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Everything posted by marky.t.s

  1. Ive been reading this,WHAT THE FEK IS A VANOS????? Is it Kazikstan for something,any answers most welcome,i know f/a about beemers btw.
  2. I'll keep you posted on that one mate,any idea about price? btw ,how did you get on with sunstrips etc.
  3. Gus ,does your mate still do de-res. centre pipes?can he do 1 for a uk turbo ,or, is it just if theres enough interest i.e. more than one?mibbies interested in one around March.(financial reasons,.....dont ask!!!!)
  4. I put ind. kit on my classic(after reading a gay tuning mag.i thought it sounded cool,)3 weeks later i ended up at AWD in Perth ,poofed the MAF and C o2 sensor,200 Squid later ,original airbox back on ,car runing sweet as a nut.Well you live and learn. So Alan get advice from a person who knows what thier talking about before buying anything.
  5. Hi Ross ,welcome to you as well,got any pics by the way,we just love them on here ,especially the classics mate.
  6. Welcome aboard mate,lets see some pics then!!!!
  7. Welcome back to Scooby ownership mate,and ,yes i do the Scooby wave thing also.
  8. Sorry to here that Alan/Jen,hope you get it fixed soon,btw an Airdrie taxi driver parked illegaly,never heard such a ridiculous comment,they have a special licence for that or didnt you know that??
  9. Hi Kenny, crackin thread ,just went through it all as i wasnt even a newbie when you started it,car is lookin first class,you must have some patience,just doing a wee bit here and there whenever youre home would drive me nuts.Anyway ill look forward to the next installment,keep it up mate . Hope to see it in the flesh when she takes to the road one of these days.
  10. Hi Jen,at the moment its been Razorlight album. "Before i fall to pieces" is a crackin track.Like Kaiser Chiefs "Employment" album has been well played,and"I predict a riot" is exactly what happens when i put the foot down.As for a classic you cant beat Springsteens "Born to run".
  11. nice pics Dave,only one thing though,your cars are too fekin clean for a trip to the woods,lol,GO GET SOME MUD ON THEM!!!!!.
  12. you are all starting to p1ss me off now,pony express still hasnt delivered my T.G. to Cumbernauld,WTFis that all about then???
  13. By the way Jen ,forgot to say i like your avitar,so you got it sorted with Phil S then.Did Alan pick that for you? l.o.l.(wishful thinking eh Alan????)
  14. OOOOHHHHHHH!!!! look at you in your Prada and D&G,lol, i,m affraid its back to NEXT when the sun comes out for me ,good lookin shades at a decent price,besides i always end up scratching,braking and losing them anyway. ,cheers, Mark.
  15. Cheers J.W.,mibbies the horse and cart that delivers the mail to Cumbernauld will make it before the weekend.
  16. Iain ,youre a mind reader ,was sitting here thinking about SWRT swoosh logo in yellow for sides of rear spoiler,lol. cheers, Mark.
  17. Well thats all very interesting Alan G,but seen as my copy of T.G. STILL HASNT ARRIVED!!!!! could you keep yours and i'll borrow it for a read when youre done with it mate. cheers Mark.
  18. Squirrel likes nipples, in case you havent noticed!!!!
  19. Hi and welcome mate. cheers, Mark
  20. i thought that was The Welsho on the Clydeside Expressway....
  21. sure is a weapon,St3ph3n didnt Suzuki use to have a Vitara JLX evo. type thing that ran up PikesPeak in the 90's .Or am i dreamin' again???
  22. qUATTRO-A rally legend,is always on Audi channel ,Sky digital ch.884,plus several other little publicity progs.about Quattros,rallying ,etc. Worth a wee look now and then.
  23. Ah well,4Hero beat me to it,i'm so needing typing lessons,LOL.
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