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Everything posted by marky.t.s

  1. good pics Craig,like your "special effects"[H]
  2. wheels look good mate,i'm due new rear discs soon as well,the OMP's are not a bad price mibbies try them ,unless anyone knows different..i.e.if there any good!!!
  3. hi and welcome Chris,nice lookin' motor mate,...enjoy.[]
  4. nice pics Neil,lovin that Lotus Cortina...btw did you not take one of that sunset tonight,looks good reflecting of the cars.[H]
  5. Welcome mate. tidy motor. Just need a little bit of white trim to with all that green and gold! [] lol at mr. welsh,he's from the borders JW,might not get that one,anyway hi and welcome mate...btw,i hope thats not the oil leek i can see in the pics,looks like it needs sorted asap.
  6. Gus,have you ever been to Latvia?...spotted a blue Scoob,white alloys,and.......red flaps at K/Hill today....L/h/d with Latvian plates,took a crap pic with me phone..... heres a better one mate,just got it off my brother.....
  7. nice one neebs,it'll look the part ,no probs.[H]
  8. yep,thats what i was thinking about,i'll have a wee nosey at it later on.
  9. Neil,first SMRC race meeting of the season,lots of interesting machinery for pics mate,racing starts about 11.30 ish .
  10. cheers Frank,did you have to fit any additional pipework/ducting ,or is there enough airflow in inner wing anyway?
  11. ooooohh matron look at my big one!!! ...good pics a usual Neil,you going to Knockhill the morra mate?...get some practice in[]
  12. nice pics bud,looks different without the snow,lol.[H]
  13. sorry to but in Frank,just a wee question about the airbox mate,did it make any difference to performance (good or bad)?,will it effect the MAF?,was it easy to do(any problems)? Does it give a tasty induction sound now?.....as i have thought about doing this myself[]
  14. T/G arrived this morning,firstly well done to Spooks,very well put together article,but i had a quick skim over the other articles and i have to agree with Imy(micra wrc) While the road trips are interesting reading i think 4 full pages (euro combo 2006 )and 2 pages (Spa-tra-la-la.06)are a bit much in the same issue.And i know the advertisers are who ultimately pays for the magazine,but,Cheam Subaru and Dynotile,.....4 PAGES!...its no wonder theres a backlog of members articles waiting to be published.Surely smaller ads or flyers in the mag(which Dynotile had also)would make some room for smaller more compact members stories,as it is a "drivers club",i would have thought that its the "drivers" tales and adventures that gets the priority???? Then again if my Lotto numbers come up tonight i'll be on the phone to Dynotile in the morning!!!!
  15. totally transforms the car Colin,and yes J.D.is indeed the man for tyres.[Y]
  16. its the morra night mate.....i have the rope and various torture instruments in the boot[]
  17. hi mate,was that all round tints or just the rears.
  18. lol,nice one mate,get the pics up....good day for it today.
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