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Everything posted by wilky

  1. Oh, and we are going up the strip in the 10 second dodge charger today, Ill send a sitrep on that fecker!!!
  2. Dude, your PM is also replied. Im sorry I was a bit leary of y'all taking the piss. Sorry Cal, ive explained in my PM , sense of humour break down, your a real friend, Im the asshole on this count. To all the fans, sorry, Im the man with the wrong end of the stick. No harm done dude! Callum, one confused asshole!!
  3. If your implying that Im a diddywasher Cal, perhapes you would like to say it to my face when I chap your door in October. An apology would be fine, otherwise call you dentist and book an apointment for mid October. Callum W
  4. Chris go on msn, unless you are monitoring those means??
  5. << and use it as an excuse if you ever manage to beat me on the strip. >> When I beat you, not if.........
  6. Ahh, the modification buzz, those endorphins of joy being slowly realeased due to the satisfaction felt, the knowledge high power will soon be within your grasp. The devil, doing the next step in turbo upgrade, hopeing his type r box will take the strain and the notchie gearshift is only a bent selector fork. Remaps, injectors, fuel pressure and torque. Charge temp knock and ignition advance, ahhhh how I miss it.......................enjoy it while there is a lull in the battle troops, enjoy it while you can. For I have a cunning plan............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... See in the autumn when the air is cool and the roads still dry................................................................. (Evil cloak drawn over eyes) Moia ha! Moia hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
  8. Hello Golf 3000 T/I 0A, Reference Babe, negative, person in question is a blonde bombshell, photos taken, target recorded as XUK1001, Reference smoke task, rounds complete, deal closed, payload dropped. NFTR, Out.
  9. Hello all callsigns this is Wilky, SITREP A. 1827hrs B. Hilton Hotel Austin. C. About to go out with a,Babe for dinner bed and Breakfast (Nudge nudge) D. No hostile activity observed or expected, plenty friendly activity expected (ahem!) E. Intend to hold location for immediate future work on tan, wear my cowboy boots, polish my beltbuck, chew baccy, smoke cowboy killers, sup on bud lite and get my pole smoked, again. F. Admin requirements, NIL Nothing further to report, that is all. OUT.
  10. You should have beaten him within an inch of his life....
  11. Uncle Duncan pulls it out the bag again! Callum
  12. Hello all callsigns this is Wilky, SITREP A. 1437hrs B. Hilton Hotel Austin. C. Taking part in the 4th July celebrations. D. No hostile activity observed or expected, plenty friendly activity expected (ahem!) E. Intend to hold location for immediate future and continue drinking like a rock star. F. Admin requirements, may require HISOOB or SQUIRREL555 to take delivery of cash and go and see a man about a dog because we are working until October now. Nothing further to report, that is all. OUT.
  13. You the man with the huff! Bring him here! Stop being a tool, I know you miss your daily dose of Wilky madness and its boring without the Millenium falcon whooping your sorry ass ouber aller der platz but there you go, just because youve realised that without me your the only asshole online it doesnt need to be "goodnite Vienna". Get a grip man! People depend on us or it would be all " Put my new gear knob on its very knackerdooky" or "What an outragous night, we drank the whole bottle of wine between the 12 of us and were feeling light headed..." You dig my jive? Get real and stop having a cow. Callum
  14. Ill knock you out foamer!!! YFGC
  15. On a texas sunday morning!..........
  16. Having conducted a few investigations, and managing to get myself invited to the NASIOC owners meet in Houston on 2nd July I can conclude the following. If the subaru owners over here are going racing they all seem to have thier own race fuel which answers the octane question. They also use dry ice on thier TMICs to cool the charge, FMIC get CO2 spraybars, its the only way in the heat the have. Callum
  17. << don't get involved in any street racing as even spectating that is illegal in Texas. Whereabout in TX are you? >> OOPS! Got a run in a sub 10 1969 dodge charger, in orange like the dukes of hazzard without the flag, supercharged 7.3 V8 running about 18 psi on full tilt...............thats special, the cars over 2 tonnes. Im at Fort Hood. Callum (Im going out now to be a rockstar again)
  18. Howdy folks ! Texas is mighty purdy and the beer is like a canoe, ie very close to water. There is loads of scoobies and 550bhp is small potatoes to these guys. I really dont know how they do it with the kind of charge temps they will be running in 97 degree heat but ive had a spin in one and the torque is frightning. We are going to Austin at the week end, I think thats where steve comes from, (Groan) Got huckled by a highwaypatrolman doing 90 in the 4x4 we have, but I gave him my Army T Shirt and he let me off.. Best petrol they get is 91ron. So the octane boosters they use are very potent, oh, and Mobile 1 15/50 is £2 a litre. It makes you sick, and petrol is £1 a gallon. On the social front, I have been told that I drink like "A frikkin Rock star man" and asked if Im from scotch land. The babes are in deed that, and the standard of living is great. I want to live here. Need to go, the bar owner across the range is going to let me fire his 44 magnum and we are going to a rodeo tonight, Yall drive easy ye hear? Callum
  19. Thats me off to Texas for four months Ill try and get online in the USA and touch base with NASIOC when im there. As always a few fatherly bits of advice before I bugger off. 1. Be good, dont fight, and dont rise to people winding you up, it makes us look like a shower of clowns to the rest of SIDC. 2. To all my friends out there, Chris, Grant, Andy etc, Ill see you all soon no doubt with tales of woe and a tan, look after the troops. 3. To troublemakers out there, you can all get stuffed. There is more to life than trying to make others lifes misery for your own pleasure. 4. Never tie your shoelaces in a revolving door. 5. When the cards are on the table and your mouths gone dry, when you need to act or others will falter, remember, Move fast, stay low and count your rounds. Faithur
  20. Yer faithurs no awa til sunday Brian, besides Ive not posted my parting paragraph yet.
  21. Oh come on, you couldnt drive a six inch nail into a pan loaf duggy!
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