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Everything posted by marky.t.s

  1. hmmm, not saw that one 'round these parts before. Open your eyes then [] That would be me in the Dog Carrier/Tow Car [] Often also seen in a Green 4dr with Prodrive WR spoiler ---john--- aye,i'll need to keep my eyes peeled then John.[]
  2. hmmm, not saw that one 'round these parts before.
  3. Mark, you drive a TRANNY van []. [] aye Ian,i walked right into that one eh?[]......sh1t ....i've just laddered my tights and broke a fingernail[]
  4. spotted 2 members in Airdrie today about 4.45 pm ish,one i know was Alan G,the other i'm not sure about but i'm positive i've seen it before,new age WR blue ,gold pff7's,WRX mibbies,oh and scooby-doo on reg plate ** ** HVZ i think,i was in the white tranny van flashing and waveing like a nutter[]
  5. you mibbies want to edit that mate,i think you meant to say YES,to the Knockhill question[]
  6. aye, thought i heard it was 6pm on other posts,why do they not advertise this ,i was there yesterday and never noticed anything[:@] ah well, next time then .
  7. whats the time on these v-power days,is it all day or just certain hours,old inns is my local ,i was going to nip down when i read your post.
  8. And then the run home was a good blast as always with a stop back at old inns to enjoy a tank of V-power at Unleaded prices. STOP PRESS Nanaki is it V-Power day at Old-Inns today,????
  9. sounds like Seafar 99(craig) at our local watering hole[]
  10. you guys up north,this is a pic from Harthill,the football shirt you talk about is standard issue there,and,probably has been on his back for the last 2 weeks,and for the foreseable future or untill the new footie season starts ,in which case the youngster will be physically restrained,shirt removed ,a quick wash and then put back on the child and not removed until the new kit comes out in June 2008.[]
  11. i dont know if thats clever or just stupidity,i cant imagine doing that on a run back down from the Campsies[*-)]
  12. hi and welcome mate,2 classics......nice one[H]
  13. aye,some times when i pass through there i can see folks out on their verandah's playing banjo's and spitting into an old tin pan whilst wearing a cowboy hat and chewing on a piece of straw. ........good luck with the move guys,remember i'm only 10 mins away if you need a hand with anything,just give me a shout.[Y]
  14. Davie,the "evotech" scoob rings a bell mate,i saw this on the M73 a few weeks ago,only thing is it was being driven at 60mph holding up traffic heading north,young lad with blonde burd,sounds the same car to me.
  15. cheers chrissy,i'll fill her up the morra.[Y]
  16. aye yer funny Neil[],anyway how about some nice rally stage/forestry type photoshoot locations for "PROPER" Subarus,none of that poncey ,shiny building sh1t for us mate.[]
  17. hi folks,glad your enjoying your first year in the SIDC/Scottish scoobies,i have met most of the folk you mentioned above,and, as you say they are all v.nice people indeed.So is the move up Perth way still on ?,i saw yer car in chapelhall the other day.oh,btw,get yersel tae the back of the Q,i'm first in Welshos motor for the pax laps[] When are you getting to a meet anyway,Glasgow or Central area meets are ideal for me coz i'm in between,youll get to meet a few more folks, even if its just for the carpark banter. Anyway ,remember its not just scoobs that wave to you,dont forget us transit van drivers,lol. Take care folks.
  18. Good idea, you can get one of those cameras on a wooden stand where you put a big blanket over your head and fire the massive flash like an explosion is going off in your hand! LOL couldn't resist. Nice pics Neil. i'm laughing my head off Mr.Welsh[:@]
  19. good picks there Spooks,your getting the hang of the DSLR then?[]
  20. aye,crackin pics Neil ,all the cars lookin good,as Imy said,whens our turn[] Classic photoshoot .date-tba. micra_wrc marky.t.s []
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