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Everything posted by marky.t.s

  1. hi and welcome mate,as mentioned above,leave the "cat" for now get a de-catted centre section and a decent backbox,it'll be sounding sweet ,as for induction leave well alone ,just upgrade the panel filter to a Green filter or similar.
  2. crackin pics there ,what about some of those jumps,mental or what???
  3. ,nice one,anyway,i like the WRC concept whether the road going Sti looks like that remains to be seen.
  4. ,hee,hee! btw, are you at K/H on sunday Col?
  5. aye ,how big is your c 0ck and how often is it used???
  6. hi and welcome mate,i'm based in B/Hill for work myself ,but i'm always up and down the 74 as well.oh what fun eh???
  7. stop,stop,stop........enough already!!!!!! you dont have to rub it in!!!!!!(this is not a jealous statement btw)
  8. aye and all those silly rally stickers as well eh J.W.
  9. What's a mod??? 1 - drb5 2 - 3 - Not done any and never will 1 - John Stevenson 2 - 3 - Done a couple but more in the pipeline 1 - IainC 2 - Double Zero 3 - Ac!D 4 - MrBadger 5 - G.Mac (going st see Mr Squirrel eating his liver before christmas when I get 400BHP out of my standard VF35) 6 - Speech 7 - imy 8 - marky.t.s Going mod crazy at the mo, I can't help myself and the wife is going to kill me 1 - TheWelsho 2 - Stuarted (NB no wife!) 3 - I'm nearly finished, only tweaks from this point on 1 - Playsatan2 2 - Frank C 3 - Fai17 All done, this is just how I want it 1 -Squirrel 2 -Ally-b 3 - i think some folk are starting to take the p 1 .ss
  10. its like the"secret service "on here,anyway well done Paul,thats a fine machine you got there,enjoy!!
  11. woowwww!!!!thats an excellent result J.W.......youll be able to keep up with my old car now
  12. would that be a "wildgoose chase" then!
  13. you could always come on "the wee october run",see "events"section
  14. you are an a55!.......your like a wean a couple of days before christmas,looking in all the cupboards for presents 'coz he cant wait..........take it easy till tuesday when you see "santa forrest"..........you jammy b4ss.
  15. thought i heard you when i was in my bed!!!
  16. aye,sorry mate got blethering to a few folk then went in for a drink,i saw you were talking to a few folk yourself and didnt want to but in,had the wee fella with me so had to go away about 9.30,i did a "fly past " around the 2 roundabouts for you all
  17. Not to worry ,at least it provided us with entertainment as you lot passed by ,besides PaulC555 and the central mob done the same
  18. ........especially the last part
  19. dont forget the pics once you've washed the bugs off it then.
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