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Everything posted by marky.t.s

  1. 1. Squiggly 2. coulty ( the young classic) 3. Corsa ( the fast pensioner) 4. Richie 5. Cal ( depending on where and when you'll meet up ?) 6. Oz *sti* aka Alan + Lynda ( depending where) 7. COLZO 8. marky.t.s(if its bothwell) any idea of time yet folks??
  2. not yet mate,just going to crack open a Magners the noo.
  3. will it be easy enough to get the staples out of the bodywork,i'll bring some pliers just in case,oh and a wee drop filler.
  4. lookin good now Gus,have you ordered the baggy combat pants,harlem globetrotters t-shirt and a big fekin gold chain,ya nutter.!!!
  5. stickers received today,and fitted tonight,top quality items folks,thanks again Al.
  6. good decision iain ,you know it makes sense
  7. ah well,looks like you and me are going the A80/M73.on our own ,if you pull in at Cumbernauld(old inns,shell station ,off the A80 i'll head down with you.
  8. get shot of it and buy a classic!........................... .only kidding sounds a right pain in the 4 rse john,hope you get it sorted soon mate.
  9. same here Steve,i nearly lost a transit and a renault master van at that bend,its well dodgy it tightens as you go round and is always slippy when its damp.i hope it doesnt make him decide "enough is enough" with the classic .
  10. just got my copy today,whats with the recorded delivery anyway?had subscriptions for loads of mags(stop sniggering,only car mags,btw.) over the years and never had to sign for them .anyway well done scoobyiain and everyone else for their features.
  11. that rings a bell st3ph3n,is his real name Wullie by any chance??
  12. well we had a great weekend down Scarborough way,some crackin roads i have'nt been on for years,the last time must have been 6-7 years ago ,so it was pre-scooby anyway,for those that know the road to S/boro' the usual run up the Sutton bank was closed so a diversion was in place which took us on the" caravan route" avoiding the 1:3 gradient and all the tight bends.This was even better than the usual route!!!even with the car pretty well packed(the usual.....female takes everything for a long weekend scenario.)we had fun with the 90deg. bends,blind summits,twists and turns.The run up to Reighton sands where we were staying was even better but some of the pace notes should have read"caution,big jump,dont cut!!!!"i think the missus stomach still hasnt settled but myself and the wee man loved it . Anyway,saturday was mostly spent at the beach sunday was pretty windy, but dry so we took a run down to Bridlington,the sea was at its best at the harbour edit....oops posted in wrong section ...sorry Andy then it was up on the( newly opened this year)Bridlington eye,a very impressive wheel indeed,the view was stunning,and a bit scary at the top when the wind got a hold of the Gondola we were in. a good view.... now,heres where it becomes interesting in an SIDC/Scottish scoobies sort of way,we were in the Pavillion on the sea front when a guy in a SWRT jacket walked buy outside when my son Ciaran said "thats the guy that was on the march run with us,he drives a Legacy estate!".So i moved nearer to the window for a closer look and thought ,mmmmm,mibbies aye mibbies naw.Either way if it was him i couldnt remember his real name never mind a username,and i wasnt going to rattle the window(shouting something like "Monkeynutz555") and have folks outside looking at me as if i was mental,so if you look at the following pic ,and you drive a Leggy estate ,follow the wall at the bottom right of the pic up towards the harbour the guy with the SWRT jacket is clearly leaning over the wall at the second lampost from the bottom anyway back to work in sunny Douglas the morra!!
  13. 1/ Ally-b 2/ Richie Cross 3/Mac 4/Squiggle 5/Bogie 6/H4AFY 7/Gus the Bus (hopefully I'll be able to get a half day) 8/Neill54 9/Scooby Princess and Edmondo (if i can get time off) 10/nippySweeties 11/IainC (depending on babysitters and day off work... second part far easier to organise than the first) 12/st3ph3n 13/Jcscoob 14/ALI_ 15/STi_Bandit 16/Andy 17/Scooba 18/Thefastone 19/the blue dragon(had muy name up but it dissappeared ) 20/ Wilky ( Need to ride shotgun, the merc doesnt count) 21/ Frank C (got the day off) 22/ JamesM (Depending on getting time off work) 23- Spaceman 24-CJK 25/ Dougie C (if anyone can give me a lift that will be running by Penicuik) 26 - Dtabbit77(also dependant if I can get the half day) 27/ Ed-209 (confirmed day off) 28 DAZ3658 (not back down in Englandshire till october) 29 J10 DLY 30 Paul_P1(on call but will come along anyway) 31. Rossibarr 32/ Tosh 32 33/ marky.t.s 34/ CORSA 35/ Oz *sti* + Lynda (if it's the Sunday we will be there)
  14. every time i turn the key and here that sound i will remember you,you are the reason i "drive". R.I.P. Colin.
  15. same here,didnt even know about this tragedy till this morning(the joys of having a drink on a saturday night),watched the news tonight after returning from Knockhill,wish i could have been there to pay my respects to a man who was the same age as me but has achieved so much in his life,a life i could only dream of,my thoughts and prayers go out to the McCrae family and all affected by what has happened.
  17. was working today so ,any pics anyone?? how did the new improved Welsh mobile go J.W.??
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