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Everything posted by wilky

  1. Oh yes, Jessica Simpson was nice, but lets face it no one will ever replace the real daisy Duke so beautifully displayed by Jamie on his Picture.
  2. I have just been to see the new Dukes of Hazard movie, it was a blast! Johnny Knoxville and the other dude were so funny. You need to see it. Wilky
  3. Looked like fun! Sorry I missed it! Callum
  4. Forgot to mention! The reason Im selling is to make way for more modifications, no other reason. No catches no hidden damage to the engine. Callum W
  5. The following will be for sale as of mid September, I would prefer to sell in scotland due to ease of distribution, please do not ask questions on the thread, PM me and I will get back to you, Im halfway round the world and cannot get regular internet access. I would like to keep the whole package together, however I will split if the demand is there. STI 7 engine adapted for phase one car. STI 2 heads and cams port matched to all manifolds and ported and polished. Standard size valves. Phase one inlet manifold powder coated blue with manifold insulation spacers, and port matched to fit onto the STI 7 block with STI 2 heads and SS gaskets. Sards 550cc injectors on phase one rails which have been powdercoated STI pink, very nackerdooky! Throttle body onto manifold is ported and knifedged. Gruppe s tubular headers This engine has been running in the millenium falcon since November. It was build by Dave at API and supplied by them. It is a JDM block crank pistons and rods, semi forged very strong, ask the Squirrel. It has run a tad over 1.4 bar since then without a glitch and has covered just over 10k with oil changes every 3k. It has had the redline set at 7k and never been cooked or run with any low fluids. If you are familiar with my car you know how the car has preformed. Yes its been on trackdays and runs but it is built for it and is looked after. The engine was never dynoed but ran similar spec and power to Coulty, although his map on the ecu was more towards torque than mine, around 330bhp. Ill also throw in a 4.3kg flywheel. Thats all thats for sale dont ask about any other of my gadgets and the turbo is not included. It was running a right angle inlet TD05 16g. If you would like the whole shooting match PM me and we can talk figures. If you are interested in a specific part them PM me anyway and we can talk if I decide to split. If you would like to ask an independant person about the engine and how its been run or looked after, ask the Squirrel or Hi Soob and they will tell you what they know as they have been under the bonnet with me. Callum W
  6. << << I would love to have seen his crank and his bearings >> "GAP" lol.. lol ... >> Takes one to know one UGC, besides you drive TGGS
  7. Hey yall, after my last exciting tussle with the keyboard in Washington DC I have been lying low, (ahem) however I now feel its time to bring you up to date with whats been happening. I have been on vacation in Texas for 2 and a half weeks now at the Tax payers expense and I just want to say that I havent wasted your money, Ive had a ball. I hired a Ford Mustang for 3 weeks because i couldnt get the new Dodge charger. It has been a blast. Its only the V6 version but still puts out about 260bhp and plenty torque. I have been stopped by state troopers oubre aller der platz for speeding but my charm and wit has saved me every time with only written warnings and an invite for a beer. All american cars seem to be straight line cars and even the sporty ones handle like a battleship at high sea. Perfect example was I was returning from Fredericksburg in the rain with a friend when I looked at the traction control button and thought "I dont need that pish," and switched it off. The wheels would spin no problem (Tyres are way different compounds over here) but alll seemed ok. My friend said "Hey! lets visit that vinyard for wine tasting!" I said ok, the turning was nearly upon us so I turned in sharp and hit the brakes..........The car slid sideways at about 35mph.... my bowls opened.... I hit the power opposite locked and power slid through the gate onto the gravel much to the annoyance of the oncoming Chevvy Suburban driver who bore a striking resemblence to Tony Soprano. Traction control is there for a reason. On the Subaru front, I have not made it to any meets, mainly due to the fact of the great distances involved, partly due to me waxing the fin, and mainly because of alcoholic beveridge. Of the subarus I have encountered, I find it hard to fathom that STIs come with 2 pot brakes!!! And thats the 2.5s!! Induction temps are 98 degrees upwards and with cooling they are happy with 70 degrees!!! I will remember that next time heat soak has me in a flap at crail. They use cryo cooling on thier fuel, induction and intercooling if they are getting serious, and I have even seen iced water heat exchangers being used to intercool/ Chargecool. Max boost Ive seem was.......... 40psi however his bore was sleeved to take the compression. I would love to have seen his crank and his bearings however. That was the car that reputed to have 505 lb ft of torque. I can confirm he ran a low 10, however I saw Mikey Sinhg run an 8.85 in a competition WRX and doubt it was 4WD so you never can tell. Work wise, all is well, I have met some very interesting people both civvy and military. Just on a point of interest I met a civilian rep for a military hardware company who knew his onions and really impressed me, it wasnt until after he was gone and we had had a good blether and exchanged e mails numbers etc that I discovered he was the Delta Force dude who managed to escape from a downed Blackhawk in the infamous "Blackhawk down" incident. Amazing but true. So, time marches on and my return draws nearer. Ill be completely honest with you and say that I really dont want to come back, but who knows what the future holds. I have bought mods for my car, of course I have, they are inbound as we speak!! (Nudge nudge coulty!!) And I have loads of photos, but being a mongolian horseman when it comes to PCs, Ill bring them back on disc and post them once home. I also have a bunch of presents for some of youz!! See you all mid september Callum W
  8. Acceleration, acceleration, acceleration. The ability to drive it like you have just stolen it 24/7. The shocked look on peoples faces who own cars worth 10 times what yours is worth as you rip past them, The hundreds of man hours you have put into perfecting such works of art such as your air intake or your heat shield, and your ace driving tekniques such as subtle mouth foaming, leaning forward 130 before you know it acceleration or suicide cornering, all paying off as you realise the power you have always wanted. Or fix a few bashes that give the squirrelmobile a bit of character. You decide matey!!!
