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Everything posted by marky.t.s

  1. first class results iain,i've just bought Megs sratch X ,you told me about it a while ago.I 've got a Meg's foam pad as well.So,is it just a case of follow the instructions,or,is there anything i should know.
  2. iain,i would take some of the previous comments with a pinch of salt mate,i'll bet all the "big" men are all under the thumb(like me ,lol.) they can say anything they want on here and there other halves wouldnt know,and if they did they'd be the ones packin' their bags,lol.
  3. crackin pics Ac!d,looked nice and sunny yesterday ,i was there today for SMRC racing,some heavy showers and hailstones????? its nearly june FFS.!
  4. nice pics Dougie,i passed the Ariel Atom on the M73 this morning on my way to work,it cant be much fun driving in the rain.Think i passed St3ph3n as well about 7.30 am.Arch,did i read on a post a while back that you were from the Cumbernauld area? what you driving mate?
  5. hi and welcome mate....and dont forget the pics ,we love pics on here[]
  6. looks good stevie,i'm not a fan of the lexus lights either,but i'd get the rear reg. plate de-badged first[]
  7. glad you all enjoyed today,i was supposed to be there but ended up working instead[]
  8. FFS,mate ,gutted for you,hope you change your mind about not buying another scoob.[]
  9. so are you lot not going on this June run?.....or are you doing the shoot en-route[8-)]
  10. good idea neil,but you should put a blue classic in the middle[]
  11. nice pics,nice location Neil,btw,is the reg plate a photoshop?,good idea that ,looks better than the usual coloured in attempts i use,lol. oh and as you were asking,i was working today,came home,washed the car,....another exciting Sunday[]
  12. Jodie, I wish it was a tommi wagon, but it's only the front bumper, I am still very impressed though, it handles, rides and goes much better than my 2.8 bmw z3. Thanks to all that have given me such a warm welcome hi and welcome mate,your wagon looks very tidy[H],it'll be a lot different from your "hairdressers"motor eh?[]
  13. Good point. Sorry to hear your giving up on the marque, maybe you should come back in the seat of a NewAge. All the best with what ever you do and will continue to enjoy the pics. J lol,didnt take you long there J.W.[]
  14. Links to strathycruise? Surely this is the forum on the slippery slope now. Next meet McDonalds car park? [] hee,hee,hee!!!![]
  15. paul,i'll take it off your hands for 2 weeks,no probs ,and its free of charge[]
  16. sorry to hear that Col,hope you make the right choice with your next motor[] and i for one will be awaiting the usual K/H,SMRC,pics.[Y]
  17. aye,theres nowt stranger than cumbernauld Colin.[]
  18. for those who missed kelvin burt's porsche crash the other week......he is one lucky boy indeed....and so were the marshals and tv crew... edit..... clicky doesnt work ....how the f.... do you get these things to work,i've never got one of these things to work,no wonder i never post in this thread[]
  19. WHAT YOU DRIVIN ANYWAY MATE?...i'll keep an eye out for you when i'm oot n aboot.[]
  20. received an e-mail from Alex today in reply to an e-mail i had sent last week,she said they have been very,very,very busy,and on top of that the dugs have been ill. she didnt have to tell me that, but she did ,which i thought was pretty decent of her. anyway as mentioned above ,Duncan has worked on my car till at least 10 pm on one occasion,and has bent over backwards to help myself and others i know many times. top team and know their stuff,cant fault them.[Y]
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