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Everything posted by marky.t.s

  1. oh no it's not!!!!!(in a loud pantomime type voice)
  2. hi and welcome to the club mate,btw,where is "over here"???
  3. hmmmm,they look cool at night,but not my cup of tea,did you take off the original smoked Sti lights???......i'll have them
  4. was thinking that myself,now he's got a tow truck wae nowt to tow ......mind you i've not seen a C1 going up Forrestburn yet!!!!!
  5. if you need youre regular "scooby meet fix" for the month those of you not on holiday could have a wee run through to the combined glasgow/central meet in cumbernauld,i'm sure youll be made most welcome
  6. hee,hee,doesnt take you long eh Gus????....Kinghorn i can vouch for the quality of these parts,and i'm sure lots of folk on here can do likewise
  7. i got youre p.m. today mate,i had just went off-line at the time you sent it last night.
  8. i know how you feel mate ,had plenty of muppets wanting a drag race,as iain said ,i just let them get on with it and snigger to myself,i'm to old for that #### anyway,glad to here his old man thought he was a pr1ck anyway,usually they would be telling you to eff off.
  9. hi and welcome mate,no need to be affraid of an import ,theres plenty of owners(classic and new age)on here,just do a bit of research and ask around for info from owners,check history etc as you would with any used car purchase,most of all dont just dive in and buy the first thing you see,good luck and enjoy. p.s. come along to the central meet(see events section) next thurs. i'm sure youll pick up a few tips on imports.
  10. aye ,i think hes on something,lol. btw,why cant we have a wee box at the bottom of the page as seen on other forums,it says something like"members with birthdays today are......the welsho,James 666 ,etc." mind you that would only work if everyone filled in their personal profile stuff.
  11. do we still get sidc discount with powerbulbs promotion codes??,the last update in "members"areas was back in feb.
  12. thought he had a "classic" wagon that pops,bangs,and shoots out flames.
  13. hi and welcome mate,theres plenty of members up youre way on here,get along to a meet and bring yer own sheep.
  14. hi and welcome to scottish scoobies mate,enjoy the experience,oh and dont forget to post a pic,mind you all them newage cars look the same to me.
  15. thats a first class job mate,did you get sidc discount ok.
  16. hi and welcome to scottish scoobies mate.
  17. i thought J.W. had one of youre centre sections
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