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Everything posted by marky.t.s

  1. ooh,the "new age" boys slagging off the "new,new age car"....maybe some day yours will be called a "classic".....then again....[]
  2. hi and welcome mate,very nice wagon indeed[Y]silver suits the anth. alloys......that reminds me i really need to get my sideskirts and rear spats colour coded[]
  3. subscribed[Y] had a look at an issue of total evo a while back ,pretty well put together mag all round,hopefully ours will be as good.Our R.O.'s up here could maybe try and get a few "Scottish Scoobies" articles published.[]
  4. congrats to the both of you[Y]......Ava Voilet?......that is one hell of a cool name[H]
  5. hi and welcome mate,get the pics up then[]
  6. that must have been a "brown pants"moment ,at least you got it under control,lucky there mate.
  7. agreed mate,as you will know i'm for the standard look myself,mines is as near factory standard as possible apart from a few minor cosmetics,and a backbox and its 7 years old now.
  8. hi and welcome mate,i'll keep an eye oot fur ye,i'm usually around the hamilton/motherwell (well,mostly Douglas at the moment)area myself,so if you see a transit van with an SIDC sticker in the window flashing its lights at you .........wave back[]
  9. Colin,i've got an engine bay you can take some before and after pics of,.......oh ,i forgot to say youll have to clean it before the after pics are taken of course[]
  10. ffs,just read this,what the fek is going on in this country these days,my missus visits Toys r us and Big W at parkhead quite often,think its the bus from now on unless we go in mob handed to pick up some WWE figures for the wee mans birthday ,gotta agree with mr welsh.....new hood ornament for the car if anyone attempts to run at me from the front.
  11. nice one Rob,really like that wing......new wheels next?[]
  12. or bore loads of wee holes to let the air through[]
  13. hi and welcome mate,thats one shiny motor youve got there,youll be Scoobyiain best mate with all that detailing malarky[],(i mean that in a good way),always liked a black car myself ,but,as you say you need to keep on top of the cleaning or it just looks crap,love that front grill btw. where aboots in lanarkshire are you,i'll keep my eyes peeled when im oot and aboot.
  14. Oregon trail rally 07, USA,28 mins of action,pity i cant make it clicky[]... http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=29...78863&hl=en
  15. yeah,black is best mate,i used a matt black thought it would look better than a gloss finish,btw the vents just pop out so its a doddle to spray them....
  16. very nice wagon indeed willie,had a cavy sri the same as that H51 FTM from ian grieve's many moons ago,had the gsi grill on it as well , they were like hens teeth back then lol,i think i visited every breakers yard in lanarkshire lookin for one.
  17. Richie, you would be lucky if they knew the time of day at my local Shell garage. I`ll keep my eyes peeled in the meantime. [Y] ha,ha,ha,.....i know what you mean Colin,when the Ferrari collectors cards were on i bought some v-power,paid for it and had to ask if she had any v-power cards,i was met with a look as if i had horns growin' out my head,and then she said ,and i quote..."I think youll need to go to a wee (offensive word for an asian shopkeeper)'s shop for them pal".....well i think its the same local shell as me .
  18. Saw your Green one aswell John, you live near my mates brother. Do you have a track Impreza too? Colin Who's your mates brother ? Track car ? You could call it that yes [] ---john--- it mibbies looks a bit like this (crap pic)[]
  19. aye Alan i'll need to find someone else to wave to on my way home,btw the big red vans gearbox blew up....not my fault i drive it like a sooby eh? hope you Jen and Hollie settle in quickly when you get to Perthshire mate,and i'm sure there will be plenty folks to wave /flash to up there.[Y]
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