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Everything posted by marky.t.s

  1. nice pics there James[Y].Colin,aye no bad pics ,but i think a decent camera is needed,crappy flash for when the sun goes down on my wee samsung.[]
  2. sorry to hear that mate,you live and learn eh?,btw,what car was yours,as usual i never got a chance to meet everyone at the meet/run.
  3. congrats and good luck mate,....so whens the first oxon/scottish scoobies meet[]
  4. hi folks,i couldnt be bothered sorting pics last night,had a goodnight,good banter,good burgers(cheers st3ph3n).Colzo, the boys said thanks for their burgers as well,methanol bangers,haggis hunting,scotch mist,midgies.....and a bright orange scoob......what more could you ask for on a thursday night,just a pity i had to go home early for the boys bedtime,steve(double zero) hope you found yer way back to Denny ok.[] p.s i had to laugh at the Porsche driver cruising past twice at Hillington carpark.......think he was a bit jealous coz we've got a proper club and he hasn't.......hee..hee..heee! anyway heres a few pics,some are decent but most are pants as my diddycam cant seem to take pics when the sun goes down...... [ IM thats yer lot.[]
  5. hi and welcome to sidc mate,that is a very tidy motor indeed.......'mon the classics[]
  6. hi and welcome mate,plenty of good roads up your way to test the wagon out......have fun[]
  7. i wish mate,it'll have to be after my hols mate (august)i'm working nearly every w/end at the mo.i'll go on the wee run at the glasgow meet this week and mibbies PaulC will organise a wee trip we were talking about at the central meet if he gets the time,mind you ,from what he told us about the hotel he's staying in he'll be wearing handcuffs and a g1mp mask by now.[6]
  8. superb pics Marty ,Imy,Stevie.Gus i'll get a copy of the route for you neebs []
  9. aye ,things are lookin up,bad luck for Atkinson,without the punctures he could have been top 3,he just needs to be more consistent throughout the season.well done to petter ,good result overall i think,especially a carbreaker of a rally like that. what about Hirvonin going off at 150 mph and missing every tree,the look on his face said it all,a very.very lucky young man. p.s. Colin ,you going on the run/meet on thurs. night.
  10. nice pics,looked nice and dry for you,wish i was there,but ,i had to earn some pennies this w/end. Imy,if you have a spare route map from today could you bring me one one thurs,night ,thanks.looks like a nice wee run i could try when im not working.[]
  11. hmmmm,this place is full of smart ar$es,[]...very nice motor indeed mate,nice to see someone sticking to blue/gold wheels....the way god intended it to be[H]
  12. And what would be the point in that? How would you feel Neil if your wife or another female in your family was unlucky enough to have a wee bump then the MALE driver and I'll quote you here "kicked her ar$e" not big nor clever []. i think Neil was having a laugh mate,....chill-out.[]
  13. aye youll go faster with those stripes on Craig[] looks spot on mate.[H] p.s. cumbernauld hoose for a photyshoot,nice one.
  14. agreed neil,i didnt put my name on the list coz i knew i'd be workin this weekend,how hard can it be ffs.[:@]
  15. hi and welcome chris,like the shiny wheels mate.[H] p.s. a lifestyle consultant driving a classic.......nuff said,.......'mon the classics[]
  16. Why thank you! No spins this time, but ran very wide at one point coming out of the 2nd corner just before going down the hill to the bend before the chicane. I had all 4 wheels on the kerbs and that platistic stuff. It was a bit hairy. Can't wait till next time I LOVE IT! I did 9 runs which was about 50 laps worth, got home on an empty tank, ha! sounds like good fun J.W.,i'll get those pax laps next time mate,[]ended up working on Sat.
  17. nice one Gus,mines in the morra at uncle Duncs for back brakes,i'm grinding metal at the mo'.[]
  18. i take it Alison doesn't let you "detail" the horses then. []
  19. good results again Iain,car looks.....well........pink Peter[Y]
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