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Everything posted by StewartyBoy

  1. If you cant disconnect it, reach in with a hammer and persuade it to shut up...
  2. Everyday's a school day Arch. Always thought it stayed on the car seperated from the light.
  3. In a word...NO! They have different mounting brackets I'm sure. Also the painted part doesnt come out on the Saloon. Saw your post of the car, welcome to the club.
  4. Ive been looking at grunting up the Saab. Any chance of getting in on this!? Catback I'm looking for on a 2005 Saab 9-3ss Aero.
  5. Damn was hoping some more would fall for it before I was rumbled!! I particularly like the petrol with NOS in it.
  6. Hi All, Boss decided today enough is enough (drives an M5) with the fuel prices, so ordered the below. Anyone thought of doing it!? http://www.petroldirect.com/petrol.htm
  7. HAHA HOLY CRAP BATMAN!! I would be looking at changing them for bloody sure! Can you not go to somewhere local that deals with absorber/rams and see if they can repair it or is it warranty!? We use West Of Scotland engineering in Partick.
  8. HAHA I would have loved that. "Nah it's not mine" - I'm sure that would've confused situations even worse...
  9. Make it to The Arches Mark? Heard it was'nt that busy. Come on, what wheels have you got??
  10. Greers in Glengarnock seems to be a popular choice down that way mate.
  11. What channel was that on Jock. Love these online "players". ITV, unless you like Emmerdale or Coronation Street nothing else is worth watching apparently.
  12. I had a Megane Coupe as a runaround, was the older F7R 2.0 16V. They finished in 99, mine had a 52 plate on it. Found out it was an Irish import.
  13. It's a non standard spoiler that one.
  14. The fact he's "P.C" Cross and helps Grannies cross the road might have something to do with it...
  15. Looks not too bad mate. Nice wee project with a good heart!
  16. They aint gonna sell those whole lets be honest. 22B will already be in bits for definate which is such a bloody shame. Thieves should have their hands cut-off to stop re-offending, jail is too good.
  17. Forums are a poor medium for sarcasm eh...
  18. And a good return on re-sale. Clever thinking, citylinking?
  19. http://www.autosmart.co.uk/Trade%20Products.html
  20. Nah we're supplied by a lad called Glenn. Thought it may have been him.
  21. I know just the man. I'll pm you his details. Stewarty
  22. HAHAHAHA! Just kidding mate. Anthracite I would say Rich!
  23. Totally agree with LewisScoob This what happened when a Saxo and Impreza collide... Then Now His excuse for hospitalising me... ..."I was showing off" Oh yes, the Saxo was stolen.
  24. I would'nt bother Rich, whats wrong with the way they are?
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