang from its fixing point, it needed to have wider fixings.
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