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Everything posted by marky.t.s

  1. i was a bit like the Welsho myself,a wee wash to keep it clean once a week,but now for some reason i've started trying some of the products i've heard about on here every other week.At the moment i've been using Zymol Auto bathe,and Poorboys Nattys blue paste/wax,it goes on easy with a German applicator pad,buffs of easily not much dust ,(unlike the Auto Glym)crackin shine even after a dozen washes.Bought all my products from Polished Bliss online,arrived 24 hrs later.
  2. very nice example of a limited classic mate[H],did you get the original wheels with it?was it gold speedline/series McCrae type alloys that was on them?? i cant remember myself.[*-)]
  3. looks good neebs,will you just park the C1 in the boot.[]
  4. I know the feeling mate! well act your age then and take those stupid stickers of yer motor,then youll blend in with the rest of the traffic instead of saying "hey!!!! mr. traffic cop,here i am!!!![]
  5. John i was on my hols at the last track day mate and just got back yesterday so couldnt make meet last night,offer still stands though,one of these days eh??[]
  6. fireproofs not required mate,each to there own as they say,mind you i think Billyboy might disagree with you on the 'No problems and no rattles in a new age' thing,besides you dont by a classic to whaft around in limo luxury,its all about the rawness and lightness of a rally car for the road. BTW,its me in the transit van that gives you a flash now and then in Airdrie and B/hill,is it yer old man thats got the Snack van in Mossend sometimes,do i get an SIDC discount if i quote my membership no.,lol.
  7. i know how you feel mate,tbh,its just the age of the car,i was the same for about 6 months last year,one thing after another,....MAF failure,front discs,droplinks,......major service.......rear discs required for MOT,4 new Toyo's.I was ready for selling up but when you think long and hard about it its mostly all wear and tare,which ,i think has to be expected when owning a classic(REAL SCOOBY !!!) youll just have to grin and bear it buddy.[]
  8. nice one Bandit[H],............one of these days........[]
  9. i just got back from my hols today,i thought i'd have a look on the forum to catch up with the gossip and banter,i'm not one for swearing on here but WTF !!!!!!!!!(its still not swearing i suppose) 2 weeks is over in a flash and i come on here to read about car thefts ,ram raiding thieving saxos ,and unfortunate incidents leaving folks scoobs written off,Scoobymark,Kilsyth is only 5 mins from my neck of the woods ,that sounds like scary stuff mate,and its getting closer to home all the time,hope youre all ok. Stewarty,jeez, you were lucky there mate,hope the scum gets caught soon. Alan K ,sorry to here about your scoob mate. Anyway,we had a crackin' holiday in Rhodes,not much in the way of scoobs there,so heres a few pics..... strange badging on this one..... spotted this one after a few shandy's(a bit out off focus) some serious horsepower..... and heres one for AllyB and the"Auld bikers club" i cant be ar sed going to the Glasgow meet tonight guys ,maybe next time,cant make Alford at the w/end either ,back to work for me i'm affraid,.....roll on next summer[]
  10. sorry to but in guys,Duncan at Hypertech fitted my Gus the bus supplied centre pipe (i still turn the tunes down to listen to it ,get a few pops on the overun with front cat still in place[]) for 20 quid ,no skint knuckles for me.[]
  11. coz its not required when your using a 4 point harness ,mibbies for trackdays.????........wild guess![]
  12. had a good day out today,was up at the stand for a wee while,but ,just my luck almost everyone had disappeared for a look around.I did however meet a few more faces on the forum,met Stevo,and had a natter with Scoobyiain.Bumped into various other members around the place as well. Some good pics up already folks[Y] heres a few of mine.......... SIDC stand first...... some random scoobs,some with SIDC stickers on... minted XR2...... proper muscle..... proper muscle Jap style.....[].... and finally,spent most of the morning in here with these two.....
  13. know what you mean mate,my de-cat and re-map been on hold for over a year now,you fancy being the getaway driver and well rob a bank mate[]
  14. wow!!!...thats mint James,i want those wheels in gold[]
  15. and i thought i was the only one Imy,travel that stretch a lot myself,saw plenty of folk stopped by unmarked cars as well there,i never go over 60mph for that reason,it must be one of the most patrolled short stretches of motorway in glasgow area. i hope they take it easy on you Dave,.........you silly muppet!
  16. hi and welcome to scottish scoobies mate[Y]
  17. good write up indeed,i could go a Big Mac now[]
  18. hope it all goes together ok,[Y]will you be getting a re-map,or is it still standard P1.
  19. possums?? deer whistles????all in the one week.....its like Animal Planet on here[].....hi and welcome mate.
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