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Everything posted by marky.t.s

  1. Have a look here mate http://forums.sidc.co.uk/forums/thread/888643.aspx i'm sure Fee would give you any info req'd.
  2. bad news alan,hope the cops catch the little scumbag,as you say,why would he come back if it was nicked.....strange one. Anyway if the little feker is in front of me i'll run my works van right up his chuffer[]
  3. Iain,whats the best or what do you use for tyres,i always get the spray stuff that only lasts about 1or 2 days,or is this normal,i'm lucky if i get time too wash car once a week ,is there anything that lasts that long for tyres?
  4. i wasnt too keen on the white rims on your previous thread Fee,but, now when you see it with the refurb'd calipers in black and white,and white fog lamp decals it all comes together nicely,a job well done....lookin spot on now[Y][H]
  5. you jammy bass!i remember seeing that posted in for sale section ,at the time i thought"some ones going to get a peach of a motor",well done mate,very original and unmolested looking,i'll mibbies see it soon[Y]
  6. FAO Stripe,how did you get on with John(the graphics guy),need a wee job done myself.[]
  7. aye a would mate but the heater in the greenhoose is goosed,besides i wouldn't have a clue what fertilizer to use,i cant even grow the tops off carrots in a saucer.[]
  8. sorry to here that Iain...........pmsl........only kidding mate,mine is still in the tube,cant get the graphics guy tied to a time,mibbies try someone else,read a thread this week about guy in Falkirk who fits graphics i'll need to check that one out.[]
  9. i imagine it would be sad to see it go neebor,never mind,c'mon the classics eh??. So when can we expect to see the new bus then?[]
  10. was thinkin same,then i thought...colour...dark blue mica....??? just a guess Pedro.[*-)]
  11. very nice mate,[Y]fell off my chair mind you trying to see that first pic,[] looks like your not short of a few "test roads" round your way then[]
  12. totally awesome Andy,no other words for it[Y][H]
  13. always give a wee wave,mind you i get some funny looks coz i'm always in my big red van during the day[]
  14. lookin good Stevie,better do a couple of more hours in the truck now to pay for petrol,lol.......gold wheels mate,oh dear,wont be long till their off then[]
  15. nice one Stevie,dont forget a few pics when you get a chance[]
  16. that makes some difference Del[H],fancy doing that on a 00/my grill[]
  17. unlucky mate,sure another one will pop up somewhere....happy hunting[]
  18. Marky, Its very tidy (original tidy) not resprayed and valeted up tidy. But very original. Gonna have another look @ it the morra as the Mrs really fancies it fur herself. Might just get her that and I'll get a Forester Turbo and have the benefits of both[][] Gus ha-ha,you wish mate[]
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