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Everything posted by marky.t.s

  1. thought about getting those from the SIDC shop Iain,saw youre car at Perth today mate ,but didnt see anyone near it untill i was back in my car,just saw you pulling out the carpark,lol.
  2. That did, of course, happen on part of the route that passed through private property and at no point did you exceed the speed limit on a public road... There seems to be a bit of boasting going on in this topic and given that the Polis are known to frequent these forums and we all have the good of the Club at heart, perhaps a bit of discretion may be required... point taken Andy ,but it wasnt meant to be a "boast" as you put it,just letting others who couldnt make it know what it was like,and another point,if anyone out there who is a member or not of any "drivers club"or a member of the constabulary seriously thinks that all speed limits are adhered to at all times on any"run","point to point","navigational rally","treasure hunt" then i'm affraid they are in need of a reality check.
  3. Hi folks,well what can i say about today??,it surely has to have been the best thing i have done in a car EVER!!! Days like today are the reason i bought my Scooby 2 years ago ,but i will be the first to admit i haven't really had a proper "Drive" until today,also the main reason i joined the SIDC was to meet like minded enthusiasts.So a few more faces were put to the names on the forum.I decided i would travel in Imy's group as it was my first time,and i had my 8 y/o son Ciaran with me,it seemed a steady enough pace ,not exactly "slow" mind you.The run through Glenshee in near whiteout conditions was "interesting",but as we came out the other side the scenery was stunning. After a wee "de-tour" (Imy on the pace notes,lol.)we met up with some of the others at the Lecht ski centre,where some fun was had in the snow much to the dismay of the owner who accused our furry leader of "CUTTING UP HIS CARPARK". Well everyone seemed to get back to Perth intact apart from the mishaps pictured earlier,all in all the run really captured the "spirit" of being in a car enthusiast's club,"it does exactly what it says on the tin" as they say. So once again a BIG thank you to Grant and Imy(youre Sat-nav is in the post) for organising a brilliant day out ,"put my name down for the next one"[]
  4. FFS,hangin's too good for the ba$tards[:@]
  5. lookin great Col,is that front splitter a Subaru item or other,wouldnt mind one myself.
  6. Frank got the front springs done, rears still to come. Has dropped it a bit but not to the rediculous level. will know better once i have the rears on tbh. Gus glad to here its all coming together now mucker[]....btw ,how's the front mud flaps for clearance now,mine are scraping every speed bump and ramped areas with the std. ride height never mind when it's lowered.
  7. spot the difference.....easy....you now require 2 bungee cords to hold the bonnet down[Y]
  8. OMFG!! i hope i just read this wrong!! [] You will just have to wait and see i prefer Perrier myself Iain[]
  9. FFS, Iain bring some bottles of Evian,and a couple of wash mitts,and i'll wash the fekin thing for you. See you there mate[]
  10. she'll get the whip out to you for that one neebs[] ..mmmmmmmm....mibbies not a bad idea though[6]
  11. firstly St3ph3n,congrats on the "phase 1" on your mods,sounds a very nice package indeed. Now,whats this about "Van racing",i get my 2.2 Master back tomorrow,....upgraded discs and calipers to all corners,new ft/wheel bareings,ball joints,gearbox rebuild,complete handbrake assembly(for the tighter corners), new windscreen.....oh and two new wiper blades and a jet wash . p.s. better check my bosses insurance policy first.[]
  12. In the passenger seat! [] ----------------------------------------------------------------------- no Gary i disagree,.....its the back seat[]
  13. i'm based in Bellshill mate,just pass through on my way to C/nauld,do a bit of work in P/burn,Gartleahill....the Airdrie Riviera as its known eh?[] edit....we'll get a row for"non scooby related chat" on here.
  14. yes indeedy it was me Alan,i was undercover in a white Transit van,the "Big Red One" is in for repairs[Y]
  15. alright matey,L555 BAP would look the mutts on the old girl,tbh,what peeps are saying about the "bap's" thing wouldnt really be noticed,it's really the 555 bit that catches your eye,IMO,anyway[]
  16. i'll mibbies pop up for a wee while,i'll be in a white Tranny van though.....saving petrol for next w/end[]
  17. re strut brace's,i'll have to pass on that the noo mate,[]
  18. howdy mucker,de-resonated centre section fitted at Hypertech tonight......the Burbble is well and truly here,sounds awesome when i press the LOUD pedal []....many thanks again Gus[Y] ,and of course to Duncan and the boys over there.BTW...spotted at Hypertech....Tommy t cuts car,could do with a wash[]
  19. no probs Alan,catch you next time mate[]
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