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Everything posted by wilky

  1. 1. HI SOOB 2. Man toucher 3. Swiggi & Mrs 4. Matt 5. SMA01 6. TheSquirrel555 + micra_wrc 7. Keap scooby 8. Paul C 555 9. WRC No 1 & Scoobymadburd 10. Wilky 11. Fai17 12. Marc29 14. Alfa20ad 15 sheep aka paul
  2. Nice one Carl! Ciaran, only kidding it was funny but Ive heard it, hows the mini??
  3. 1. HI SOOB 2. Gay bar loiterer 3. Swiggi & Mrs 4. Matt 5. SMA01 6. TheSquirrel555 + micra_wrc 7. Keap scooby 8. Paul C 555 9. WRC No 1 & Scoobymadburd 10. Wilky 11. Fai17 12. Marc29 14. Alfa20ad 15 sheep aka paul.
  4. (tumbleweed blows through a deserted town..............)
  5. Thank you for the kind words Christopher, I didnt expect you to write such a flattering post, however, "Mad Violinist" is certainly one handle I wont be cherishing lol U did seem to grasp the progressive nature of what we were trying to achieve and with a bit more hands on, it will become second nature. You can drive safely at speed as long as you stick to the system and abide the law. Callum W
  6. Ive used CLCM, excellent service, he has the prodrive settings or you can have dialed in you own settings. I use a setting recommended by Roger Clarke Motorsport as a good all round setting for fast road and track. 1 1/2 degrees negative camber rear 1 3/4 degrees negative camber front 2mm toe in all round Callum W
  7. Bah! Missed a good day because I was in bushes doing things with the weekend Warriors in the hills of Argyll. The falcon wouldnt have made it anyway, my front diff sounds like a bag of spanners, after my shockingly quick run in the pouring rain at Crail. Im dropping the box out on wed night and sending it off to a nice man while im doing the USA "thang". Sounds like you all had a good time. Callum W
  8. 1. HI SOOB 2. Chris Gumball 3. Swiggi & Mrs 4. Matt 5. SMA01 6. TheSquirrel555 7. Keap scooby 8. Pual C 555 9. WRC No 1 & Scoobymadburd 10. Wilky
  9. You guys! Im away until August Andy, its all abit confused atm, but if I was to say the septics were falling plates and had decided to play the game our way and I am part of a team of dedicated professionals going out to show them the way ahead, I think you will probably catch my drift, you dig? I will defo be trying to get in touch with deadbolt when Im out there with a view to buying a TD06 housing and turbine wheel. Have spoken with a few blokes on NASIOC and they have given me a headsup on the USA scooby scene, but I dont foresee me getting much time to mince about, Ill probably be cutting about too much. If I get a chance of a 2.5 on the cheap it will be coming home via the RAF in my bergen if I have to lol! Ill also buy a cam corder and do some JK in the USA patter just to keep the fans happy over here. Colin are you serious about the 2.5? Keeping up with the Jones' eh? Im not away yet you f**kers!! Callum "R.O.C.K in the U.S.A" "
  10. << Must organise a bevy before you depart to the US of A Matt >> Your damn tootin!
  11. That I have to announce that I shall be unable to attend the May run, or any other events alternative or otherwise as of the middle of May My work dictates that I must go and peddle my services in the USA until mid August, those of you who know what line of work Im in will understand. Because its such short notice I need a bit of down time to get my A into G, so anyone who was needing a hand or the use of the Batcave Im afraid the baws on the slates and you have about as much chance as a one legged man at an a**e kicking contest. I hope I havent let anyone down, the millenium falcon will be tucked away in the batcave and SORNed and upon my return Ill see you all again, probably with a better gear ratio and the TD05/06 20g, so you can all breath a bit easier until then Ill be around til I go. Callum W
  12. Bla bla bla, heard it all, talking the talk, next time lets see you try and walk the walk. The Gumballing Comittee are unimpressed
  13. Nothing a good session in the batcave wont fix.
  14. perhapes it was when I humped you at the end after I flicked to full boost, and told you I kept up with you all the way home on only 14psi, bitterly dissapointing your cars preformance
  15. Think Ive shagged the front diff
  16. All my troubles seemed so fa away, Now the gearbox whine is here to stay Oh I was at Crail yesterday. Suddenly, I was off the line and pulling Gs FQ 340 was shooting peas, Oh how I long for the 20g Why, I , had to lauch like a dick Ill never know, Playsatan laughed the whole strip long and me did blow, and now I long for yesterday, Yesterday, my front diff was cool and good to play, Now it sound like like its full of clay, Oh I was at crail yesterday!
  17. Phew! Hello mate wish I had seen your car, I have no idea who was driving fast on the way to the Kincardine Bridge Just in , Chris and I were in Mexico last light, left the Millenium Falcon over, flew to Madrid to collect his car and drove back. Im knackered. Callum
  18. ambient air temp is fab, so is the atmospheric pressure. Hope its the same in Crail, all day!! See you all at 8 bells sharp.
  19. Robin u drive like a Basrah taxi driver, Seriously tho its very nice, but you will get bored and come back to the fold. Dont mercs have a websight for you to talk about golf sweaters or something? Come on man, snap out of it! STI STI STI STI repeat after me STI STI STI!
  20. Robin behave, its a bathtub on wheels. German boredom. Yawn, is it that time already oh, Im driving a big silver slug!!! Pathetic, buy a real car like a Zonda or a Lambo, or an STI RA. Get a grip Galloway, you used to be a dude.
  21. Thats me and the Millenium Falcon booked on. Beautiful. Callum W
  22. I would walk 60km over broken glass just to drink radiator water from her shoes.
  23. And if you want your uppipe done, have a look around first
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