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Everything posted by marky.t.s

  1. heres mine Seano,i'm sure these are the Rallyflapz ones from Ebay ,canny mind to be honest,or the Performance Creations ones,defo off ebay though.
  2. Alan,i could meet up with you at the Old Inns Shell station on tha A80 at C/nauld about 7pm if it helps,i'll be heading up with Seafar 99(Craig).
  3. hi neebs,centre pipe going on on Thurs. at Hypertech.......bring on the burble[]
  4. "Cotton"...? could i just fire mine in with the good ladies "light coloureds" on a 40 deg. wash then??? ....spin or drip dry???[]
  5. Got my 3rd sunstrip today gus [Y] Might wait and get you to fit it when i'm down cleaning your car [] ......ahemmm......i'm saying nowt......[:#]
  6. hi and welcome mate,crackin car you both have there,like that colour[H]
  7. lookin good neebs,a bit of a rally slag now eh?[H]
  8. howdy folks,yip ,got my de-res. centre pipe from Gus(cheers neebor),just need to arrange fitting now. Alan,spoiler looks the puppies danglies,wouldnt mind one myself[] Alan when you gettin yourself to a meet to show us all that spoiler close up.(Wed,7th ,Stirling)[Y]
  9. lol,sure is mate,came down with a thud though[]
  10. Well done mate,do you and Dick fancy fitting a de-res centre pipe to mine[] ha,ha,....edit......the forum has deleted your friends name...i'll call him Richard then[]
  11. I know but what if you want to wear 4 point harness for knockhill... Could you not go to a scrappy and buy just the plug in lock (not the whole seat belt) LOL,nice one Alan,i wonder how many harness users thought of that one before ripping bits and pulling plugs out of their cars[]
  12. Ditto. I mentioned I'd been recommended by SIDC members when I phoned, but prices were so good a specific SIDC discount wasn't necessary. They just said "Great. We'll have the kettle on" - and they did. It was Nescafe and not a Grande Latte as I'd have liked, but then it is Cumbernauld They come highly recommended - from me anyway. For ref, Eagle F1's on all four corners were £360 supplied and fitted. Oi!!!! Andy ,yes Grande Latte's are available in C/nauld,or a Skinny Mocha if you wish,just give me a shout the next time youre at JD's,i'm sure my Mrs. could rustle up something[C][]
  13. HSV V8,that'll doe me nicely,.....CLIPSAL 500 starts in about 5 hrs down under,highlights on MOTORS TV over the weekend.[]
  14. JD's been the man for myself and most of my family,always good prices especially for Toyo's,good for batteries as well[Y]
  15. doh! saw thread title and thought ....yes......[:$]
  16. i wasnt sure whether to try it or not,but seen as both of you have had the same impressions,and my local Tesco sells it,i'll use up my V/P and give it a go.
  17. Alan,Jen,as i said in jest on a previous thread,"i will run my van right up this guys chuffer" Stories like that make my blood boil,as a father myself i would go absoloutly mental if anyone drove up my ar$e when i had Ciaran in the car. As i've told you before i work a lot around Airdrie,coatbridge,area and i will be keeping an eye out for this to$$er.
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