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Everything posted by wilky

  1. We'll see............................................
  2. Ahhhh....... let me think now (Casting his mind back many moons, when a cheiftan was a warrior and not a tank).....I raced thruxton in my Mini Cooper in 1988 and 1989, its more associated with bikes but its a very exciting circuit. That was when a cooper was a cooper and not at 90s etc name steal. Everyone looked forward to owning a Sierra Cossy or if you were a track driver an old formula ford or a dutton Phaeton. ( I can almost see Zeolites eyes glaze over.....) Lydden Hill is a very hilly circuit, I drove that in my Dolomite sprint and again in 2003 in my scooby. Goodwood is fantastic, if you get the chance you must drive there its a blast Lynhurst corner will catch u every time. And KH is KH. Ah....... I had forgotten those places................ Callum
  3. ARM YOURSELVES!!! THE REVOLUTION HAS STARTED COMRADES!! VIVA THE REVOLUTION!!!!! On a saner note, if your car is a UK car of any make, if it was registered before Aug 93 then you dont get the emissions test, cats were not groovey then. If your import car was built in 1995 or before then its the same, ie no emissions test. Its the LAW!! Oh and there are no plans to change that law because it is so trivial. The before mentioned Chave window tinting, 998cc exhaust ripping, laws will tighten. Thank God for 1995, the STI RA, my calculator, the taxpayer and Andy Forrest. However, dont get excited Kenny and expect to swap saliva, and to share warm showers til the wee hours of the morning, Your car and the Falcon share only 2 things, the letters R and A. Wilky
  4. Aye Ah did that son! Shes coming tae visit at Christmas!!!
  5. Aye son, Wullie Lomax said the human shut would be in the iggs in the mornin. No hud an igg fur 5 f**kin years. Texas wus gallus...
  6. Hello children, yer faither hame! Any more pish trivial banter within these annuls and yer back door will be getting kicked in in the wee small hours, roger that? On a more pleasing note, its good to be home. I have missed you, or if you prefere the plural, youz! There is much modding to be done. Coulty, I have your "merchandise....." Grant I have a piece of Route 66 for you. Jamie I have yer stuff. And I have a whole bunch of Texas Ranger Badges to hand out. Dont let them rust!! Callum W
  7. Fire fight Scotland.......... Is that when the steroid users who put out fires go on strike for 4.75 a day, and guys who defend your country do thier job for half that? Or is it when abunch of fat civvies put on "Cammies" and go and hide in bushes before stinging each other with low velocity paint guns. Get a life. If you want to play at soldiers join the army and kill real insurgents. Dont play out your agression envy on the net with banter like this, if you cant stand up and be counted when your country is involved in what it is doing at the moment then stay indoors and smoke your own pipes. Because Im likely boot your bricks at the next meet when I get back. Grow up. Any shimfs, you know where I live. PS Beam me up Grant, I have work in the engine room to finish!!!
  8. Pete, why do you want pictures of us??........................................................................................................................................................
  9. Your right Chris, you gays are the best.
  10. If you want waves, go jump in the clyde. I am normally travelling at light speed and dont have time to even blink........
  11. LOL ho! ho! ho! You gays! We lasted until 0630am then the long haired friend of jesus had to go to his bo bos and refused to drink any more meths we had stolen from a tramp. I think he took the young boy who parks the cars to his room with him.........
  12. You the man with a head like a microphone! Order me a box and Ill square you away upon my return, theres a good chap! Callum W
  13. << What I then done was use half a bottle and half filled the tank to keep octane rating at it's highest as it will degrade over a period of time. >> Booster will not stop your octane rating from dregrading, it will still degrade as the fuel gets stale as it ages. Octane booster alters the flash point of the fuel, and thats how it gives the effect of increasing octane, ie it will allow you to run more ignition advance.
  14. STI V5/V6 rear spoiler with brakelight Immaculate condition sprayed in subaru white will suit an RA like mine will be available mid october. Reason for sale? Im going back to the old school look. Sensible offers by PM please. Callum W
  15. I have had best results with NF but it is more expensive than miller, and the difference is only slight. At our level it doesnt really matter, however if you are trying to squeeze every last hp from the amount of ignition advance you can run then it will make a difference. The millers you talk of will be fine at the level we work at, but if you have the car mapped with the booster, then you need to remain constant with that everytime you top up. If you dont have booster to put in and you fill up, then keep your car off boost and she wont det. Another top tip for those of you that dont abla booster, is put it in first before you fill up with petrol, the petrol will flush it out the u bend into the tank. If you put the booster in last it will just sit in the bend in your fuel filler pipe. Callum W
  16. 1. Gumball 2. RS Grant 3. Andywrx 4. st3ph3n 5. Pedals 6. Ac!D 7. Jcscoob 8. Craig Mac 9. WRC No 1 10. Paddy 11. WRXMANIA 12. Billyboy and Jean and Ally 13. CORSA. 14.TheSquirrel555 and co-pilot 15. FAI17 16. G6RAY 17. Marc29 18. Fee & Adam (if he's ever in the country) 19. Karps 20. Catherine and Ken Ross 21. Baz (will attend but no idea what car in yet!!!) 22. Kenny.S 23. Kart_man 24. Col 666 25. DanTerzo 26. Scientific Steve 27. Gus the Bus 28. WEEB 29. Ally-b 30. Ed-209 31. Neofox 32. scoobykev 33. Irish Al & Baby No 2 34. Wilky
  17. Glad all is okay, christ! Its just shows you how easy it is to do. It has happened to the best of us! I struggle to recall any myself you understand! But there was this one time, I took a farm track instead of the.................bla bla.........yawn.........zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz! Its a good job gumball was there, his boy scouts first aid patch would have been very handy!! Callum W
  18. I am asking to borrow a trailer but if you can shift the car for me we can talk on msn. Callum
  19. Please can someone lend me a car trailer mid october to help me move an engineless car. I would only need it for the morning and would pay for the use, or dry your dishes for a week. Which ever suits. Reply below if you can help me out. Cheers Callum W
  20. I have a road angel and a Tom Tom go and they are invaluable in the battle against speed traps. Iused to have a snooper until I upgraded, and even that saved my licence about 6 times. Well worth the money, but they are not the silver bullet, you still need to be paranoid and keep yer eyes peeled. Callum W
  21. I have done a fair bit of drilling, and dont profess to enjoy it. I am also a drilling instructor, I drink port to help the voice during these sessions. "One, two three, one!" "Get on the shagging heel you horrible man!" "Rip your arm away like your tearing a rapist off your grandmother you crettin!" "Today Im going to teach you the right turn at the halt, the reason this movement is taught is so that you as an individual or a uniform body of men can turn though an angle of 90 degrees in a smart uniform and soldier like manner..........."
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