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Everything posted by marky.t.s

  1. hope it does mate,those things sound awesome
  2. very nice motor indeed mate
  3. well we didnt want to say we thought so ........but....just for you....
  4. dont mention it mate,.......ah where would we be without the banter eh???
  5. nice motor mate,dont see many good lookin ones about these days,full drift spec project next then???
  6. hi and welcome to scottish scoobies,you should have bought a classic mate as for the guy above...........his cars got stickers on it like a swrt car,you know ,the one that hasnt won anything,....i'll say no more.
  7. done the photobucket link,and tried uploading from my own pictures........still nothing.
  8. done that mate ,it just says.."current avatar..........offsite file 90 x 90."
  9. right,first off Andy i am as good with p.c.'s as youre mother, i cant seem to upload a pic from my own files as per old site.Welsho said something about doing it remotely ,does this mean using my photobucket account?if so which line next to the thumbnail do i copy? sorry to be a pain in the ######,but where does everyone get those fancy ,moving,flashing avatars? and are they allowed now?
  10. howdy folks i'm in as well,no hassle either,well done Andy and everyone who helped out. not had a chance to look at everything yet,must say it all looks very inviting,so somebody P.M. me about 11.30.pm and shout "get tae yer bed" i'm off for a look around
  11. STI Version 1 Acropolis i like the sound of that one ,what was so special about it?
  12. just finished it,its working fine now...........but my eyes hurt[]
  13. naw mate ,just wondered,got mine done at Dunc's 2 month ago ,do you know what he uses ?,i think it's Millers as well.
  14. what oil did you use in the diff and 'box Gus?
  15. i'd be happy with a de-cat and a re-map on a standard UK car,but that looks like a nice list youve got there mate[]
  16. aw Marky, there were tons of it left too [] ach well, the guys at Spooks's work will appreciate it the lucky,lucky beggers.nice pics so far,any videos? i didnt realise extreme was so close to those houses,thats an early morning wake -up for them then[|-)][]
  17. WTF???Damo,is the garage having a laugh,surely rebuilding a performance engine,subaru or otherwise,they must know its going to be driven hard now and then.To come out with that statement is out of order,do they claim to be a "performance specialist"? please let us know the location or the name of this garage so that others can think twice or ask the garage if they know what their doing before forking out money only to be told that "youre a ned" when something goes wrong.
  18. glad you all had a good day,unfortunately i couldnt make it as i ended up having to do 'call-out' this weekend 'cause folk are on holiday[]Imy that caramel cake of Rosies is the only reason i was going to come along as well[]
  19. lookin good Derek,top job Iain[H]
  20. Andy,when you say "reset your password" will i have to have a completely new password or will i be able to reset with the one i am currently using, if you know what i mean.
  21. enjoy it mate,i'll be thinking about you......[st][li][st][st]
  22. a tidy lookin Terzo,with a cool reg. plate *555 BAT,heading north on the m74 about 4.00 ish today.[Y]
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