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Everything posted by wilky

  1. << << yip i've got a wine rack in my bar >> well it is no use there..............................get it on the car!!!! >> badump bump, tssshhhhhhh! "Thank you very much Im here all week!"
  2. I dont know about wine racks but when im away feel free to use the Millenium falcon as a wine cellar, its about as much use as a handbrake on a canoe atm without her gearbox and rear diff.
  3. Chris, do you ever do any work? lol, you seem to have more time off than Clint Eastwoods safety catch!!
  4. Central Region HI SOOB 1)HI SOOB----Perth 2)Wilky----- Stirling, but soon Texas ------------------------------------------------- GLASGOW Dougster keap scooby micra_wrc...........Glasgow TheSquirrel555...Paisley Gumball..............Glasgow S Swiggi-------------Glasgow W Mrs S6CUB..........Glasgow W ----------------------------------------------- Ayrshire Scoobay ------------------------------------------------ Tayside and Angus Technopete ---------------------------------------------- Edinburgh and Lothians Spooks ---------------------------------------------- Highlands and Aberdeenshire Jools Textcentral region --------------------------------------------
  5. I can vouch, they are the real mcCoy, nomax lined real humdingers!!! Outstanding. If you are a subaru enthusiast and the same size as a current subaru WRC driver, get in touch with this man, he has something you cannot walk away from!! Damn I wish i was a size 12 again Squirrels eyes nearly popped out his head. callum W
  6. For sorting me out my T shirts and jacket super quick so I can model them in the USA!! Stand bye for the fat bloke in a tight t shirt contest in the USA, Yeeeeeeeeeehhhhhaaaaaaaaa!!! Callum, "Ours man in Texas"
  7. There ye are! My son will square ye awa!
  8. It could be any number of things, Lambda sensor on its way out, as drb said ignition leads, fuel pump on its way out which a friend of mine had on a 98 car, or the MAF sensor. Process of elimination, good luck! Callum
  9. The gaps too narrow even on a standard car. PFR7B is a platinum plug, which offer increased efficiency because the electrodes are thinner and are designed to run a larger gap. A larger gap will reduce the chance of missfire and improve starting when cold. When under boost they also ensure a strong spark with larger gap to bridge, reducing the chances of the spark being "blown out". A wider gap will also reduce fouling because of an efficient burn. The plug gap however, will have no bearing on the power produced. Callum W
  10. Sounds a bit Oily to me!
  11. Carl, why 0.5mm ? what boost is he running? You dont know. So you cant guess. Callum
  12. LOL! hahahahahahahahahahahaa FPMSL. Give up Swiggi, you wont win.
  13. Bear Wilky Long ???????????? Arent You supposed to use your first pets name and your mothers Maiden name? That would make me Snoopy Hughes.
  14. Je**s Ch***t !!! Are you breaking those teeth in for shergar???
  15. Good luck the two of you! Callum W
  16. Well, thats the gearbox and rear diff out of the car, 2.5 hrs and a 30 min debate about the clutch fork. Thanks for your help Jamie (Hisoob) I would have struggled without your help and advice. The clutch was buggered as well, clutchplate all but burnt out and pressure plate heat fractured. Ah well So while Im in America she will sleep peacefully in the Batcave awaiting her new gearbox and diff.........but thats a story for another day..... Callum W
  17. Fairs fair mate, I can assure you there was only frustration at the time but in retrospect I can see your point. No harm done, if you ever see me or the Millenium falcon say hello, or if you need a hand to dig your car out of the snow all you have to do is ask. Callum W
  18. << << It's a better man who walks away from a fight than the one who walks into one. To go on such a vitriolic offensive suggests you are one of the offenders the poster was talking about. I followed this thread with great interest, loved the photos, the feedback and was tempted to join the next one, but I won't do so now. It seemed like fun, but you've brought it down to a scrap even though most took the guy's thoughts on board. That's not my idea of fun. >> Thanks for that, no I wasnt an offender but if it comes to that let he who is free from sin cast the first stone. Your not coming on the next run? Why? because I stated my opinion to someone who stated thiers? Now your going to say, "Here we go again, we dont need this on Scottish Scoobies...." I have never started a fight online, and I have never posted goading people, on the contrary I have tried to solve matters on more than more occassion when its got silly. Im not going to take a huff, and I certainly wont be apopogising, I talk straight and shoot from the hip, if you want to take this further then PM me and we can talk privately. Callum W
  20. Have a chat with John Banks, he did the conversion using USDM bottom end, he posts on here or www.22b.com forums as, funnily enough, John Banks! Callum
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