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Everything posted by wilky

  1. << Oh and who's Victor Willkie didn't know you were that way inclined. Mind you were nearly on my knee pulling out if that car park and i wasn't even in the same car as you so maybe i'm wrong. >> LOL I though you were Victor during the week and Vixter at weekends! Never mind it was the weekend. Nice to meet you and Pedro. Callum
  2. Yup, looks like you matey!!! Lurking in the bushes.
  3. Indeed, nice to meet all the usual faces and a few new ones as well. Grant Imy and Andy the route was fantastic thank you The standard of driving was very good even with the unhinged group, I cant really see any reason for the police to be upset, other than a show of force because a car club was out, and all the subarus together would mean they had to show face. Higgy your car was really moving along quite well compared to the last time I saw it you must be really chuffed. Chris, your graphics are really unique, and the system works doesnt it! Swiggy, glad to see you werent sea sick Pete (Fai) always nice to see you and the family. Carps, I still think you look like Ron Jeremy. Whens your son getting a haircut and joining the army? Playsatan, cheers for the booster and the lotion, I will mix it with coke later. Victor, nice tatoo Andy................................................................................Gaybar gaybar gaybar!!!!!!!! The Millenium falcon was as always, earthshattering Callum W
  4. For getting bladdered, being civil and not posting nasty replies then deleting them before they are read. Well done your an asset to your nation and a credit to your profession. An emperor, well done..... Im full as a bingo bus dont hate me on sunday goodnight..
  5. If Im in country then that would be cool pete thank you
  6. Get yourself a bottle of methadone.
  7. Why u online then gaybar? You can tell us
  8. Damn, would have been nice to finally meet you wuz the injectors are really good. never mind. Callum W
  9. Stella = wife beater Grolsh or Becks = 28 days Castle or Tusker = "I never touched her officer..." Moose head = Wreck the hoose juice MGD = Mighty Gay Drink Bud = Laptop oot window!!
  10. Lightweight battery in, rejigged the guages, footered with the idle map, polished the car, doubled up the jubilee clips on my FMIC hoses, looked at gearbox oil, worried about it lasting sundays run without spitting the dummy out, went to the shop, 10 cans of bud and 20 snout. Now sitting here like Johnny nae mates. Any other saddos out there feeling sorry for themselves?
  11. Ok matey, dont get you knickers in a twist, why you not on msn? Callum
  12. Keep taking the tablets and getting up early, Im sure one day you will feel like you are on earth.
  13. PRR not PMR, totally different thing Duggy.
  14. I have 2 ways and other goodies call me and we can sort something out Callum W
  15. A great meet, spooks you spoke really well and all the points were relevant and clearly understood. We are finally getting somewhere, thank you. Nice to meet Zeolite, Ill look into that legal stuff for you, and no doubt pester you about rallying. Imy and Claire thank you for feeding and watering me. Nice to see so many people admire the red battle bus. See you all on sunday. Callum
  16. Ill go with oobsters suggestion, I did this to a set of wheels on a dolomite sprint I was running a few years back, didnt want to pay to get them coated, I was going to paint them with spraypaint from halfords, but once I had them stripped and polished they looked so good I just painted in the panels, and left then polished. Its worth it. Callum
  17. << NO!!!!!! He's Luke Night Walker from STAR WARZZ.......................... >> And people wonder why I drink so much..........
  18. It doesnt make the car any faster...........your still 250kg too heavy Nice matey, very nice Callum
  19. Do I also get a duffle coat with no buttons?
  20. In a classic, yes but you will need to work the AFR into the equation, unless u run a link or similar. Once you start pushing the bubble the bubble with boost, and the induction charge becomes more important you will need as much cold air as you can get, as Im sure you know. The colder it is the more advance you can run, the denser the air is etc etc. As you said earlier, why take the cold air to you, when you can go and get the cold air. Just ensure its still cold when it gets to the turbo. If you cant afford the contraptions you can buy then make your own, test it, if its pish, try again and again until its right! Callum W The only limits are your scrape pile and your own imagination.
  21. I cant help myself..........................................its so beautiful...........................................its gotta be..........................................................................its gottabe........................AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA yeeeeeeeehhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!
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