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Everything posted by oobster

  1. Oh your Hilarious! (note the correct use of punctuation there). Oh no, haud oan, naw ur no. Anyway - "whatever" - my opinion, and that of the University of Sussex, still holds. [Y]
  2. ooo.... I've touched a wee raw nerve there haven't I Dogster. []
  3. Spotted your motor over @ the Glasgow Fort today John [Y]
  4. Blobeye WRX, some mods (mostly body & wheels) - all declared, 6 points for speeding in last 5 years, car kept in driveway in quiet wee town, 35 years old with full no claims but 1 claim on Mrs. policy where the insurer couldn't recover costs (or wouldnt) - £825.00
  5. Keep some nice white stickers aside for me guys! Please!
  6. Rab. Have you been overdoing it on the buckfast again young man? Matron will not be best pleased.
  7. Nice wheels, and they really suit that car perfectly [Y]
  8. Naw, no really. Just an observation. I don't claim to be perfect. slo2 - take a wee chill pill there & calm yersell. Edit: Perhaps, with hindsight, I should have made my original post a little more "jokey" as that was the nature in which it was intended.
  9. I guess my extensive research into this phenomenon is only going end up with the "usual suspects" doing it more frequently, since I have set my stall out now to show that it gets right on my hairy flabby man-breasts. Sigh. Ah well.
  10. The Exclamation Mark The exclamation mark (!), known informally as a bang or a shriek, is used at the end of a sentence or a short phrase which expresses very strong feeling. Here are some examples: What a lovely view you have here! That's fantastic! Johnny, don't touch that! Help! Good heavens! Aaarrgh! Examples like these are quite normal in those kinds of writing that try to represent ordinary speech ‹ for example, in novels. But exclamation marks are usually out of place in formal writing. Using them frequently will give your work a breathless, almost childish, quality. An exclamation mark is also usual after an exclamation beginning with what or how: What fools people can be! How well Marshall bowled yesterday! Note that such sentences are exclamations, and not statements. Compare them with statements: People can be such fools. Marshall bowled very well yesterday. You can also use an exclamation mark to show that a statement is very surprising: After months of careful work, the scientists finally opened the tomb. It was empty! It is also permissible to use an exclamation mark to draw attention to an interruption: On the (rare!) occasion when you use a Latin abbreviation, be sure to punctuate it properly. Otherwise, you should generally avoid using exclamation marks in your formal writing. Don't write things like this: *Do not use exclamation marks in formal writing! *In 1848, gold was discovered in California! Don't use an exclamation mark unless you're certain it's necessary ‹ and never use two or three of them in a row: *This is a sensational result!!! This sort of thing is all right in personal letters, but it is completely out of place in formal writing. Summary of exclamation marks: Don't use an exclamation mark unless it's absolutely necessary. Use an exclamation mark after an exclamation, especially after one beginning with what or how.
  11. My car had been "detailed" (SO hate that term, another Americanism creeping into UK language) using all of the above products the day before F & M, so decided that since they appeared to be so good I would buy & use them myself. I used a guy over in Grangemouth who is friendly with Rich from Polished Bliss - indeed he was part of the Polished Bliss stand @ F&M. This bloke had been up since early-o'clock that Saturday cleaning cars so by the time I got there @ 4pm he was knackered. So I used his supplies and done most of the cleaning myself, with him keeping a watchfull eye. Got to say, the biggest difference I found was using those microfibre waffle-weave towels, instead of those bright yellow dusters I normally use to apply/remove the polishes & waxes. You can get them for about £12 for a pack of 3, but I found out during the week Tesco sell exactly the same things for a £1 each - and they can go in the washing machine (as long as you dont use softener). The Blackfire was an absolute doddle to use - we used the ClearKote Application sponges to put it on with then the microfibre towels to remove - done the whole car in about 20 mins (probably because it was absolutely scorching). Fingers crossed i'm going to go over the whole car again this saturday with the red glaze and the Blackfire, so the car will be nice & shiny for Alford on Sunday. (hope it doesn't rain)
  12. I ordered some car cleaning products on the web on Monday and they all arrived either yesterday or today - great service! http://www.polishedbliss.co.uk - Blackfire Wet Diamond All Finish Paint Protection http://www.cleanyourcar.co.uk - ClearKote Red Moose Glaze http://www.carwashnwax.com - Chemical Guys speedwipe spray http://www.cleanandshiny.co.uk - Poorboys Bold N Bright (tyrewall dressing) Highly recommend any of the above - especially Rich @ Polished Bliss - very helpful chap. [Y]
  13. Spotted Jonny50 yesterday in Carlisle, on the road to Workington. Well, he spotted me to be fair. Trying to have a conversation with the windows down while driving along a dual carraigeway isn't easy! Also, spotted st3ph3n this morning - sleep in did you? 8:50am approaching the contraflow at Whitburn on the M8. Rather bright green t-shirt you had on too. That would wake you up! st3ph3n - I touch goats on a completely unrelated matter. []
  14. The Tourette's Signwriter is the funniest one, IMHO. Got it taped, hopefully watch it tonight.
  15. Especially with these post whores who double-post just to get their counts up!!! [][][] Well done though Col [Y]
  16. I telephoned them a couple of weeks back to ask them this question too, and got the same response. To be honest, I think that they are probably aiming to roll this out country-wide in the next few months along with a big fancy ad campaign, but where's the harm in actually answering people's questions honestly just now? Does this 100 RON stuff not match the V-Power stuff they have over in the United States of Europe? Also, on the flip side, they would need to have been damn sure that 100 RON petrol won't be able to do any damage to people's cars, if they aren't marking 100 RON clearly on the outside of the pump.
  17. If you want to flick your nuts ....... http://www.scarysquirrel.org/games/pnut/ It is hugely addictive Dawn
  18. I did indeed - just today actually. That village is tiny by the way. But aye, I had a massive bridie and a rather large empire biscuit as a wee chaser. They didnt have any of the massive pies or massive sausage rolls ready. But ALL the cakes on display were massive. Is that enough use of the word massive yet?
  19. 9pm, BBC2 Scotland. Is this definitely the last ever? I know st3ph3n made a remark about the Winston in Finport spin-off, but is that true?
  20. Just a suggestion, but is this not something C&C or Meerkat could help with?
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