  9. Grant, tell me that you have seen the man about a dog? Your PM seems to not be working. Callum
  10. FPMSL, he has selective hearing chris, I would comment further, but then I wouldnt be conducting myself in a manner becoming of a CSM. Callum W
  11. CLM at sighthill, for the prodrive setting its about 40 earth pounds.
  12. Everyone is allowed to be an a$$hole once in a while and that was my turn. No offence intended. Duggy I would rather sleep behind your couch than on your torture rack spare bed. Callum
  13. TO ALL CONCERNED............................................... I woke up behind the sofa in my hotel room this morning with a pizza inside my shirt and a head like a bag of spanners. I was in Cyote ugly in Washington last night and got bloto. I have obviously come back drunk and decided to bam you all up by posting something outragous and controversial and it was unfortunate that I chose this thread. Its not big and its not clever, Im being honest here I dont want to make up crap excuses or follow an arguement I dont believe in. Im very sorry for having a go at your pulsar, I have no idea why I chose this subject to have a go, probably because it was the first one I looked at. I probably couldnt afford to build a car that quick and it was in no way jelousy, probably just drunkeness. To those of you who know me I do like a bit of banter, however I am not known for this type of nonsense. Again im very sorry, I was up at AWD a few months ago and was very impressed with all I saw. It takes a bigger man to say sorry, so thats what Im doing. I have deleted the cringworthy post. Phil Im very sorry. Swannie Im very sorry. Paddy Im very sorry. I hope this is enough to make amends. If it isnt then let me know when I get back from overseas and we can step outside and roll our sleeves up like gentlemen. Callum Wilkinson
  14. Far too much testosterone on this thread.
  15. Thank you gayle, I forgot about that one, when the traffic was against me, and I caught u up and smoked him at the radar station, and I dont recall calling you to say slow down, what I do recall is smoking you on several straights then easing off because I was rubbing your nose in it. I did stop and tell you to cool it because it was really dangerous, and I didnt want you bending your car, I remember that. But its only banter Chris, well see when I get back, we can go head to head, If your cars fixed by then Moia ha! Moia hahahahahahahahahahahahaha
  16. Come on Chris, when have you ever smoked me? I on the otherhand can recount quite a few times, and produce credible witnesses to the effect that I have infact, smoked you. Your a confindent barsteward anyway, but I dont think you will be smoking anything until someone puts your car back together. Roy Rogers
  17. PMR is pish the range is cut down by buildings and it can be jammed, or are we on about the same thing?????
  18. There you go again with the negative vibes moriarty!!! You wear your feelings on your sleeve Chris, You of all people should have thick skin "Yes you the feckin bollo cent with the ginger hair, bring him here!" The majority of these clowns are Knob jockeys anyway and would run a mile if you even said boo to them, the only sniff of courage they ever get is when they post something nasty or upsetting, when you confront them in the flesh they shrink away back under the stones they crawled out from. Stuff them all, theres plenty of them bam me up but I dont give two monkey hoots because I know how to drive, I know how to make cars go fast and I know that i love subarus. And anyone can say what they like. Except for when Cal called me a diddy washer Stop being gay. Callum
  19. Congratulations Andy, that is earthshattering. With the odds stacked against you as well! Ill be watching the TOTB results from over here. Good luck! Break the 10, it would be rude not to!! Callum W
  20. Grant, reference seeing the man about a dog, the means to repair broken bridges is inbound to your location, should be there by the end of the week, watch your didgits if you dig my drift. If you cant smell what Im cookin on the jive, pm me dude. Callum W
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